Resistance distance

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In graph theory, the resistance distance between two vertices of a simple connected graph, G, is equal to the resistance between two equivalent points on an electrical network, constructed so as to correspond to G, with each edge being replaced by a 1 ohm resistance. It is a metric on graphs.


On a graph G, the resistance distance Ωi,j between two vertices vi and vj is

\Omega _{{i,j}}:=\Gamma _{{i,i}}+\Gamma _{{j,j}}-\Gamma _{{i,j}}-\Gamma _{{j,i}}\,

where Γ is the Moore–Penrose inverse of the Laplacian matrix of G.

Properties of resistance distance

If i = j then

\Omega _{{i,j}}=0.\,

For an undirected graph

\Omega _{{i,j}}=\Omega _{{j,i}}=\Gamma _{{i,i}}+\Gamma _{{j,j}}-2\Gamma _{{i,j}}\,

General sum rule

For any N-vertex simple connected graph G = (V, E) and arbitrary N×N matrix M:

\sum _{{i,j\in V}}(LML)_{{i,j}}\Omega _{{i,j}}=-2\operatorname {tr}(ML)\,

From this generalized sum rule a number of relationships can be derived depending on the choice of M. Two of note are;

\sum _{{(i,j)\in E}}\Omega _{{i,j}}=N-1
\sum _{{i<j\in V}}\Omega _{{i,j}}=N\sum _{{k=1}}^{{N-1}}\lambda _{{k}}^{{-1}}

where the \lambda _{{k}} are the non-zero eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix. This unordered sum Σi<jΩi,j is called the Kirchhoff index of the graph.

Relationship to the number of spanning trees of a graph

For a simple connected graph G = (V, E), the resistance distance between two vertices may by expressed as a function of the set of spanning trees, T, of G as follows:

\Omega _{{i,j}}={\begin{cases}{\frac  {\left|\{t:t\in T,e_{{i,j}}\in t\}\right\vert }{\left|T\right\vert }},&(i,j)\in E\\{\frac  {\left|T'-T\right\vert }{\left|T\right\vert }},&(i,j)\not \in E\end{cases}}

where T' is the set of spanning trees for the graph G'=(V,E+e_{{i,j}}).

As a squared Euclidean distance

Since the Laplacian L is symmetric and positive semi-definite, its pseudoinverse \Gamma is also symmetric and positive semi-definite. Thus, there is a K such that \Gamma =KK^{T} and we can write:

\Omega _{{i,j}}=\Gamma _{{i,i}}+\Gamma _{{j,j}}-\Gamma _{{i,j}}-\Gamma _{{j,i}}=K_{i}K_{i}^{T}+K_{j}K_{j}^{T}-K_{i}K_{j}^{T}-K_{j}K_{i}^{T}=(K_{i}-K_{j})^{2}

showing that the square root of the resistance distance corresponds to the Euclidean distance in the space spanned by K.

See also


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