Resolvable space

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In topology, a topological space is said to be resolvable if it is expressible as the union of two disjoint dense subsets. For instance, the real numbers form a resolvable topological space because the rationals and irrationals are disjoint dense subsets. A topological space that is not resolvable is termed irresolvable.


  • The product of two resolvable spaces is resolvable
  • Every locally compact topological space without isolated points is resolvable
  • Every submaximal space is irresolvable

See also


  • A.B. Kharazishvili (2006), Strange functions in real analysis, Chapman & Hall/CRC monographs and surveys in pure and applied mathematics 272, CRC Press, p. 74, ISBN 1-58488-582-3 
  • Miroslav HuĊĦek; J. van Mill (2002), Recent progress in general topology, Recent Progress in General Topology 2, Elsevier, p. 21, ISBN 0-444-50980-1 

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