Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado

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Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado

Msgr Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado (Konkani: सॆबास्तियाँव रॊदॊल्फ़ो दाल्गादॊ; 8 May 1855 – 4 April 1922) was an Indo-Portuguese priest, theologian, orientalist and linguist. He became widely renowned during his lifetime as a Konkani language scholar for his significant contributions towards its study.

Early life

Fr. Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado, was born in Assagao, Bardez, Goa,[1] to a Goan Catholic family of the Bamonn caste.[2] He had six brothers and a sister. The family surname was Desai, before being replaced by the Portuguese surname Dalgado, after conversion to Christianity.[2] Second son of Ambrose Dalgado, a landowner with land in Bardez, and Florinda Rosa de Souza, had six brothers and one sister. Among the siblings include Daniel Gelásio Dalgado, who was medical director of health services from Sawantwadi and an eminent botanist, Patrocínio Dalgado, ophthalmologist, and Eduardo Dalgado, a lawyer in Lisbon.


After completion of studies in elementary Assagao, completed secondary education in Mapusa and joined the Rachol Seminary, Margao, where he was ordained a priest in 1881. Considered the best student of his course, was selected for further studies and then on to Rome, where he enrolled at the Seminary of St. Apollinaris.

In Rome his doctorate in Canon Law and Roman Law, and was exceptionally authorized to submit evidence of degree, with exemption of course, in Sacred Theology, there is also approved.

After a brief stay in Lisbon in 1884 he returned to Goa missionary named royal, where the Patriarch of East Indies, Don António Sebastião Valente, the appointed inspector of schools and workshops of the Patronage of the East and a professor of Scripture and Canon Law at the Seminary of Rachol. He also performed the functions of the high judge of the Ecclesiastical Goa.

Held after intense missionary activity in India, has been vicar general of the island of Ceylon and more of the Portuguese mission in the city of Colombo, which was abolished by Concordat of 1886, then Calcutta, where he founded a school for girls and a dispensary for the poor in Nagori, and Dhaka, then the Bengal east. This activity enabled him to close contact with various language communities, which enabled him to acquire the mastery of several Indian languages, including Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Sri Lanka and Bengali. However, learning these languages was made possible thanks to its deep knowledge of the Sanskrit. Between 1893 and 1895 was vicar-general in Honnawar, Karnataka, serving a community of language Konkani and Kannada, a language learned. It took some time and Sawantwadi, with his brother Gelasius Dalgado, there doctor, learning other dialects of Konkani.

When he was vicar general of Ceylon rejected the bishop's miter that Congregation of Propaganda Fide had given him, probably in the context of the dispute between Portugal and the Holy See on the extent and powers of Patronage of the East.

During his stay in Ceylon, he wrote several sermons and homilies in the dialect Indo-Portuguese of Ceylon which includes in its workdialect Indo-Portuguese of Ceylon,published in 1900 inThe contributions of the Geographical Society of Lisbon ,in commemoration of the centenary of the Discovery of sea route to India.

His first published work was the first part of Konkani-Portuguese Dictionary, written using the alphabet Devanagari and Latin, which was published in 1893 in the city of Mumbai. In 1895 he settled in Lisbon, where he completed the publication of Konkani-Portuguese Dictionary (out in 1905) and devoted himself to study the influence of English on the language of the Indian subcontinent.

In view of its studies and published in 1907 was appointed Professor of Sanskrit in Studied of Arts, changing then to the faculty founder of the Faculty of Letters of Lisbon, where, in 1911, that course was integrated the University of Lisbon, created this year.

In 1911 he was elected corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, and received the title ofDoctor in Letters,which was granted by the Council of the Faculty of Arts of Lisbon and dedication to his intelligence.

He suffered from diabetes, which ultimately resulted in the amputation of both legs (1911 and 1915.) From this point forward, Dalgado used a wheelchair. Because of its failure, the Faculty of Humanities has granted a particular privilege of performing the duties of chair in his home, where his students around him to hear his lessons. He also maintained the daily celebration of Mass in his wheelchair by special permission from the religious.

When he died, on April 4, 1922, his funeral rites show the prestige that had won. In attendance were the Patriarch of Lisbon, the Apostolic Nuncio in Lisbon, the Minister of Education and representatives of colleges and academies of Lisbon. Eulogio The funeral was pronounced by canon José de Santa Rita and Sousa, professor of Colonial School, where he taught the chair of Konkani language. The press coverage was great, with consequences throughout the Lusophone world.

It was philologist eminent, publishing, among other works, A glossary: Luso-Asianin two volumes. It was also the author of outstanding works in the field of Orientalism Portuguese as Indo-Portuguese dialect of Ceylon; Konkani-Portuguese Dictionary; Indo-Portuguese dialect of Mumbai and suburbs; Influence of Wordsin Portuguese Asian Languages; Dialects Indo-Portuguese of Goa, Daman and Ceylon; Fundamentals of Sanskrit language, and Indian Proverbs.

