Russian grammar

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Russian grammar (Russian: грамматика русского языка, IPA: [ɡrɐˈmatʲɪkə ˈruskəvə jɪzɨˈka]; also русская грамматика; IPA: [ˈruskəjə ɡrɐˈmatʲɪkə]) encompasses:

The Russian language has preserved an Indo-European inflexional structure, although considerable adaption has taken place.

The spoken language has been influenced by the literary one, but it continues to preserve some characteristic forms. Russian dialects show various non-standard grammatical features, some of which are archaisms or descendants of old forms discarded by the literary language.

NOTE: In the discussion below, various terms are used in the meaning they have in standard Russian discussions of historical grammar. In particular, aorist, imperfect, etc. are considered verbal tenses rather than aspects, because ancient examples of them are attested for both perfective and imperfective verbs.


Nominal declension is subject to six cases – nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional – in two numbers (singular and plural), and absolutely obeying grammatical gender (masculine, feminine, and neuter). Up to ten additional cases are identified in linguistics textbooks,[2][3][4] although all of them are either incomplete (do not apply to all nouns) or degenerate (appear identical to one of the six simple cases). The most recognized additional cases are locative (в лесу, в крови, в слезах), partitive (чаю, сахару, коньяку), and several forms of vocative (Господи, Боже, отче). The adjectives, pronouns, and the first two cardinal numbers further vary by gender. Old Russian also had a third number, the dual, but except for its use in the nominative and accusative cases with the numbers two, three and four, e.g. (два стула [dvɐ ˈstulə], "two chairs", recategorized today as a genitive singular), it has been lost.

There are no definite or indefinite articles in the Russian language. The sense of a noun is determined from the context in which it appears. That said, there are some means of expressing whether a noun is definite or indefinite. They are:

  1. The use of a direct object in the genitive instead of the accusative in negation signifies that the noun is indefinite, compare: "Я не ви́жу кни́ги" ("I don't see a book" or "I don't see any book") and "Я не ви́жу кни́гу" ("I don't see the book").
  2. The use of the numeral one sometimes signifies that the noun is indefinite, e.g.: "Почему́ ты так до́лго?" - "Да так, встре́тил одного́ дру́га, пришло́сь поговори́ть" ("Why did it take you so long?" - "Well, I met a friend and had to talk").
  3. Word order may also be used for this purpose, compare "В ко́мнату вбежа́л ма́льчик" ("A boy rushed into the room") and "Ма́льчик вбежа́л в ко́мнату" ("The boy rushed into the room").
  4. The use of the plural form instead of the singular may signify that the noun is indefinite: "Вы ку́пите э́то в магази́нах." - "Вы ку́пите э́то в магази́не." ("You can buy this in a shop." lit. " shops" - "You can buy this in the shop.")

The category of animacy is relevant in Russian nominal and adjectival declension. Specifically, the accusative form has two possible forms in many paradigms, depending on the animacy of the referent. For animate referents (people and animals), the accusative form is generally identical to the genitive form. For inanimate referents, the accusative form is identical to the nominative form. This principle is relevant for masculine singular nouns of the first declension (see below) and adjectives, and for all plural paradigms (with no gender distinction). In the tables below, this behavior is indicated by the abbreviation "N or G" in the row corresponding to the accusative case.

In Russian there are three declension types, named simply first, second, and third declensions.

  • The first declension (the second in Russian school grammars) is used for masculine and most neuter nouns.
  • The second declension (the first in school grammars) is used for feminine nouns ending by -а/-я (and several masculine nouns having the same form as those of feminine gender, such as па́па papa or дя́дя uncle).
  • The third declension is used for feminine nouns ending in ь.

There are also several irregular "different-declension nouns" (Russian: разносклоняемые существительные): few neutral gender words ending -мя (e.g. время "time") and one masculine word путь "way". But these words in their forms have much enough similarity with female words of third declension, so some scholars like Litnevskaya[5] consider them to be another gender forms of this declension, like it's written in the tables below.

Nouns ending on -ий, -ия, -ие (not to be mixed up with substantivated adjectives) are written with -ии instead of -ие in Prepositive (since this ending is never stressed, there is no difference in pronunciation): тече́ние - в ни́жнем тече́нии реки́ "streaming - in lower streaming of a river". But if words в течение and в продолжение are representing compound preposition meaning "while, during the time of", they are written with -е: в тече́ние ча́са "in a time of an hour". For nouns ending -ья, -ье, -ьё using -ьи in Prepositive (where endings of some of them are stressed) is usually erroneus, but in poetic speech it may be acceptable (as we replace -ии with -ьи for metric or rhyming purposes): Весь день она́ лежа́ла в забытьи́ (F. Tyutchev).

First declension

Most first-declension nouns are feminine, some masculine. The same endings apply for both genders.

Singular Plural
Nominative -ия 1 -ии
Genitive1 -ии - -ий
Dative -ии -ам -ям -иям
Accusative -ию N or G
Instrumental -ой2 -ей3 -ией -ами -ями -иями
Prepositional -ии -ах -ях -иях
  1. After a sibilant or a velar (г, к, or х) consonant, и is written.
  2. After a sibilant, о is written when stressed; е when unstressed.
  3. After a soft consonant, ё is written when stressed; е when unstressed.

Examples: рабо́та - a work/job, ба́ня - a bathhouse, кни́га - a book, ли́ния - a line

Note: In Instrumental case of singular number you can also meet -ою and -ею endings instead of -ой and -ей.

Singular Plural

Second declension - masculine nouns

Nouns ending in a consonant are marked in the following table with - (thus no ending).

Singular Plural
Nominative - -ий 1 -ии
Genitive -ия -ов2 -ей -ев3 -иев
Dative -ию -ам -ям -ям -иям
Accusative N or G N or G
Instrumental -ом -ем3 -ем3 -ием -ами -ями -ями -иями
Prepositional -ии -ах -ях -ях -иях


  1. After a sibilant (ж, ч, ш)[6] or a velar (г, к, or х) consonant, и is written. And а for some words (глаз глаза, доктор доктора, etc.).
  2. After a sibilant, ей is written.
  3. After a soft consonant, ё is written when stressed; е when unstressed.


фильм - a film/movie, писа́тель - a writer, геро́й - a hero, коммента́рий - a comment
Singular Plural

Second declension - virtually entirely neuter nouns5

Singular Plural
Nominative 1 2
Genitive - -й / -ей4
Dative -ам -ям
Accusative1 2 N or G
Instrumental -ом1 -ем2 -ами -ями
Prepositional3 -ах -ях
  1. After a sibilant, о is written when stressed; е when unstressed.
  2. After a soft consonant, ё is written when stressed; е when unstressed.
  3. For nouns ending in ие in the nominative singular, и is written (but е when stressed for the word остриё).
  4. After a consonant use ей otherwise use й.
  5. Also: some masculine nouns ending in in the nominative singular (доми́шко); the only masculine noun ending in in this declension (подмасте́рье).

Examples ме́сто (n) – a place, мо́ре (n) – a sea, зда́ние (n) – a building

Singular Plural

Third declension

Singular Plural
Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine
Nominative -мя / дитя́ путь -мена / де́ти пути
Genitive -мени / дитяти пути́ -ей -мён(-мян) / дете́й путе́й
Dative -мени / дитяти пути́ -ям1 -менам / де́тям путя́м
Accusative -мя / дитя́ путь N or G -мена / дете́й пути́
Instrumental -ью -менем / дитятей путём -я́ми1 (ьми́) -менами / детьми́ путями́
Prepositional -мени / дитяти пути́ -ях1 -менах / де́тях путя́х
  1. After a sibilant, а is written.

Examples: кость (f) – a bone, мышь (f) – a mouse, и́мя (n) – a name

Singular Plural
Nominative ко́сть мы́шь и́мя ко́сти мы́ши имена́
Genitive ко́сти мы́ши и́мени косте́й мыше́й имён
Dative ко́сти мы́ши и́мени костя́м мыша́м имена́м
Accusative ко́сть мы́шь и́мя ко́сти мыше́й имена́
Instrumental ко́стью мы́шью и́менем костя́ми мыша́ми имена́ми
Prepositional ко́сти мы́ши и́мени костя́х мыша́х имена́х

Irregular forms of plural

There are various kinds of irregularities in forming the plural. Some words form the plural in an irregular way, and a few use suppletion: using a different root altogether. Historically, some of these irregularities come from older declensional patterns that have become mostly obsolete in modern Russian.

Singular Plural
Change of root
ребёнок (m) – (child) де́ти
челове́к (m) – (man, human) лю́ди
ёнок → я́та, for animals' children
ребёнок (m) – (boy) ребя́та
телёнок (m) – (calf) теля́та
волчо́нок (m) – (wolf cub) волча́та
Old imparisyllabic nouns (gets a suffix)
чу́до (n) – (miracle) чудеса́
не́бо (n) – (sky) небеса́
мать (f) – (mother) ма́тери
дочь (f) – (daughter) до́чери
сын (m) – (son) сыновья́
кум (m) – (godfather) кумовья́
Remnants of the dual number
коле́но (n) – (knee) коле́ни
плечо́ (n) – (shoulder) пле́чи
у́хо (n) – (ear) у́ши
ве́ко (n) – (eyelid) ве́ки
я́блоко (n) – (apple, eyeball) я́блоки
Plural in -ья/ья́
брат (m) – (brother) бра́тья
брус (m) – (baulk, timber) бру́сья
граф (m) – (count) гра́фы/графья́
гроздь (f) – (bunch) гро́здья
де́верь (m) – (brother-in-law) деверья́
де́рево (n) – (tree) дере́вья
дно (n) – (bottom) до́нья
друг (m) – (friend) друзья́
звено́ (n) – (link) зве́нья
зять (m) – (son-in-law) зятья́
клин (m) – (wedge) кли́нья
клок (m) – (shred, scrap) кло́чья
князь (m) – (prince) князья́
кол (m) – (stake) ко́лья
ко́лос (m) – (ear of a plant) коло́сья
крыло́ (n) – (wing) кры́лья
лист (m) – (leaf, sheet) ли́стья1
муж (m) – (husband) мужья́
перо́ (n) – (feather) пе́рья
поле́но (n) – (baulk, log) поле́нья
по́лоз (m) – (runner, coluber) поло́зья/по́лозы
помело́ (n) – (broom) поме́лья
прут (m) – (twig) пру́тья
собра́т (m) – (confrere, fellow) собра́тья
струп (m) – (scab) стру́пья
стул (m) – (chair) сту́лья
сук (m) – (branch) су́чья
ши́ло (m) – (awl) ши́лья
шу́рин (m) – (brother-in-law) шурья́/шу́рины
-но / -а́
су́дно (n) – (ship) суда́
Looses a suffix
цвето́к (m) – (flower) цветы́ (flowers) / цветки́ (burgeons)
  1. If the word лист has lexical mean «paper», then its decline is normal (листлисты), if it has lexical mean «leaf (of the tree)», then листлистья.

