Sečovlje Saltworks

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Sečovlje Saltworks
Sečovlje Saltworks

The Sečovlje Saltworks (Slovene: Sečoveljske soline) is the largest Slovenian salt evaporation pond. Along the Strunjan Saltworks, they are the northernmost Mediterranean saltworks and one of the rare where salt is still produced in a traditional way, as well as a wetland of international importance and a breeding place of waterbirds. They are part of the Piran Saltworks and are located in Slovenian Istria, the southwest of the country, at the Adriatic Sea, along the mouth of the Dragonja River near Sečovlje.[1]

The saltworks have been active since 13th century. Nowadays, the salt production is carried on in order to preserve natural and cultural heritage. The area of the saltworks and the Seča peninsula have been declared the Sečovlje Salina Landscape Park. The Museum of Salt-Making in Sečovlje was in 2003 the first in Slovenia to receive the Europa Nostra Prize, bestowed by the European Union to outstanding initiatives for the preservation of cultural heritage.[1]

In 1993, the saltworks were put on the list of Ramsar wetlands of international importance. The wetland stretches on 650 hectares (1,600 acres) in the mouth of the Dragonja.


Of particular importance are halophytes - the plants that require high salt concentrations for growing - among them Salicornia europea, Arthrochnemum fruticosum, Halimone portulacoides, Limonium angustifolium, Artemisia caerulescens, Suaeda maritima, and the Golden samphire (Inula crithmoides).


Over 280 bird species have been spotted in the Sečovlje Saltworks, at least four of them having their only nesting place here. The saltworks are home to numerous invertebrates, like shrimps and shells, and vertebrates. Among insects, the bee species Tetraloniella nana and Pseudoapis bispinosa, and the bug Dimorphopterus blissoides have been found in the Sečovlje Saltworks. Among vertebrates, the Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus), the Italian wall lizard (Podarcis sicula), and the Lesser Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis blythii) live here.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Pipan, Primož. "Sečoveljske soline" [Sečovlje Saltworks]. In Šmid Hribar, Mateja. Torkar, Gregor. Golež, Mateja. Podjed, Dan. Drago Kladnik, Drago. Erhartič, Bojan. Pavlin, Primož. Jerele, Ines. Enciklopedija naravne in kulturne dediščine na Slovenskem – DEDI (in Slovene). Retrieved 4 May 2012. 

Coordinates: 45°29′20.91″N 13°36′11.28″E / 45.4891417°N 13.6031333°E / 45.4891417; 13.6031333

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