Seafort Saga
The Seafort Saga is a series of science fiction novels written by American author David Feintuch. The novels are set from the late-22nd century to the mid-23rd century and relate the adventures of Nicholas Seafort, an officer in the (fictional) United Nations Naval Service. The series is a collection of personal accounts, usually from the perspective of Nicholas Seafort, describing Seafort's adventures, beginning as a lowly midshipman, to the elected leader of earth, and finally to the captain of the UNNS flagship Olympiad. Although most books in the series are told from a single perspective, usually Seafort's, Voices of Hope is a collection of accounts from several sources: Seafort's son, PT, the son of a friend of Seafort's, and a transient boy named Pook. Additionally, Children of Hope is narrated by Randy Carr, the son of a close friend of Seafort's.
- Vax Holser
- Alexi Tamarov
- Derek Anthony Carr
- Edgar Tolliver
- Philip Tyre "PT" Seafort
- Robert Boland
- Randolph "Randy" Carr
- Midshipman's Hope (1994)
- Challenger's Hope (1995)
- Prisoner's Hope (1995)
- Fisherman's Hope (1996)
- Voices of Hope (1996)
- Patriarch's Hope (1999)
- Children of Hope (2001)
- Galahad's Hope (not yet published)