Undeclined nouns

Some nouns (from ones borrowed from another languages, abbreviated or so on) are not modified while changing number and case role. This appears mostly when their gender appears to have no ending in any declension which suits final part of the word: these are masculine names on vowel different from -а/-я, female names on hard consonant (names like Триш "Trish" won't take the soft sign to go into third declension like native мышь "mouse"). Most borrowed words ending in Russian on э/е, и, о, у and stressed а are not declined:[7] кафе, пальто (French: paletot), Дюма etc. Most abbreviations are undeclined (one exception is вуз). Many people also think that Georgian surnames on -ия like Данелия (Georgian: დანელია) shouldn't be declined since they are originally something like Russian possessive genitives.


A Russian adjective (имя прилагательное) is usually placed before the noun it qualifies, and it agrees with the noun in case, gender, and number. With the exception of a few invariant forms borrowed from other languages, such as беж 'beige' or хаки 'khaki',[8] most adjectives follow one of small number of regular declension patterns, except that some of them have difficulty with making the short form. In modern Russian the short form appears only in the nominative and is used when the adjective is in a predicative role; formerly (as in the bylinas) there were all other forms and roles of short adjectives, which are not used in modern language, but are immediately understandable to Russian speakers as they follow the same pattern as nouns of the corresponding gender.[9]

Adjectives may be divided into three general groups:

  • Qualitative (качественные) — denote quality of the object; only they are usual to have degrees of comparison.
  • Relational (относительные) — denote taking part in some relation; unlikely to act as a predicate and to have a short form.
  • Possessive (притяжательные) — denote belonging to a specific subject; have some declensional specialities.

Adjectival declension

The pattern described below suits for full forms of most adjectives, except possessive ones; it is also used for substantivated adjectives as учёный and for adjectival participles.

Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
Nominative -ый -ая -ое -ые
Genitive -ого -ой -ого -ых
Dative -ому -ой -ому -ым
Accusative N or G -ую -ое N or G
Instrumental -ым -ой -ым -ыми
Prepositional -ом -ой -ом -ых
  1. After a sibilant or velar consonant, и, instead of ы, is written.
  2. When a masculine adjective ends in -ой, the -ой is stressed.
  3. After a sibilant consonant, neuter adjectives end in ее. It is sometimes called the хорошее rule.
  4. Accusative in the masculine gender and in plural depends on animacy, as for nouns.
  5. Instrumental feminine ending -ой/ей has alternative form -ою/ею for all adjectives, which has only stylistical difference.

Russian differentiates between hard-stem (as above) and soft-stem adjectives. Note the following:

  • Masculine adjectives ending in the nominative in ий and neuters in ее are declined as follows: его (read: ево), ему, им, and ем.
  • Feminine adjectives in яя are declined ей and юю.
  • Plural adjectives in ие are declined их, им, ими and их.
  • Case endings -ого/-его are to be read as -ово/ево.


но́вый – new
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gно́вуюно́воеN or G
си́ний - blue
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gси́нююси́нееN or G
высо́кий – tall
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gвысо́куювысо́коеN or G
хоро́ший – good
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gхоро́шуюхоро́шееN or G
большо́й – big
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gбольшу́юбольшо́еN or G

Comparison of adjectives

Comparison forms are usual only for qualitative adjectives and adverbs. Comparative and superlative synthetic forms are not part of the paradigm of original adjective but are different lexical items, since not all qualitative adjectives have them. Few adjectives have irregular forms which are declined as usual adjectives: большой 'big' — больший 'bigger', хороший 'good' — лучший 'better'. Most synthetically derived comparative forms are derived by adding -ее or -ей to adjective stem: красный 'red' — краснее 'more red'; these forms are difficult to distinguish from adverbs, and probably they are adverbs.[9] Superlative synthetic forms are derived by adding suffix -ейш- or -айш- and additionally sometimes prefix наи-, or using special comparative form with наи-: добрый 'kind' — добрейший 'the kindest', большой 'big' — наибольший 'the biggest'.

Another way of comparison are analytical forms with adverbs более 'more' / менее 'less' and самый 'most' / наиболее 'most' / наименее 'least': добрый 'kind' — более добрый 'kinder' — самый добрый 'the kindest'. This way is rarely used if special comparative forms exists.

Possessive adjectives

Possessive adjectives are used in Russian to a less extent than in most other Slavic languages,[10] but are still in use. They answer on the questions чей? чья? чьё? чьи? (whose?) and denote only animated possessors. Alternative for possessive adjectives are possessive genitives which are used much more commonly.[11] There are three suffixes to form them: -ов/ев, -ын/ин and -ий.

Suffix -ов/ев is used to form adjective from a word denoting single human which is masculine and ends on consonant; selection depends on if the stem hard or soft. Suffix -ын/ин is similar but is attached to feminine words or masculine ending in -а/я. Both types are more common in spoken language than in literary (though being accepteble in both styles) and generally are forms of kinship therms, given names and their diminitives:[10] мама — мамин 'mom's', отец — отцов 'father's', Саша — Сашин 'Sasha's' /for diminitives from both Alexandr and Alexandra/. Words of this type also are common as Russian surnames, like Пушкин (derived from пушка 'gun' which used to be a nickname).

Adjectives on -ов and -ин are declined via mixed declension: some of their forms are nominal, some are adjectival, and some are ambivalent.

ма́мин – mom's
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
Genitiveма́миного, ма́минама́минойма́миного, ма́минама́миных
Dativeма́миному, ма́минума́минойма́миному, ма́минума́миным
AccusativeN or Gма́минума́миноN or G

Adjectives on -ий (speaking about suffix, not case ending; before wovels, this suffix deceases to single sound /j/ and is written as ь) are used for deriving adjectives mostly from animal species (in Old Russian language, this suffix derived possessive adjectives from plural possessors[11]): лиса 'fox' — лисий 'of a fox', 'likely for a fox'. Declension of such adjectives is nominal in nominative and accusative (except masculine and plural animated accusative) and adjectival for other forms.

ли́сий - fox's
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gли́сьюли́сьеN or G


Personal pronouns

Singular Plural Reflexive
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Masc. Fem. Neut.
(English) I you he she it we you they XXXself
Nominative я ты он она́ оно́ мы вы они́
Genitive меня́ тебя́ его́ её его́ нас вас их себя́
Dative мне тебе́ ему́ ей ему́ нам вам им себе́
Accusative меня́ тебя́ его́ её его́ нас вас их себя́
Instrumental мной
им ей
им на́ми ва́ми и́ми собо́й
Prepositional обо мне о тебе́ о нём о ней о нём о наc о вас о них о себе́
  • Russian is subject to T-V distinction. The respectful form of the singular you is the same as the plural form. It begins with a capital letter: Вы, Вас, Вам etc. in following situations: personal letters and official papers (addressee is definite), and questionnaires (addressee is indefinite), otherwise it begins with minuscule. Compare the distinction between du and Sie in German or tu/toi and vous in French
  • When a preposition is used directly before a 3rd-person pronoun, н- is prefixed: у него (read: у нево), с неё, etc. Because the prepositional case always occurs after a preposition, the third person prepositional always starts with an н-.
  • Like adjectives and numerals, letter "г" (g) in genitive and accusative form is pronounced as "в" (v) его/него ево/нево.

Demonstrative pronouns

этот ('this') and тот ('that')
Masc. Neut. Fem. Plur. Masc. Neut. Fem. Plur.
Nominative э́тот э́то э́та э́ти тот то та те
Genitive э́того э́того э́той э́тих того́ того́ той тех
Dative э́тому э́тому э́той э́тим тому́ тому́ той тем
Accusative N or G э́то э́ту N or G N or G то ту N or G
Instrumental э́тим э́тим э́той э́тими тем тем той те́ми
Prepositional об э́том об э́том об э́той об э́тих о том о том о той о тех

Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Unlike English, Russian uses the same form for a possessive adjective and the corresponding possessive pronoun. The following rules apply:

  • Possessive adjectives agree with the noun of the possessed in case, gender, and number.
  • The reflexive adjective or pronoun свой is used when the possessor is the subject of the clause, whatever the person, gender, and number of that subject.
  • No non-reflexive adjective or pronoun exists for the 3rd person: the genitive of the personal pronoun is instead, i.e. его for a masc./neut. sing. possessor, её for a fem. sing. possessor and их for a plural possessor. But unlike other genitives used with a possessive meaning, in modern Russian these words are usually placed before the object of possession.
  • Example of the difference between reflexive and non-reflexive pronouns:
    • “Он лю́бит свою́ жену́ = He loves his (own) wife”   while   “Он лю́бит его́ жену́ = He loves his (someone else's) wife”.
  • Unlike Latin where a similar rule applies for the third person only, Russian accepts using reflexives for all persons:
    • “Люблю́ свою́ жену́ = I love my wife”
    • “Люблю́ себя́ = I love myself
мой (my, mine)
твой (your, yours) for a singular possessor
свой (my, mine, your, yours, one's, his, her, its, our, ours, your, yours, their) for a subject possessor
Masc. Neut. Fem. Plur. Masc. Neut. Fem. Plur. Masc. Neut. Fem. Plur.
Nominative мой моё моя́ мои́ твой твоё твоя́ твои́ свой своё своя́ свои́
Genitive моего́ моего́ мое́й мои́х твоего́ твоего́ твое́й твои́х своего́ своего́ свое́й свои́х
Dative моему́ моему́ мое́й мои́м твоему́ твоему́ твое́й твои́м своему́ своему́ свое́й свои́м
Accusative N or G моё мою́ N or G N or G твоё твою́ N or G N or G своё свою́ N or G
Instrumental мои́м мои́м мое́й мои́ми твои́м твои́м твое́й твои́ми свои́м свои́м свое́й свои́ми
Prepositional о моём о моём о мое́й о мои́х о твоём о твоём о твое́й о твои́х о своём о своём о свое́й о свои́х
  • The ending -его is pronounced as -ево.
наш (our, ours)
ваш (your, yours) for a plural possessor
Masc. Neut. Fem. Plur. Masc. Neut. Fem. Plur.
Nominative наш на́ше на́ша на́ши ваш ва́ше ва́ша ва́ши
Genitive на́шего на́шего на́шей на́ших ва́шего ва́шего ва́шей ва́ших
Dative на́шему на́шему на́шей на́шим ва́шему ва́шему ва́шей ва́шим
Accusative N or G на́ше на́шу N or G N or G ва́ше ва́шу N or G
Instrumental на́шим на́шим на́шей на́шими ва́шим ва́шим ва́шей ва́шими
Prepositional о на́шем о на́шем о на́шей о на́ших о ва́шем о ва́шем о ва́шей о ва́ших
  • The ending -его is pronounced as -ево́.