In his works have earned high praise, including that of Dr. Gonçalves Viana that appreciating his work entitledThe influence of the Portuguese vocabulary in Asian Languagesto qualify as a work of wide breaththat perhaps no other wise Portuguese or foreign, could carry out satisfactorilyand the Brazilian philologist Dr. Solidonio Leite that only said that "Monsignor Dalgado could undertake and carry out those works that attest to the well-exceptional value of this great man".[3]

In recognition of his work in 1904 received the honor of honorary chaplain of the Pope's extra urbem, with the right to use the title of "Monsignor". He was a member of the Lisbon Geographical Society, Lisbon (1895), a member of the Institute of Coimbra (1896), Doctor Honoris Causa by the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon (1911), corresponding member Academy of Sciences (1911) and its member (1922) and member of the Royal Asiatic Society in London (1921). In 1922, the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, which bequeathed the 300 documents that constitute the Fund Monsignor Dalgado admitted him posthumously as a member. Along with Shenoi Goembab and Joaquim Heliodoró da Cunha Rivara, Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado is widely considered to be a pioneer in the defense of Konkani language.

The city of Lisbon honored him in its place names given its name to a wide located in the parish of São Domingos de Benfica. In 1955 the Office of the State of India issued a postage stamp to 1 real celebration of the centenary of the birth of Monsignor Sebastiao Rodolfo Delgado, accompanied by a postcard in agreement, containing a photograph of the honoree.

In 1989 he was created in Panaji the Dalgado Konkani Academy, an academy to promote the use of Konkani language in the form of written using the Latin alphabet (the Konkani Romi lipi). The Dalgado Konkani Academy established the Monsignor Sebastiao Rudolfo Dalgado Award to be awarded annually for activities to promote the study and use of Konkani.[4]


  • Berço de uma cantiga em indo-português : a memoria de Ismael Gracias. [S.I. : s.n.], 1921 (Porto : Tip. Sequeira). Separata da "Revista Lusitana", vol. XXII.
  • Contribuições para a lexiocologia luso-oriental. Lisboa: Academia das Sciências, 1916. Encad., 192 p.
  • Hitopadexa ou Instrucsao Util (translation of Hitopadesa from the Sanskrit original into Portuguese). Lisbon, 1897, xxii, 292 pp.
  • Dialecto Indo-Portugues de Ceyldo. Lisbon, 1900, xii, 262 pp.
  • Dialecto Indo-Portugues de Gôa. Oporto, 1900, 22 pp.
  • Dialecto indo-português de Goa ; dialecto indo-português do norte. Porto: Lisboa : Typographia de A. F. Vasconcellos.
  • Dialecto Indo-Portugues de Damao. Lisbon, 1903, 31 pp.
  • Diccionario Portugues-Concani. Lisbon, 1905, xxxii, 906pp.
  • Estudos sobre os crioulos indo-portugueses. introd. de Maria Isabel Tomás. Lisboa : CNCDP, 1998. - 187 p.
  • Dialecto Indo-Portugues do Norte (the Indo-Portuguese dialect of Bombay and its suburbs). Lisbon, 1906, 62pp.
  • Influencia do Vocdbulario Portugues em Linguas Asiaticas. (Influence of Portuguese vocables in Asiatic languages) Coimbra, 1913, xcii + 253 pp.
  • Contribuifao para a Lexicologia Luso-Oriental (Contributions towards a study of Luso-Oriental words). Coimbra, 1916, 196 pp.
  • Historia de Nala e Damyanti (Translation of Nala and Damayanti from the Sanskrit original into Portuguese). Coimbra, 155 pp.
  • Dialecto Indo-Portugues de Negapatam. Oporto, 1917, 16pp.
  • Gonsalves Viana e a Lexicologia Portuguesa de origem Asiatico-Ajricana.
  • Olossario Luso-Asiatico, Vol. I. Coimbra, 1919, lxvii, 535 pp.
  • Glossario Luso-Asiatico, Vol. II. Lisbon, 1921, vii, 580 pp.
  • Rudimentos da lingua Sanscrita (Rudiments of Sanskrit, for use of students at the University). 1920.
  • Florilegio de Proverbios Concanis. Coimbra, 1922, xx, 330 pp.
  • Primeiro plano geral da celebração nacional do quarto centenário da partida de Vasco da Gama para o descobrimento da Índia. Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1897. 8 p. Obra traduzida em Konkani (língua vernácula da Índia portuguesa).[5]


  1. Pereira 1983, p. 7
  2. 2.0 2.1 Dalgado & Soares 1988, p. 57
  3. Monsignor Rodolfo Dalgado (1855-1922) (Portuguese)
  4. Msgr Sebastiao Rodolfo Dalgado Award 2005.
  5. Dalgado & Soares 1936, p. xvi


  • Dalgado, Sebastião Rodolfo; Soares, Anthony X. (1988), Portuguese Vocables In Asiatic Languages, Asian Educational Services, ISBN 978-81-206-0413-1 
  • Pereira, Antonio (1983), Dalgado, the man and the scholar, Sahitya Akademi .

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