Sa'id of Egypt

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Said Pasha

Wāli of Egypt and Sudan

Reign 1854 - 1863
Born 1822
Died 1863 (aged 4041)
Predecessor Abbas I
Successor Isma'il Pasha
Dynasty Muhammad Ali Dynasty

Muhammad Sa'id Pasha (March 17, 1822 - January 18, 1863) was the Wāli of Egypt and Sudan from 1854 until 1863, officially owing fealty to the Ottoman Sultan but in practice exercising virtual independence. He was the fourth son of Muhammad Ali Pasha. Sa'id was a Francophone, educated in Paris.

Under Sa'id's rule there were several law, land and tax reforms. Some modernization of Egyptian and Sudanese infrastructure also occurred using western loans. In 1854 the first act of concession of land for the Suez Canal was granted, to a French businessman Ferdinand de Lesseps. The British opposed a Frenchman building the canal and persuaded the Ottoman Empire to deny its permission for two years.

Sudan had been conquered by his father in 1821 and incorporated into his Egyptian realm, mainly in order to seize slaves for his army. Slave raids (the annual 'razzia') also ventured beyond Sudan into Kordofan and Ethiopia. Facing European pressure to abolish official Egyptian slave raids in the Sudan, Sa'id issued a decree banning raids. Freelance slave traders ignored his decree.

When the American Civil War brought a cotton famine, the export of Egyptian cotton surged during Sa'id's rule to become the main source for European mills. At the behest of Napoleon III in 1863, Sa'id dispatched part of a Sudanese battalion to help put down a rebellion against the Second Mexican Empire.

Under Sa'id's rule the influence of sheikhs was curbed and many Bedouin reverted to nomadic raiding.

In 1854 he established the Bank of Egypt. In the same year Egypt's first standard gauge railway was opened, between Kafr el-Zayyat on the Rosetta branch of the Nile and Alexandria.[1]

Sa'id's heir presumptive, Ahmad Rifaat, drowned in 1858 at Kafr el-Zayyat when a railway train on which he was travelling fell off a car float into the Nile.[2] Therefore when Sa'id died in January 1863 he was succeeded by his nephew Ismail.

The Mediterranean port of Port Said is named after him.

He married twice. First wife : angie hanem Son from first wife : Ahmed sherif Basha Second wife : malek ber hanem Sons from second wife : Mohamed toson Basha , Mahmoud Basha

There is now a member of his family lineage is Prince Mohammed Farouk Sherif is the eldest grandson of Ahmed Sherif Basha son of Mohamed Said Pasha and is now living in Alexandria in Saba Basha area in gleem district he married from princess Nagwa and he have two sons from princess Nagwa prince sherif and princess Mona and they living in same area in Alexandria



  1. Hughes, Hugh (1981). Middle East Railways. Continental Railway Circle. p. 13. ISBN 0-9503469-7-7. 
  2. Hughes, 1981, page 17
Sa'id of Egypt
Muhammad Ali Dynasty
Born: 1822 Died: 1863
Preceded by
Abbas I
Wāli of Egypt and Sudan
Succeeded by
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