Interrogative pronouns

кто ('who') and что ('what')
кто что
Nominative кто что (read: што)
Genitive кого́ (read: каво́) чего́ (read: чиво́)
Dative кому́ чему́
Accusative кого́ (read: каво́) что (read: што)
Instrumental кем чем
Prepositional о ком о чём
чей ('whose')
masculine neuter feminine plural
Nominative чей чьё чья чьи
Genitive чьего́ чьего́ чьей чьих
Dative чьему́ чьему́ чьей чьим
Accusative N or G чьё чью N or G
Instrumental чьим чьим чьей чьи́ми
Prepositional о чьём о чьём о чьей о чьих
  • The ending ’’-его’’ is pronounced as ‘’-ево’’.


Nouns are used in the nominative case after "one" (один рубль, 'one ruble').
After certain other numbers (following Grammatical number rules in Russian) nouns must be declined to genitive plural (десять рублей, 'ten rubles').
Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers
(Nominative case, masculine)
0 ноль or нуль нулево́й
1 оди́н (m.), одна́ (f.), одно́ (n.), одни (pl.) (раз is used when counting) пе́рвый
2 два (m., n.), две (f.) второ́й
3 три тре́тий
4 четы́ре четвёртый
5 пять пя́тый
6 шесть шесто́й
7 семь седьмо́й
8 во́семь восьмо́й
9 де́вять девя́тый
10 де́сять деся́тый

Declension of numerals

Declension of numerals and numeral constructions in Russian is a complicated thing, sometimes difficult to do correctly even for native speakers.

Different Russian numerals have very different types of declension. The word "оди́н" (one) is declined by number, (in singular) gender and case. The word "два" (two) is declined by gender and case, all other numbers have only case to decline by. The words for 50, 60, 70, 80, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 900 are unique for Russian as declined not only with ending in their end, but also with part of word in their middle (since they are originally composed from two words): Nom. пятьдеся́т (50) - Gen. пяти́десяти etc. (compare пять деся́тков - пяти́ деся́тков "five tens").

In the nominative case, case and number of noun is determined by number. In all other cases, noun and number take both this case.

Compound number phrases are created without any unions: сто пятьдеся́т три ры́бы "153 fishes". All numerals are declined contemporary (in spoken language not always); form of the noun is defined in Nominative by the last word (the least order, три (3) in the example).

один ('one')
Masc. Fem. Neut. Plural
Nominative оди́н одна́ одно́ одни́
Genitive одного́ одно́й одного́ одни́х
Dative одному́ одно́й одному́ одни́м
Accusative N or G одну́ одно́ N or G
Instrumental одни́м одно́й одни́м одни́ми
Prepositional одно́м одно́й одно́м одни́х
два ('two')
m, n f
Nominative два две
Genitive двух
Dative двум
Accusative N or G
Instrumental двумя́
Prepositional двух
три ('three'), четы́ре ('four)
three four
Nominative три четы́ре
Genitive трёх четырёх
Dative трём четырём
Accusative N or G N or G
Instrumental тремя́ четырьмя́
Prepositional трёх четырёх
пять ('five'), шесть ('six'), семь ('seven'), во́семь ('eight'), де́вять ('nine'), де́сять ('ten')
five six seven eight nine ten
Nominative пять шесть семь во́семь де́вять де́сять
Genitive пяти́ шести́ семи́ восьми́ девяти́ десяти́
Dative пяти́ шести́ семи́ восьми́ девяти́ десяти́
Accusative N or G N or G N or G N or G N or G N or G
Instrumental пятью́ шестью́ семью́ восемью́ девятью́ десятью́
Prepositional пяти́ шести́ семи́ восьми́ девяти́ десяти́
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Nominative два́дцать три́дцать со́рок пятьдеся́т шестьдеся́т се́мьдесят во́семьдесят девяно́сто сто
Genitive двадцати́ тридцати́ сорока́ пяти́десяти шести́десяти семи́десяти восьми́десяти девяно́ста ста
Dative двадцати́ тридцати́ сорока́ пяти́десяти шести́десяти семи́десяти восьми́десяти девяно́ста ста
Accusative два́дцать три́дцать со́рок пятьдеся́т шестьдеся́т се́мьдесят во́семьдесят девяно́сто сто
Instrumental двадцатью́ тридцатью́ сорока́ пятью́десятью шестью́десятью семью́десятью восьмью́десятью девяно́ста ста
Prepositional двадцати́ тридцати́ сорока́ пяти́десяти шести́десяти семи́десяти восьми́десяти девяно́ста ста
200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Nominative две́сти три́ста четы́реста пятьсо́т шестьсо́т семьсо́т восемьсо́т девятьсо́т
Genitive двухсо́т трёхсо́т четырёхсо́т пятисо́т шестисо́т семисо́т восьмисо́т девятисо́т
Dative двумста́м трёмста́м четырёмста́м пятиста́м шестиста́м семиста́м восьмиста́м девятиста́м
Accusative две́сти три́ста четы́реста пятьсо́т шестьсо́т семьсо́т восемьсо́т девятьсо́т
Instrumental двумяста́ми трёмяста́ми четырьмяста́ми пятьюста́ми шестьюста́ми семьюста́ми восьмьюста́ми девятьюста́ми
Prepositional двухста́х трёхста́х четырёхста́х пятиста́х шестиста́х семиста́х восьмиста́х девятиста́х
126 947 32 194
Nominative сто два́дцать шесть ты́сяч девятьсо́т со́рок семь три́дцать две ты́сячи сто девяно́сто четы́ре
Genitive ста двадцати́ шести́ тысяч девятисо́т сорока́ семи́ тридцати́ двух ты́сяч ста девяно́ста четырёх
Dative ста двадцати́ шести́ ты́сячам девятиста́м сорока́ семи́ тридцати́ двум ты́сячам ста девяно́ста четырём
Accusative сто два́дцать шесть ты́сяч девятьсо́т со́рок семь три́дцать две ты́сячи сто девяно́сто четы́ре
Instrumental ста двадцатью́ шестью́ ты́сячами девятьюста́ми сорока́ семью́ тридцатью́ двумя́ ты́сячами ста девяно́ста четырьмя́
Prepositional ста двадцати́ шести́ ты́сячах девятиста́х сорока́ семи́ тридцати́ двух ты́сячах ста девяно́ста четырёх

Ordinal numerals

Ordinal numbers have grammatically no differences with adjectives. While forming them, upper three orders of numerals are agglutinated to nearest dividing power of 1000, which results in constructing some of the longest natural Russian words, e.g. стапятидесятитрёхты́сячный (153,000-th), while the next is сто пятьдеся́т три ты́сячи пе́рвый (153,001-st). In the latter example, only the last word is declined with noun.


Fractions are formed as: (how much parts), expressed by cardinal number in case of the phrase, plus (of how numerous parts), expressed by ordinal number; the construction is formed as like it were related to word часть "part" (grammatically feminine), which is usually omitted. Noun to such construction always comes in Genitive single, also as like it belonged to word часть: девяно́сто две пятидеся́тых то́нны "92/50 tons". If an integer precedes a fraction, it's bound to it usually with union "и", while the noun remains in Genitive: два и три восьмы́х оборо́та "2 3/8 turns". Fractions 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 have proper names (nouns) полови́на, треть and че́тверть, which are used instead of ordinal numbers; 1/2 and 1/4 are also often added with preposition "с", while form of noun appears to be related to the integer part rather than to the fraction: де́сять с че́твертью оборо́тов "10 1/4 turns". To read decimal fractions,[12] one must make a simple conversion of them to simple ones: 2,71828 = 2+71828/100000 → два и се́мьдесят одна́ ты́сяча восемьсо́т два́дцать во́семь стоты́сячных. After integer in such cases is often used word це́лая (substantiated adjective "full, integer", which also refers to omitted word часть and thus is feminine): две це́лых (и) се́мьдесят одна́ ты́сяча восемьсо́т два́дцать во́семь стоты́сячных (union is often omitted; word це́лая can appear also in naming "naturally" simple fractions: две це́лых и три восьмы́х for 2 3/8). Zero before comma is often read: 0,01 =0+1/100 → ноль це́лых одна́ со́тая. Informally, decimal fractional part can be read more conveniently as sequence of simple digits and numbers: два и семь-восемна́дцать-два́дцать во́семь.

There is a special word for 1,5 - полтора (female полторы́, in oblique cases полу́тора); 150 thus may be named not only сто пятьдеся́т but informally also полтораста. Also there is prefix пол- for "half" of something: пол-лимо́на, полгру́ши (half of a lemon, a pear); these words are not declined.


Grammatical conjugation is subject to three persons in two numbers and two simple tenses (present/future and past), with periphrastic forms for the future and subjunctive, as well as imperative forms and present/past participles, distinguished by adjectival and adverbial usage (see adjectival participle and adverbial participle). Verbs and participles can be reflexive, i.e. have reflexive suffix -ся/-сь appended after ending.

