Rupture field

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In abstract algebra, a rupture field of a polynomial P(X) over a given field K such that P(X)\in K[X] is the field extension of K generated by a root a of P(X).[1]

For instance, if K={\mathbb  Q} and P(X)=X^{3}-2 then {\mathbb  Q}[{\sqrt[ {3}]2}] is a rupture field for P(X).

The notion is interesting mainly if P(X) is irreducible over K. In that case, all rupture fields of P(X) over K are isomorphic, non canonically, to K_{P}=K[X]/(P(X)): if L=K[a] where a is a root of P(X), then the ring homomorphism f defined by f(k)=k for all k\in K and f(X\mod P)=a is an isomorphism. Also, in this case the degree of the extension equals the degree of P.

The rupture field of a polynomial does not necessarily contain all the roots of that polynomial: in the above example the field {\mathbb  Q}[{\sqrt[ {3}]2}] does not contain the other two (complex) roots of P(X) (namely \omega {\sqrt[ {3}]2} and \omega ^{2}{\sqrt[ {3}]2} where \omega is a primitive third root of unity). For a field containing all the roots of a polynomial, see the splitting field.


The rupture field of X^{2}+1 over {\mathbb  R} is {\mathbb  C}. It is also its splitting field.

The rupture field of X^{2}+1 over {\mathbb  F}_{3} is {\mathbb  F}_{9} since there is no element of {\mathbb  F}_{3} with square equal to -1 (and all quadratic extensions of {\mathbb  F}_{3} are isomorphic to {\mathbb  F}_{9}).

See also


  1. Escofier, Jean-Paul (2001). Galois Theory. Springer. p. 62. ISBN 0-387-98765-7. 
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