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Kushite King of Napata

An ushabti figurine of Senkamanisken
Full name Senkamanisken
Buried Nuri (Nu. 3)
Predecessor Atlanersa
Successor Anlamani
Consort Nasalsa, Amanimalel?
Issue Anlamani, Aspelta, Queen Henuttakhebit?, Queen Madiqen?
Father Atlanersa ?
Mother Queen Maletaral
E1 i mn
in hieroglyphs

Senkamanisken was a Nubian king who ruled from 640 to 620 BC at Napata.

Senkamisken used titles based on those of the Egyptian Pharaohs.[1]
Horus name: Seh(er)tawy ("Pacifier (?) of the Two Lands")
Nebty Name: Khahermaat ("Who appears in Equity")
Golden Horus Name: Userpehty ("Whose strength is mighty")
Prenomen: Sekheperenre
Nomen: Senkamanisken

He was married to Queen Nasalsa who bore him two sons: Anlamani and Aspelta. Both sons would ultimately assume the Nubian/Kushite throne after his death. at Napata, Nubia's capital city.[2] His pyramid is Nu.3 in Nuri. Statues of Senkamanisken have been found buried or hidden in the Gebel Barkal presumably due to Psamtik II's attack on Kush in 592 BC. A spinx has also been found which was inscribed with his name.[3] Objects bearing the name of this king have also been found in Meroë[4] indicating that he placed a degree of importance to this site which would be the political capital of the Kushite kingdom after Psamtik II's sack of Napata in 592 BC.


  1. László Török, The kingdom of Kush: handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization
  2. Dows Dunham, M. F. Laming Macadam: Names and Relationships of the Royal Family of Napata, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 35, 1949, pp.139-149
  3. Derek A. Welsby/Julie R. Anderson (Hrsg.): Sudan, Ancient Treasurers, London 2004, S. 161, Nr. 144
  4. László Török: Meroe City, an Ancient African Capital, London 1997, S. 235-41, ISBN 0-85698-137-0

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Preceded by:

Rulers of Kush

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