Science Council

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The Science Council is a UK organisation that was established by Royal Charter in 2003. The principal activity of The Science Council is the promotion of the advancement and dissemination of knowledge of and education in science pure and applied, for the public benefit. The Science Council is the Competent Authority with respect to the European Union directive 2005/36/EC.

It is a membership organisation for learned and professional bodies across science and its applications and works with them to represent this sector to government and others. Together, the member organisations represent over 400,000 scientists.

The Science Council promotes the profession of scientist through the Chartered Scientist designation[1] and the development of codes of practice; it promotes awareness of the contribution of professional scientists to science and society and advances science education and increased understanding of the benefits of science.

The Science Council provides a forum for discussion and exchange of views and works to foster collaboration between member organisations and the wider science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical communities to enable inter-disciplinary contributions to science policy and the application of science.

The Science Council was founded by the late Professor Sir Gareth Roberts FRS, who served as the Council's Founding President. In February 2007, Sir Tom McKillop FRS, became the new President of the Science Council and he was succeeded in June 2011 by the current President Professor Sir Tom Blundell.

In November 2008 the Science Council launched Future Morph,[2] a website aimed at providing children, parents, teachers and the general public with information about science and how it might help in future careers.

In October 2011 the Science Council launched two additional professional registers – Registered Science Technician (RSciTech) and Registered Scientist (RSci)[3] – alongside the Chartered Scientist award, to build a framework of professional standards and recognition across the science workforce.


  • Foster co-operation and collaboration amongst member bodies
  • Influence science policy and strategy
  • Advance professionalism in science
  • Promote enhancement in the level and quality of scientific education, knowledge and skills in the UK
  • Encourage and stimulate knowledge transfer and the exchange of expertise by developing collective approaches to the needs of the economy and of society

Member organisations

Membership of the Science Council is open to organisations that meet the following criteria:

  • the profession represented is based on a recognised body of learning of a scientific nature;
  • the organisation is an independent UK body which exists for the collective pursuit of professional aims and objectives in science as set out in a Royal Charter or Memorandum and Articles of Association incorporated under the Companies Acts or formally registered in some other way;
  • the organisation has, among its objectives, the practice of the profession in the interest of the public as well as that of its members;
  • admission to full membership of the organisation shall be based on standards of competence as attested by an appropriate degree or equivalent qualification, as well as relevant professional practice, provided that if an organisation does not have strict entry standards for its members it must be able to demonstrate that the majority of its members are so qualified;
  • the organisation recognises its responsibility to advance and extend the body of learning on which the profession is based, * the organisation recognises its responsibility to concern itself with facilities, methods and provision for educating and training future entrants to the profession and for enhancing the knowledge of present practitioners.


External links

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