An interesting feature is that the past tense is actually made to agree in gender with the subject, for it is the participle in an originally periphrastic perfect formed with the present of быть [bɨtʲ] (like the perfect passive tense in Latin), "to be", which is now omitted except for rare archaic effect, usually in set phrases (откуда есть пошла земля русская [ɐˈtkudə jesʲtʲ pɐˈʂla zʲɪˈmlʲa ˈruskəjə], "whence is come the Russian land", the opening of the Primary Chronicle in modern spelling). The participle nature of past tense forms is exposed also in that they often have extra suffix vowel which is absent in present/future; the same vowel appears in infinitive form which is considered by few scholars not to be verbal (and in the past it surely used to be a noun) but in which verbs appear in most dictionaries: ходить "to walk" - ходил "(he) walked" - хожу "I walk".

Verbal inflection today is considerably simpler than in Old Russian. The ancient aorist, imperfect, and (periphrastic) pluperfect have been lost, though the aorist sporadically occurs in secular literature as late as the second half of the eighteenth century, and survives as an odd form in direct narration (а он пойди да скажи [ɐ on pɐjˈdʲi də skɐˈʐɨ], etc., exactly equivalent to the English colloquial "so he goes and says"), recategorized as a usage of the imperative. The loss of three of the former six tenses has been offset by the development, as in other Slavic languages, of verbal aspect (вид). Most verbs come in pairs, one with imperfective (несовершенный вид) or continuous, the other with perfective (совершенный вид) or completed aspect, usually formed with a (prepositional) prefix, but occasionally using a different root. E.g., спать [spatʲ] ('to sleep') is imperfective; поспать [pɐˈspatʲ] ('to take a nap') is perfective.

This protest sign shows the lack of the "to be" verb (быть) in the present tense (русский язык – не иностранный, The Russian language is not foreign).

The present tense of the verb быть is today normally used only in the third-person singular form есть, which is often used for all the persons and numbers.[13] As late as the nineteenth century, the full conjugation, which today is extremely archaic, was somewhat more natural: forms occur in the Synodal Bible, in Dostoevsky and in the bylinas (былины [bɨˈlʲinɨ]) or oral folk-epics, which were transcribed at that time. The paradigm shows as well as anything else the Indo-European affinity of Russian:

English Russian IPA Latin Classical Greek Sanskrit
"I am"(есмь)[jesʲmʲ]sumeimiásmi
"you are" (sing.)(еси́)[ˈjesʲɪ]eseiási
"he, she, it is"есть[jesʲtʲ]estesti(n)ásti
"we are"(есмы́)[ˈjɛsmɨ]sumusesmensmaḥ
"you are" (plur.)(есте́)[jesʲtʲe]estisestestaḥ
"they are"(суть)[sutʲ]sunteisi(n)sánti


The Infinitive in Russian has the suffix -ть or -ти, or ends with -чь (but -чь is not a suffix of a verb) (-ся/сь/ся respectively is added after it). It is the basic form of a verb for most purposes of study.

Present-future tense

There are two forms used to conjugate the present tense of imperfective verbs and the future tense of perfective verbs.

The first conjugation (I) is used in verb stems ending in a consonant, -у, or -о, or in -а when preceded by a sibilant:

  • -у/-ю, -ешь, -ет, -ем, -ете, -ут/-ют
    • -у/-ут is used after a hard consonant or ж, ш, щ or ч; otherwise -ю/-ют is used.
    • A mutating final consonant may entail a change in the ending.
    • е becomes ё when stressed.

The second conjugation (II) involves verb stems ending in -и or -е, and in -а when not preceded by a sibilant:

  • -у/-ю, -ишь, -ит, -им, -ите, -ат/ят
    • -у/-ат is used after a hard consonant or ж, ш, щ or ч; otherwise -ю/-ят is used.
    • Similar to the first conjugation, a mutating final consonant may entail a change in the ending.
      Example: попро-с-ить – попро-ш-у, попро-с-ят [pəprɐˈsʲitʲ, pəprɐˈʂu, pɐˈprosʲɪt] (to have solicited – [I, they] will have solicited).


First conjugation
чита́ть ('to read', stem: чита–)
я чита́ю I read (am reading, do read)
ты чита́ешь you read (are reading, do read)
он/она́/оно́ чита́ет he/she/it reads (is reading, does read)
мы чита́ем we read (are reading, do read)
вы чита́ете you (plural/formal) read (are reading, do read)
они чита́ют they read (are reading, do read)
First conjugation: verbs ending by -нуть
верну́ть ('to return [something]', stem: верн–)
я верну́ I will return
ты вернёшь you will return
он/она́/оно́ вернёт he/she/it will return
мы вернём we will return
вы вернёте you will return
они верну́т they will return
First conjugation: verbs ending by -овать, -евать
рисова́ть ('to draw', stem: рису-) плева́ть ('to spit', stem: плю-) танцева́ть ('to dance', stem: танцу-)
я рису́ю я плюю́ я танцу́ю
ты рису́ешь ты плюёшь ты танцу́ешь
он/она́/оно́ рису́ет он/она́/оно́ плюёт он/она́/оно́ танцу́ет
мы рису́ем мы плюём мы танцу́ем
вы рису́ете вы плюёте вы танцу́ете
они́ рису́ют они́ плюю́т они́ танцу́ют
First conjugation: verbs ending by -чь
мочь (‘can’, stem: мог-/мож-) печь (‘to bake’, stem: пек-/печ-)
я могу́ I can я пеку́ I bake
ты мо́жешь you can ты печёшь you bake
он/она́/оно́ мо́жет he/she/it can он/она́/оно́ печёт he/she/it bakes
мы мо́жем we can мы печём we bake
вы мо́жете you (all) can вы печёте you (all) bake
они́ мо́гут they can они́ пеку́т they bake
First conjugation (verbs ending by -сти, -сть)
нести́ (, stem: нес-) вести́ (, stem: вед-) мести́ (, stem: мет-) грести́ (, stem: греб-) красть (, stem: крад-)
я несу́ я веду́ я мету́ я гребу́ я краду́
ты несёшь ты ведёшь ты метёшь ты гребёшь ты крадёшь
он/она́/оно́ несёт он/она́/оно́ ведёт он/она́/оно́ метёт он/она́/оно́ гребёт он/она́/оно́ крадёт
мы несём мы ведём мы метём мы гребём мы крадём
вы несёте вы ведёте вы метёте вы гребёте вы крадёте
они́ несу́т они́ веду́т они́ мету́т они́ гребу́т они́ краду́т
First conjugation (verbs ending by -зти, -зть)
везти́ (, stem: вез-) лезть (, stem: лез-)
я везу́ я ле́зу
ты везёшь ты ле́зешь
он/она́/оно́ везёт он/она́/оно́ ле́зет
мы везём мы ле́зем
вы везёте вы ле́зете
они́ везу́т они́ ле́зут
First conjugation: verbs ending by -ыть
мыть (‘to wash, stem: мо-)
я мо́ю I wash
ты мо́ешь you wash
он/она́/оно́ мо́ет he/she/it washes
мы мо́ем we wash
вы мо́ете you (all) wash
они́ мо́ют they wash
First conjugation (verbs бить, вить, лить, пить)
бить (, stem: бь-) вить (, stem: вь-) лить (, stem: ль-) пить ('to drink', stem: пь-)
я бью я вью я лью я пью I drink
ты бьёшь ты вьёшь ты льёшь ты пьёшь you drink
он/она́/оно́ бьёт он/она́/оно́ вьёт он/она́/оно́ льёт он/она́/оно́ пьётhe/she/it drinks
мы бьём мы вьём мы льём мы пьёмwe drink
вы бьёте вы вьёте вы льёте вы пьётеyou (all) drink
они́ бьют они́ вьют они́ льют они́ пьютthey drink
First conjugation (verbs жить, плыть, слыть)
жить ('to live', stem: жив-) плыть (, stem: плыв-) слыть (, stem: слыв-)
я живу́I live я плыву́ я слыву́
ты живёшьyou live ты плывёшь ты слывёшь
он/она́/оно́ живётhe/she/it lives он/она́/оно́ плывёт он/она́/оно́ слывёт
мы живёмwe live мы плывём мы слывём
вы живётеyou (all) live вы плывёте вы слывёте
они́ живу́тthey live они́ плыву́т они́ слыву́т
Second conjugation
говори́ть ('to speak', stem: говор-)
я говорю́ I speak (am speaking, do speak)
ты говори́шь you speak (are speaking, do speak)
он/она́/оно́ говори́т he/she/it speaks (is speaking, does speak)
мы говори́м we speak (are speaking, do speak)
вы говори́те you (plural/formal) speak (are speaking, do speak)
они говоря́т they speak (are speaking, do speak)
Second conjugation (verbs ending by -бить, -вить, -пить, -мить)
люби́ть ('to love', stem: люб-) лови́ть ('to catch', stem: лов-) топи́ть ('to heat, stem: топ-) корми́ть ('to feed', stem: корм-)
я люблю́ I love я ловлю́ я топлю́ я кормлю́
ты лю́бишь you love ты ло́вишь ты то́пишь ты ко́рмишь
он́/она́/оно́ лю́битhe/she/it loves он́/она́/оно́ ло́вит он́/она́/оно́ то́пит он́/она́/оно́ ко́рмит
мы лю́бимwe love мы ло́вим мы то́пим мы ко́рмим
вы лю́битеyou (all) love вы ло́вите вы то́пите вы ко́рмите
они́ лю́бятthey love они́ ло́вят они́ то́пят они́ ко́рмят
Second conjugation (verbs ending by -сить, -зить, -тить, -дить, -стить)
проси́ть (, stem: прос-) вози́ть (, stem: воз-) плати́ть ('to pay', stem: плат-) ходи́ть ('to go [to walk]', stem: ход-) прости́ть (, stem: прост-)
я прошу́ я вожу́ я плачу́ I pay я хожу́ я прощу́
ты про́сишь ты во́зишь ты пла́тишь you pay ты хо́дишь ты прости́шь
он/она́/оно́ про́сит он/она́/оно́ во́зит он/она́/оно́ пла́титhe/she/it pays он/она́/оно́ хо́дит он/она́/оно́ прости́т
мы про́сим мы во́зим мы пла́тим we pay мы хо́дим мы прости́м
вы про́сите вы во́зите вы пла́тите you (all) pay вы хо́дите вы прости́те
они́ про́сят они́ во́зят они́ пла́тят they pay они́ хо́дят они́ простя́т

Past tense

The Russian past tense is gender specific: –л for masculine singular subjects, –ла for feminine singular subjects, –ло for neuter singular subjects, and –ли for plural subjects. This gender specificity applies to all persons; thus, to say "I slept", a male speaker would say я спал, while a female speaker would say я спалá.


the verbs де́лать (‘to do’, ‘to make’)
Masculine Past Form Feminine Past Form Neuter Past Form Plural Past Form
я де́лал I made (says a man) я де́лала I made (says a woman) мы де́лали we made
ты де́лал you made (is said to a man) ты де́лала you made (is said to a woman) вы де́лалиyou (all) made
он де́лал he made она́ де́лала she made оно́ де́лало it made они́ де́лали they made


Verbs ending by -сти, -сть, -зти, -зть
Infinitive Present Stem Past Forms
ле́зть лез- лез, ле́зла, ле́зло, ле́зли
нести́ нес- нёс, несла́, несло́, несли́
везти́ вез- вёз, везла́, везло́, везли́
вести́ вед- вёл, вела́, вело́, вели́
мести́ мет- мёл, мела́, мело́, мели́
грести́ греб- грёб, гребла́, гребло́, гребли́
расти́ раст- рос, росла́, росло́, росли́
Verbs ending by -чь
Infinitive Present Stem Past Forms
мочьмог-/мож- мог, могла́, могло́, могли́
печь пек-/печ- пёк, пекла́, пекло́, пекли́
Verbs ending by -ереть
Infinitive Past Forms
умере́тьу́мер, умерла́, у́мерло, у́мерли
The verb ‘идти́’ (to go, to walk) and verbs ending by -йти
Infinitive Past Forms
идти́ (to go)шёл, шла, шло, шли
уйти́ (to go away)ушёл, ушла́, ушло́, ушли́
найти́ (to find) нашёл, нашла́, нашло́, нашли́
пройти́ (to pass) прошёл, прошла́, прошло́, прошли́
прийти́ (to come) пришёл, пришла́, пришло́ пришли́
вы́йти (to go out) вы́шел, вы́шла, вы́шло, вы́шли
The verb ‘есть’ (to eat)
Infinitive Past Forms
естьел, е́ла, е́ло, е́ли


Russian verbs can form three moods (наклонения): indicative (изъявительное), conditional (сослагательное) and imperative (повелительное).[14]

Imperative Mood

The imperative mood second person singular is formed from future-present base of most verbs by adding -и (stressed ending in present-future or if base ends on more than one consonant), -ь (unstressed ending, base on one consonant) or -й (unstressed ending, base on vowel). Plural (including polite на вы) second-person form is made by adding -те to singular one: говорю 'I speak' - говори - говорите, забуду 'I shall forget' - забудь - забудьте, клею 'I glue' - клей - клейте. Some verbs have first-person plural imperative form with -те added to similar simple future or present tense form: пойдёмте 'let us go'. There are other ways of expressing command in Russian; for third person, for example, пусть particle with future can be used: Пусть они замолчат! 'Let them shut up!'.[15]

Infinitive Present Stem Imperative (2 pers. sing) Imperative (2 pers. plur)
де́лать де́ла- де́лай де́лайте
рисова́ть рису- рису́йрису́йте
тро́нуть трон- тро́нь тро́ньте
верну́ть верн- верни́ верни́те
ве́рить вер- верь ве́рьте
люби́ть люб- люби́ люби́те
услы́шать услыш- услы́шь услы́шьте
смотре́ть смотр- смотри́ смотри́те
пла́кать плач- плачь пла́чьте
писа́ть пиш- пиши́ пиши́те
лезть ле́з- лезь ле́зьте
везти́ вез- вези́ вези́те
нести́ нес- неси́ неси́те
вести́ вед- веди́ веди́те
мести́ мет- мети́ мети́те
грести́ греб- греби́ греби́те
расти́ раст-расти́ расти́те

Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive mood in Russian is formed by adding the particle бы after the word which marks the supposed subject into a sentence formed like in the past tense. Thus, to say "I would (hypothetically) sleep" or "I would like to sleep", a male speaker would say я спал бы (or я бы поспа́л), while a female speaker would say я спалá бы (or я бы поспала́).

The verb 'сказа́ть' (‘to say’)
Masculine Past Form Feminine Past Form Neuter Past Form Plural Past Form
я бы сказа́л I would say (says a male speaker) я бы сказа́ла I would say (says a female speaker) мы бы сказа́ли we would say
ты бы сказа́л you would say (is said to a male speaker) ты бы сказа́ла you would say (is said to a female speaker) вы бы сказа́лиyou (all) would say
он бы сказа́л he would say она́ бы сказа́ла she would say оно́ бы сказа́ло it would say они́ бы сказа́ли they would say
Negative Forms
Masculine Past Form Feminine Past Form Neuter Past Form Plural Past Form
я бы не сказа́л I wouldn't say (says a male speaker) я бы не сказа́ла I wouldn't say (says a female speaker) мы бы не сказа́ли we wouldn't say
ты бы не сказа́л you wouldn't say (is said to a male speaker) ты бы не сказа́ла you wouldn't say (is said to a female speaker) вы бы не сказа́лиyou (all) wouldn't say
он бы не сказа́л he wouldn't say она́ бы не сказа́ла she wouldn't say оно́ бы не сказа́ло it wouldn't say они́ бы не сказа́ли they wouldn't say

Verbs of Motion

Verbs of motion (also referred to as VoM) are a very unique class of verbs found in several Slavic languages. These verbs are highly emphasized in the second-language learning literature due to their confusing nature for non-native learners.[16] These verbs are all semantically related to movement actions, such as walking, swimming, or flying, but are unique in that they form verbal pairs not based upon imperfective or perfect aspect, as typical verbs do, but depending on the “directionality” of the verbs.[17] All un-prefixed verbs of motion are in the imperfective case. Verbs of motion can be either unidirectional or multidirectional (also known as determinate or indeterminate, definite or indefinite, and unidirectional or non-unidirectional).[18] The following table shows the list of the 18 accepted pairs of verbs of motion in the Russian language, adapted from Gagarina (2009).

English Verb Russian Equivalent Unidirectional Russian Equivalent Multidirectional
run бежа́ть бе́гать
go, wander брести́ броди́ть
carry-by-vehicle, transport везти́ вози́ть
drive, lead вести́ води́ть
drive, chase гнать гоня́ть
drive-reflexive гна́ться гоня́ться
go-by-vehicle, ride е́хать е́здить
go-on-foot, walk идти́ ходи́ть
roll кати́ть ката́ть
roll-reflexive кати́ться ката́ться
climb лезть ла́зать or ла́зить
fly лете́ть лета́ть
carry нести́ носи́ть
hurry, rush нести́сь носи́ться
swim, float плыть пла́вать
crawl, creep ползти́ по́лзать
drag тащи́ть таска́ть
go slowly тащи́ться таска́ться

As the verbs in the chart demonstrate, these verbs are characterized as either encoding just the direction of motion, such as bežat’ ‘to run in one direction’, or encoding direction of motion and type of motion, such as ehat’ ‘to go by vehicle in one direction’. In every pair the two verbs differ depending on their directionality, either unidirectional or multidirectional. Unidirectional verbs denote motion going in only one direction, meaning the one-time motion from a source towards a goal. Multidirectional verbs, however, have several meanings. Multidirectional verbs can refer to: 1) roundtrips, meaning movement from a source to a specific goal and back to the source, 2) random motion or movement in multiple directions, rather than only one direction, 3) repeated motion, such as a movement that takes place everyday, 4) the ability to perform a movement in a certain way. The following example adapted from Gor, Cook, Malyushenkova, & Vdovina (2009) shows the distinction between a unidirectional and a multidirectional verb.

(1) Я ходи́л на по́чту.
Ja xodil na počtu.
I went-MULTI to the post office.
‘I went to the post office and came back.’
(2) Я шёл на по́чту.
Ja šel na počtu.
I went-UNI to the post office.
‘I was on my way to the post office.’

Many second-language learners of Russian have difficulty with this type of contrast between verbs that denote roundtrip, as in sentence (1), and one-direction motion, as in sentence (2), because non-Slavic languages, such as English, do not grammaticalize the unidirectional and multidirectional distinction. Learners of Russian must learn the correct contexts for when to use verbs of motion; for example, a unidirectional verb in the past, as in sentence (2), often refers to an action in one direction that is interrupted, while the multidirectional verb in sentence (1) would refer to an entire sequence of motion (going and returning) that is completed. In addition to the 18 pairs of un-prefixed verbs of motion which occur above, there are also numerous prefixed verbs of motion that can occur. The addition of a prefix to a verb of motion can cause both semantic and aspectual changes to the verb. When a spatial prefix is added to a unidirectional verb of motion, the verb becomes perfective, whereas spatially prefixed multidirectional verbs remain imperfective.[19] This creates new aspectual pairs of verbs, such as priletet’ (perfective) - priletat’ (imperfective), meaning ‘to arrive by plane.’ In addition to the spatial prefix pri-, which denotes arrival, there are several other spatial prefixes that can be added to verbs of motion to create new verbs, such as v- (enter), vy- (exit), do- (reach a goal), ot- (move away), pod- (approach), and u- (depart), amongst others.[20] However, when a temporal or resultive prefix, most frequently the prefix po-, is added to either a unidirectional or multidirectional verb of motion, both verbs become perfective. For example both the verbs poehat’ and poezdit’ , meaning to go-by-vehicle or to ride, are perfective verbs, although they maintain their directionality distinction, unidirectional and multidirectional, respectively.

Adjectival participle

Russian adjectival participles can be active or passive; have perfective or imperfective mood; imperfective participles can have present or past tense, while perfective ones in classical language can be only past.[21] As adjectives, they are declined by case, number and gender. If adjectival participles are derived from reciprocal verbs, they have suffix -ся appended after the adjectival ending; this suffix in participles never takes the short form. Participles are often difficult to distinguish from verb-derived adjectives (this is important for some cases of orthography). Some words are obviously participles but have no corresponding verb: e.g. the nineteenth-century judicial term вольноопределяющийся is not derived from the (non-existent) verb *вольноопределяться, but from the adverb вольно plus определяющийся (participle from the verb определяться).

Active Present Participle

Лю́ди, живу́щие в э́том го́роде, о́чень до́брые и отве́тственные – The people living in this city are very kind and responsible.

In order to form the Active Present Participle you should replace the "т" of the 3-rd pers. plur. of the Present Tense by "щ" and add a necessary adjective ending:

де́лать (to do, to make) – де́лают (they do/make) – де́лающий (doing, making)
Masculine form де́лающий
Feminine form де́лающая
Neuter form де́лающее
Plural form де́лающие

Note: Only imperfective verbs can have an Active Present Participle.

Infinitive 3-rd person sing.
(Present Tense)
Active Pres. Part.
First conjugation
име́ть (to have) име́ют име́ющий
писа́ть (to write) пи́шут пи́шущий
пря́тать (to conceal) пря́чут пря́чущий
рисова́ть (to draw) рису́ют рису́ющий
вести́ (to lead) веду́т веду́щий
печь (to bake) пеку́т пеку́щий
жить (to live) живу́т живу́щий
люби́ть (to love) лю́бят лю́бящий
коло́ть (to break) ко́лют ко́лющий
идти́ (to go) иду́т иду́щий
пить (to drink) пьют пью́щий
мыть (to wash) мо́ют мо́ющий
брить (to shave) бре́ют бре́ющий
петь (to sing) пою́т пою́щий
дава́ть (to give) даю́т даю́щий
жать (to press) жмут жмущий
тону́ть (to sink) то́нут то́нущий
Second conjugation
слы́шать (to hear) слы́шат слы́шащий
сто́ить (to cost) сто́ят сто́ящий
стоя́ть (to stand) стоя́т стоя́щий
хоте́ть (to want) хотя́т хотя́щий
Other verbs
бежа́ть (to run) бегу́т бегу́щий
есть (to eat) едя́т едя́щий
быть (to be) *суть *су́щий

(*) Note: These forms are obsolete in modern Russian and they aren't used in the spoken language as forms of the verb 'to be'.

Active Present Participle Declension
де́лающий - doing/making
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gде́лающуюде́лающееN or G
Reflexive Verbs Paradigm
де́лающийся - being done/being made
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gде́лающуюсяде́лающеесяN or G

The participle agrees in gender, case and number with the word it refers to:
Я посвяща́ю э́ту пе́сню лю́дям, живу́щим в на́шем го́роде – I dedicate this song to the people living in our city.
Я горжу́сь людьми́, живу́щими в на́шем го́роде – I’m proud with the people living in our city.

Active Past Participle

Active Past Participle is used in order to indicate actions that happened in the past: Де́вушка, чита́вшая тут кни́гу, забы́ла свой телефо́н – The girl, that read a book here, forgot her phone (the girl read it’s book in the past).

Compare: Де́вушка, чита́ющая тут кни́гу, – моя́ сестра́ – The girl reading a book here is my sister (she is reading a book now, in present).

In order to form the Active Past Participle you should replace the infinitive ending '-ть' by the suffix '-вш-' and add an adjective ending:

де́лать (to do, to make) – де́лавший
Masculine form де́лавший
Feminine form де́лавшая
Neuter form де́лавшее
Plural form де́лавшие
Infinitive Active Past Part.
име́ть '(to have)' име́вший
рисова́ть '(to draw)' рисова́вший
тону́ть '()' тону́вший
люби́ть '(to love)' люби́вший
писа́ть '(to write)' писа́вший
коло́ть '()' коло́вший
бить '()' би́вший
мыть '(to wash)' мы́вший
дава́ть '(to give)' дава́вший
жать '()' жа́вший
стать '(to become)' ста́вший
жить '(to live)' жи́вший
Infinitive Past Tense
(masc. form)
Active Past Part.
Some verbs ending by ‘consonant + нуть’
со́хнуть () сох сохший
проту́хнуть () проту́х проту́хший
сдо́хнуть () сдох сдо́хший
Verbs ending by ‘-зть’
лезть () лез ле́зший
Verbs ending by ‘-ти’
везти́ () вёз вёзший
вести́ () вёл ве́дший
нести́ () нёс нёсший
мести́ () мёл мётший
грести́ () грёб грёбший
расти́ (to grow) рос ро́сший
Verbs ending by ‘-чь’
помо́чь (to help) помог помо́гший
печь (to bake) пёк пёкший
Verbs ending by ‘-ереть’
умере́ть (to die) у́мер у́ме́рший
запере́ть (to lock) за́пер за́перший
стере́ть () стёр стёрший
The verb ‘красть’
красть () крал кра́вший
The verb ‘идти́’
идти́ (to go) шёл шедший
Active Past Participle Declension
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gде́лавшуюде́лавшееN or G
Reflexive Verbs Paradigm
де́лавшийся - being done/being made
Singular Plural
Masc. Fem. Neut.
AccusativeN or Gде́лавшуюсяде́лавшеесяN or G

Passive Present Participle

обсуждать – to discuss обсужда́емый – being discussed

In order to form the Passive Present Participle it’s necessary to add an adjective ending to the 1-st plural of the Present Tense:

оставля́ть (to leave) – оставля́ем (we leave) – оставля́емый
Masculine form оставля́емый
Feminine form оставля́емая
Neuter form оставля́емое
Plural form оставля́емые
Infinitive 1-rd person plur.
(Present Tense)
Passive Pres. Part.
поздравля́ть () поздравля́ем поздравля́емый
рисова́ть () рису́ем рису́емый
люби́ть () лю́бим лю́бимый
гнать () го́ним го́нимый
мыть () мо́ем мо́емый
Infinitive Present stem Passive Past Part.
Verbs ending by -авать
узнава́ть () узнава́емый
Verbs ending by -зть, -зти, -сть, -сти
везти́ () вез- везо́мый
вести́ () вед- ведо́мый
нести́ () нес- несо́мый
мести́ () мет- мето́мый
грести́ () греб- гребо́мый
красть () крад- крадо́мый

These participles are hardly ever used in modern Russian. Normally, they are replaced by reflexive active present participles:
‘рису́ющийся’ instead of ‘рису́емый’ – being drawn, drawable
‘мо́ющийся’ instead of ‘мо́емый’ – being washed

The forms ending by ‘-омый’ are mostly obsolete. Only the forms ‘ведо́мый’ (from ‘вести́’ – to lead) and ‘иско́мый’ (from ‘иска́ть’ – to search, to look for) are used in spoken language as adjectives:
ведо́мый челове́к – a slave man
иско́мая величина́ – the unknown quantity

Passive Past Participle

сде́лать – to do/to make (perfective verb) сдела́нный – done/made

Passive Past Participles are formed by means of the suffixes ‘-нн-’ or ‘-т-’ from the infinitive stem of perfective verbs. Besides that, this kind of participle can have short forms formed by means of the suffixes ‘-н-’ or ‘-т-’:

написа́ть (to write) – напи́санный (written) / напи́сан (short form)
уби́ть (to kill) – уби́тый (killed) / уби́т (short form)
Full form Short form
Masculine напи́санный напи́сан
Feminine напи́санная напи́сана
Neuter напи́санное напи́сано
Plural напи́санные напи́саны
Full form Short form
Masculine уби́тый уби́т
Feminine уби́тая уби́та
Neuter уби́тое уби́то
Plural уби́тые уби́ты
написа́ть (to write) – напи́санный (written) / напи́сан (short form)
уби́ть (to kill) – уби́тый (killed) / уби́т (short form)
Full form Short form
Masculine напи́санный напи́сан
Feminine напи́санная напи́сана
Neuter напи́санное напи́сано
Plural напи́санные напи́саны
Full form Short form
Masculine уби́тый уби́т
Feminine уби́тая уби́та
Neuter уби́тое уби́то
Plural уби́тые уби́ты
Participle Forming Models
Infinitive Participle Shoft forms
Verbs in -ать, -ять, -еть with a Present stem ending by a vowel
сде́лать (to do, do make) сде́ланный сде́лан
поменя́ть (to change) поме́нянный поме́нян
нарисова́ть (to draw) нарисо́ванный нарисо́ван
услы́шать (to hear) услы́шанный услы́шан
написа́ть (to write) напи́санный напи́сан
Verbs ending by ‘-ить’ and ‘-еть’ referred to the second conjugation
пожа́рить () пожа́ренный пожа́рен
уви́деть (to see) уви́денный уви́ден
оби́деть () оби́женный оби́жен
оплати́ть (to pay) опла́ченный опла́чен
порази́ть () поражённый поражён, поражена́, поражено́, поражены́
спроси́ть (to ask) спро́шенный спро́шен
прости́ть (to forgive) прощённый прощён, прощена́, прощено́, прощены́
проломи́ть () проло́мленный проло́млен
установи́ть (to install, to setup) устано́вленный устано́влен
истреби́ть () истреблённый истреблён, истреблена́, истреблено́, истреблены́
купи́ть (to buy) ку́пленный ку́плен
Verbs ending by ‘-зть’, ‘-сть’, ‘-зти’ or ‘-сти’
сгрызть () сгры́зенный сгры́зен
укра́сть () укра́денный укра́ден
проче́сть (to read) прочтённый прочтён, прочтена́, прочтено́, прочтены́
увезти́ () увезённый увезён, увезена́, увезено́, увезены́
увести́ () уведённый уведён, уведена́, уведено́, уведены́
подмести́ () подметённый подметён, подметена́, подметено́, подметены́
унести́ () унесённый унесён, унесена́, унесено́, унесены́
погрести́ () погребённый погребён, погребена́, погребено́, погребены́
Verbs ending by ‘-чь’
испе́чь (to bake) испечённый испечён, испечена́, испечено́, испечены́
сбере́чь () сбережённый сбережён, сбережена́, сбережено́, сбережены́
Verbs ending by ‘-йти’
найти́ (ro find) на́йденный на́йден
Verbs ending by ‘-нуть’
согну́ть () со́гнутый со́гнут
Verbs ending by ‘-оть’
уколо́ть () уко́лотый уко́лот
Verbs ending by ‘-ыть’
намы́ть (to wash) намы́тый намы́т
забы́ть (to forget) забы́тый забы́т
Verbs ending by ‘бить’, ‘вить’, ‘лить’, ‘пить’, ‘шить’
уби́ть (to kill) уби́тый уби́т

Adverbial participle

Adverbial participles (деепричастия) are not declined, quite like usual adverbs. They inherit the aspect of their verb; imperfective ones are usually present, while perfective ones can be only past (since they denote action performed by the subject, the tense corresponds to time of action denoted by verb). Almost all Russian adverbial participles are active; to form passive constructions, adverbial participle forms of verb быть (past бывши, present будучи) may be used with either adjectival participle in instrumental case (Будучи раненным, боец оставался в строю — Combatant, being wounded, remained in the row), or short adjective in nominative (Бывши один раз наказан, он больше так не делал — Having been punished once, he didn't do it any more).

Present adverbial participles are formed by adding suffix -а/-я (sometimes -учи/-ючи which is usually deprecated) to present tense stem. Few of past participles (mainly of intransitive verbs of motion) are formed in similar manner. Most past adverbial participles are formed with suffix -в (alternative form -вши, always used before -сь), some with stem ending on consonant – with -ши. Reciprocal ones have suffix -сь at their very end (in poetry can appear as -ся).[22][23]

Adverbial participles in standard Russian are believed to be feature of bookish speech; in colloquial language they are usually replaced with single adjectival participles or constructions with verbs: Пообедав, я пошёл гулять → Я пообедал и пошёл гулять (I had dinner and went for a walk). But in some dialects adverbial and adjectival participles are common to produce perfect forms which are not distinguished in literary Russian; e.g. "I haven't eaten today" will be "Я сегодня не евши" instead of "Я сегодня не ела".

Adverbial participles
Infinitive Present tence verb Present adverbial participle Past adverbial participle
думать (to think, impf.) думаю думая (думав)[tavp 1]
сказать (to say, pf.) сказав (сказавши)
учиться (to be learning, impf.) учусь учась (учившись)[tavp 1]
научиться (to learn, pf.) научившись
войти (to enter, pf.) войдя (вошед,[tavp 2] вошедши)
сплести (to weave, pf.) сплётши (сплетя)
ехать (to ride/to drive, impf.) еду (ехав, ехавши)[tavp 1] (едучи)[tavp 3]
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Rare but existing forms; they appear e. g. in negative sentences: как Он знает Писания, не учившись? (John 7:15).
  2. Deprecated irregular form.
  3. Mentioned by explorers other than Zaliznyak as still alive and neutral -учи form.[1]

Irregular verbs

Russian verb paradigm
брать1 ви́деть2 дава́ть1 дать3 есть3 жить1 звать1 идти́1 писа́ть2
take see give give (pf.) eat live call go write
1st sg беру́ ви́жу даю́ дам ем живу́ зову́ иду́ пишу́
2nd sg берёшь ви́дишь даёшь дашь ешь живёшь зовёшь идёшь пи́шешь
3rd sg берёт ви́дит даёт даст ест живёт зовёт идёт пи́шет
1st pl берём ви́дим даём дади́м еди́м живём зовём идём пи́шем
2nd pl берёте ви́дите даёте дади́те еди́те живёте зовёте идёте пи́шете
3rd pl беру́т ви́дят даю́т даду́т едя́т живу́т зову́т иду́т пи́шут
Past брал
Imperative бери́ видь дава́й дай ешь живи́ зови́ иди́ пиши́
Present Active Participle беру́щий ви́дящий даю́щий - едя́щий живу́щий зову́щий иду́щий пи́шущий
Past Active Participle бра́вший ви́девший дава́вший да́вший е́вший жи́вший зва́вший ше́дший писа́вший
Past Passive Participle за́бранный уви́денный - да́нный съе́денный - по́званный - напи́санный
Past Passive Participle (Short Forms) за́бран
- дан
- по́зван
- напи́сан
Present Adverbial Participle беря́ ви́дя дава́я - едя́ живя́ зовя́ идя́ -
Past Adverbial Participle брав ви́дев дава́в дав ев жив звав ше́дшиписа́в

1These verbs all have a stem change.
2These verbs are palatalised in certain cases, namely сш for all the present forms of "писа́ть", and дж in the first person singular of the other verbs.
3These verbs do not conform to either the first or second conjugations.

Passive Voice

Russian language has two types of Passive voice: analytic and inflectional.

The inflectional type is formed by a noun or pronoun in the genitive case (его́, меня́, Ва́сю и т.д.) and a third-person verb: Future progressive: Меня́ бу́дут убива́ть (I will be being killed) or ((They) Will be killing me) Future perfect: Меня́ убью́т (I will be killed) or ((They) Will kill me) Present: Меня́ убива́ют (I am being killed) or ((They) Are killing me) Past simle: Меня́ убива́ли (I was being killed) or ((They) Were killing me) Past perfect: Меня́ уби́ли (I have been killed) ) or (They) have killed me)

The analytic type is formed by a noun or pronoun in the nominative case, followed by "быть" - "to be" to indicate tense, followed by a short-form adjective (in English - Participle II) Future perfect: Я бу́ду уби́т (I will be killed) Present: Я уби́т (I am killed) Past Simple: Я был уби́т (I was killed)

Word formation

Russian has on hand a set of prefixes, prepositional and adverbial in nature, as well as diminutive, augmentative, and frequentative suffixes and infixes. All of these can be stacked one upon the other, to produce multiple derivatives of a given word. Participles and other inflectional forms may also have a special connotation. For example:

мыслишка[mɨˈsʲlʲiʂkə]"a petty, cute or a silly thought"
мыслища[mɨˈsʲlʲiɕːə]"a thought of fundamental import"
мышление[mɨˈʂlʲenʲɪjə]"thought; abstract thinking, ratiocination"
мыслить[ˈmɨsʲlʲitʲ]"to think (as to cogitate)"
осмыслить[ɐˈsmɨsʲlʲɪtʲ] "to comprehend; to rationalize"
осмысливать[ɐˈsmɨsʲlʲivətʲ] "to be in the process of comprehending"
переосмыслить[pʲɪrʲɪɐˈsmɨsʲlʲɪtʲ]"to reassess"
переосмысливать[pʲɪrʲɪɐˈsmɨsʲlʲɪvətʲ]"to be in the process of reassessing (something)"
переосмысливаемый[pʲɪrʲɪɐˈsmɨsʲlʲɪvəjɪmɨj]"(something) in the process of being considered in a new light"
обессмыслить[əbʲɪˈsmɨsʲlʲɪtʲ]"to render meaningless"
обессмысленный[əbʲɪˈsmɨsʲlʲɪnːɨj]"rendered meaningless"
необессмысленный[nʲɪəbʲɪˈsmɨsʲlʲɪnːɨj]"not rendered meaningless"

Russian has also proven friendly to agglutinative compounds. As an extreme case:

металлоломообеспечение[mʲɪtəlɐˌlomɐɐbʲɪˈsʲpʲetɕɪnʲjɪ]"provision of scrap iron"
металлоломообеспеченный[mʲɪtəlɐˌlomɐɐbʲɪˈsʲpʲetɕɪnːɨj]"well supplied with scrap iron"

Purists (as Dmitry Ushakov in the preface to his dictionary) frown on such words. But here is the name of a street in St. Petersburg:

Каменноостровский проспект[ˌkamʲɪnːɐɐˈstrovskʲɪj prɐˈsʲpʲɛkt]"Stone Island Avenue"

Some linguists have suggested that Russian agglutination stems from Church Slavonic. In the twentieth century, abbreviated components appeared in the compound:

управдом[uprɐˈvdom] = управляющий домом[uprɐˈvlʲajuɕːɪj ˈdoməm]"residence manager"


The basic word order, both in conversation and the written language, is subject–verb–object in transitive clauses, and free word order in intransitive clauses. However, because the relations are marked by inflection, considerable latitude in word order is allowed even in transitive clauses, and all the permutations can be used. For example, the words in the phrase "я пошёл в магазин" ('I went to the shop') can be arranged

  • Я пошёл в магазин. (I went to the shop; I went to the shop.)
  • Я в магазин пошёл. (I to the shop went; approx. I am going out, my destination is the shop.)
  • Пошёл я в магазин. (Went I to the shop; two meanings: can be treated as a beginning of a narrated story: “Went I to the shop, and something happened.” or a decision made by someone after a long contemplation: “OK, I think I will go the shop.”)
  • Пошёл в магазин я. (Went to the shop I; rarely used, can be treated as a beginning of a line of a poem written in amphibrach due to uncommon word order.)
  • В магазин я пошёл. (To the shop I went; two meanings: can be used as a response: “I went to the shop.” — “Sorry, where did you go?” — “To the shop—that’s where I went.” or an emphasis on the way of transportation: I went to the shop on foot.)
  • В магазин пошёл я. (To the shop went I; It was me who went to the shop.)

while maintaining grammatical correctness. Note, however, that the order of the phrase "в магазин" ("to the shop") is kept constant.

The word order expresses the logical stress, and the degree of definiteness. Primary emphasis tends to be initial, with a slightly weaker emphasis at the end. Note that some of these arrangements can describe present actions, not only past (despite the fact that the verb пошёл is in the past).

Impersonal sentences

Russian is null-subject language — it allows constructing sentences without subject (Russian: безличные предложения). Some of them are disputed not to be really impersonal but to have oblique subject. One of possible classification of such sentences distinguishes:[24]

Subjectless impersonals
Such ones where no element could pretend to be a subject:
Смеркалось. 'It got dusky.'
В Москве полночь. 'It's midnight in Moscow.'
They contain an impersonal verb (which is in form of single third-person or single neutral).
Dative impersonals
Usually express personal feelings, where experiencer in dative case can possibly be considered as subject:
Мнеdat. скучно. 'I'm bored.'
Other impersonals
They have nominal element which is neither nominative nor dative, but also is a nominal verb arguement:
Меняacc. тошнит. 'I feel sick.'
Васюacc. дёрнуло токомinstr.. 'Vasya had an electrical shock.'


Multiple negatives

Unlike in standard English, multiple negatives are compulsory in Russian, as in "никто никогда никому ничего не прощает" [nʲɪkˈto nʲɪkɐɡˈda nʲɪkɐˈmu nʲɪtɕɪˈvo nʲɪ prɐɕˈɕæjɪt] ('No-one ever forgives anyone for anything' literally, "no one never to no-one nothing does not forgive"). Usually, only one word in a sentence has negative particle or prefix "не" or belongs to negative word "нет", while another words have negation-affirmative particle or prefix "ни"; but this word can often be easily omitted, and thus ни becomes the signal of negation: вокруг никого нет and вокруг никого both mean "there is nobody around".

Adverbial answers

[citation needed]

  • Adverbial answers to an affirmative sentence

As a one-word answer to an affirmative sentence, yes translates да and no does нет, as shown by the table below. [citation needed]

Answer to an affirmative sentence
English Russian
It’s raining Идёт дождь
Agreeing with
speaker (rain is falling)
= it’s raining
= идёт дождь
Disagreeing with
speaker (rain is not falling)
= it’s not raining
= дождь не идёт
  • Adverbial answers to a negative sentence [citation needed]

As a one-word answer to a negative sentence, yes translates нет and no does да, as shown by the table below that compares the English and Russian idioms with the French and Dutch three-adverb system.

Answer to a negative sentence
English Russian French Dutch
It’s not raining Дождь не идёт Il ne pleut pas Het regent niet
Disagreeing with
speaker (rain is falling)
= it is raining
= дождь идёт
= il pleut
= het regent wel
Agreeing with
speaker (rain is not falling)
= it’s not raining
= дождь не идёт
= il ne pleut pas
= het regent niet
  • Summary

This can be summarised by the table below. [citation needed]

Russian English Meaning
Да I agree with your statement
Yes My own statement is positive
Нет I disagree with your statement / My own statement is negative
No My own statement is negative


The most common types of coordination expressed by compound sentences in Russian are conjoining, oppositional, and separative. Additionally, the Russian grammar considers comparative, complemental, and clarifying. Other flavors of the meanings may also be distinguished.

Conjoining coordinations are formed with the help of the conjunctions "и", "да", "ни...ни" (simultaneous negation), также, тоже (the latter two have complementary flavors). Most commonly the conjoining coordination expresses enumeration, simultaneity or immediate sequence. They may also have a cause-effect flavor.

Oppositional coordinations are formed with the help of the oppositional conjunctions а, но, да, однако, зато, же, etc. They express the semantic relations of opposition, comparison, incompatibility, restriction, or compensation.

Separative coordinations are formed with the help of the separative conjunctions или, либо, ли...ли, то...то, etc., and are used to express alternation or incompatibility of things expressed in the coordinated sentences.

Complemental and clarifying coordination expresses additional, but not subordinated, information related to the first sentence.

Comparative coordination is a semantical flavor of the oppositional one.

Common coordinating conjunctions include:

  • и [i] "and", enumerative, complemental;
  • а [a] "and", comparative, tending to "but";
  • но [no] "but", oppositional;
  • ибо [ˈibə] (bookish, archaic) "for", clarifying.

The distinction between и and а is important. И implies a following complemental state that does not oppose the antecedent. А implies a following state that acts in opposition to the antecedent, but more weakly than но "but".

The Catherine manuscript of the Song of Igor, 1790s
они уехали,
и мы уезжаем
[ɐˈnʲi uˈjɛxəlʲɪ]
[ɪ ˈmɨ ujɪˈʑʑajɪm]
they have departed
and we are departing
они уехали,
а мы уезжаем
[ɐˈnʲi uˈjɛxəlʲɪ]
[ɐ ˈmɨ ujɪˈʑʑajɪm]
they have departed,
while (but) we are (still) departing
они уехали,
но мы приезжаем
[ɐˈnʲi uˈjɛxəlʲɪ]
[no ˈmɨ prʲɪjɪˈʑʑajɪm]
they have departed,
but we are arriving

The distinction between и and а developed after medieval times. Originally, и and а were closer in meaning. The unpunctuated ending of the Song of Igor illustrates the potential confusion. The final five words in modern spelling, князьям слава а дружине аминь [knʲɪˈzʲjam ˈslavə ə druˈʐɨnʲɪ ɐˈmʲinʲ] can be understood either as "Glory to the princes and to their host! Amen." or "Glory to the princes, and amen (R.I.P.) to their troops". Although the majority opinion is definitely with the first interpretation, there is no full consensus. The psychological difference between the two is quite obvious.


Complementizers (subordinating conjunctions, adverbs, or adverbial phrases) include:

  • если [ˈjesʲlʲɪ] 'if' (meaning 'in case where' not meaning 'whether');
  • потому что [pətɐˈmu ʂtə], так как [tak kak] 'because'
  • чтобы [ˈʂtobɨ], дабы [ˈdabɨ] (bookish, archaic) 'so that'
  • после того, как [ˈposʲlʲɪ tɐˈvo kək] 'after'
  • хотя [xɐˈtʲa] 'although'

In general, there are fewer subordinate clauses than in English, because the participles and adverbial participles often take the place of a relative pronoun/verb combination. For example:

Вот человек,
потерявший надежду.
[vot tɕɪlɐˈvʲɛk]
[pətʲɪˈrʲavʂɨj nɐˈdʲɛʐdu]
Here (is) a man
who has lost (all) hope.
[lit. having lost hope]
Гуляя по городу, всегда
останавливаюсь у Ростральных колонн.
[ɡuˈlʲajɪ pɐ ˈɡorədu vsʲɪɡˈda]
[əstɐˈnavlʲɪvəjusʲ u rɐˈstralʲnɨx kɐˈlon]
When I go for a walk in the city, I always
pause by the Rostral Columns.
[lit. Walking in the city, I...]

Absolute construction

Despite the inflectional nature of Russian, there is no equivalent in the modern language to the English nominative absolute or the Latin ablative absolute construction. The old language had an absolute construction, with the noun put into the dative. Like so many other archaisms, it is retained in Church Slavonic. Among the last known examples in literary Russian occurs in Radishchev's Journey from Petersburg to Moscow (Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву [putʲɪˈʂɛstvʲɪjɪ ɪs pʲɪtʲɪrˈburɡə v mɐˈskvu]), 1790:

  • Едущу мне из Едрова, Анюта из мысли моей не выходила. [ˈjeduɕːu mnʲe ɪzʲ jɪˈdrovə, ɐˈnʲutə ɪz ˈmɨsʲlʲɪ mɐˈjej nʲɪ vɨxɐˈdʲilə] "As I was leaving Yedrovo village, I could not stop thinking about Aniuta."

See also


  1. "Деепричастие". Русская корпусная грамматика. Retrieved 2013-09-26. 
  2. (Russian) Zaliznyak A. A. "Русское именное словоизменение." Moscow.: Science, 1967
  3. (Russian) Uspenskij V. A. "К определению падежа по А. Н. Колмогорову // Бюллетень объединения по проблемам машинного перевода." Issue. 5. Moscow., 1957 online copy
  4. (Russian) Klobukov E. V. "Семантика падежных форм в современном русском литературном языке. (Введение в методику позиционного анализа)" Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 1986.
  5. Е. И. Литневская. Русский язык. Краткий теоретический курс для школьников БСМП «ЭЛЕКС-Альфа», 2000
  6. Le Fleming, Svetlana & Kay, Susan E. Colloquial Russian: the Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2007 ISBN 978-0-415-42702-9, page25
  7. Несклоняемые существительные // Словарь-справочник лингвистических терминов. Изд. 2-е. — М.: Просвещение. Розенталь Д. Э., Теленкова М. А.. 1976.
  8. These are adjectives and not adverbs, since they can't modify verbs.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Современный русский язык / Под ред. В. А. Белошапковой.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Corbett, Greville G. (June 1987). "The Morphology/Syntax Interface: Evidence from Possessive Adjectives in Slavonic". Language. 2 63: 11, 12. Retrieved 13 December 2013. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 Matasović, Ranko. Slavic Possessive Genitives and Adjectives from the Historical Point of View. 
  12. Note that Russians most often use comma as decimal separator.
  13. In very bookish speech also can appear plural third-person form суть; it's often misused by some native Russian writers who don't know what this word really is.
  14. Björn Rothstein, Rolff Thieroff (2010). Mood in the Languages of Europe. John Benjamins Publishing. p. 326. 
  15. Russian verbs: How to form the imperative
  16. Gor, K., Cook, S., Malyushenkova, V., & Vdovina, T (2009). "Verbs of Motion in Highly Proficient Learners and Heritage Speakers of Russian". The Slavic and East European Journal 53 (3): 386–408. 
  17. Bondarchuk, Larissa A., & Derwing, Bruce L (2009). "The Salience of Semantic Features of Russian Verbs of Motion: An Experimental Study". The Slavic and East European Journal 53 (3): 409–429. Retrieved 21 April 2013. 
  18. Gagarina, Natalia (2009). "Verbs of Motion in Russian: An Acquisitional Perspective". The Slavic and East European Journal 53 (3): 451–470. 
  19. Muravyova, L. S. (1986). Verbs of motion in Russian. Yazyk Publishers. 
  20. Titelbaum, Olga A. (1990). "Prefixed Russian Verbs of Transposition". Russian Linguistics 14 (1): 37–46. 
  21. Classification of participles
  22. Paul Cubberley (2002). Russian: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge University Press. pp. 162, 164. ISBN 0521796415. 
  23. А. А. Камынина (1999). Современный русский язык. Морфология. Издательство МГУ. p. 180. ISBN 5-211-04133-X. 
  24. Bailyn, John F. (2012). The Syntax of Russian. Cambridge University Press. pp. 115—118. ISBN 9780521885744. 
  25. Stillman, David M.; Gordon, Ronni L. (2011). The Ultimate French Review and Practice (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill. p. 43. ISBN 978-0-07-174414-0. "Si, not oui, is used to answer yes to a negative question." 

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