Recognition of same-sex unions in Slovakia

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Legal recognition of
same-sex relationships

· Denmark proper
· DF,1 QR1
· Netherlands proper2
New Zealand:
· New Zealand proper

South Africa
United Kingdom:
· England and Walesα
United States:
· CA, CT, DE, DC,
· HI, IL,β IA, ME, MD,
· MA, MN, NH, NJ,
· NM, NY, RI, VT,
· WA, 8 tribes


· Federal government,
· OR

  1. Valid in all of Mexico
  2. Can be registered also in Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten
  3. Ohio recognizes same-sex marriage for death certificate purposes only

Commencement dates:
  1. March 29, 2014
  2. June 1, 2014
LGBT portal
Laws regarding same-sex partnerships in Europe
  Other type of partnership
  Unregistered cohabitation
  Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples
There is no legal recognition of same-sex couples in Slovakia. Bills to recognise same-sex partnerships were introduced twice, in 1997 and in 2000, but were rejected. During the time when the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) was in government (2002-2006), no progress on this issue was made.

Nevertheless, in 2008 and 2009, the LGBT rights group Iniciatíva Inakosť launched a public awareness campaign for the recognition of registered life partnerships (Životné partnerstvo) between same-sex couples. In January 2008, LGBT rights activists met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Dušan Čaplovič, to discuss this proposal. Throughout 2008, Iniciatíva Inakosť also held a number of public discussions regarding registered partnerships.[1]

The Green Party supports registered partnerships for same-sex couples.[2]

Registered partnership

In March 2012, the Freedom and Solidarity announced that it will submit draft law on registered partnerships.[3] On August 23, the registered partnership bill was submitted to parliament. Had the bill been approved, same-sex couples would have had similar rights and obligations as married couples, including alimony, inheritance, access to medical documentation and the right to a widow´s/widower´s pension. Hovewer, the bill would not allow same-sex couples to adopt children.[4][5] On September 19, the ruling party Direction - Social Democracy announced that it would vote against legalising registered partnership.[6] The bill was rejected in 14-94 vote.[7]

Same-sex marriage

In December 2013, a conservative civil initiative group "Alliance for family" announced that it would demand constitutional definition of marriage as "a union between a woman and a man".[8] In January 2014, Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) announced that it will submit draft law on same-sex marriage ban.[9]

Public opinion

Public opinion has shifted in Slovakia in the past few years, becoming more favourable to granting rights to same-sex couples. According to a poll conducted in 2009, 45.0% of respondents supported same-sex registered partnerships, 41% were opposed, and 14% were unsure. Support for specific rights was higher, with 56% supporting the right of same-sex couples to jointly own property, 72% to access medical information about their partner and 71% supporting the right to bereavement leave.[1]

Support for gay rights 2008[1] 2009[1] 2012 [10]
YES [%] NO [%] YES [%] NO [%] YES [%] NO [%]
"Same sex partnership" 42 44.8 45 41 47 38
"Mutual maintenance duty among partners" 47.3 32.3 51 29 50 31
"Right for tax benefits" 40.7 43 43 39 45 38
"Right for spousal pension for deceased partner" 45.2 36.9 45 37 48 36
"Access to information about medical condition of partner" 64.2 21 72 16 75 15
"Right to day-off if partner requires accompaniment to doctor" 54.1 - 57 - 58 -
"Right to bereavement leave" 69.4 - 71 - 73 -
"Right to mutual inheritance" 58.1 - 56 - 60 -
"Possibility to establish undivided co-ownership" 54.5 - 56 - 57 -
"Right to nursing benefit during care for sick partner" 57.5 - 61 - 61 -

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 , Iniciatíva Inakosť
  3. SaS predloží partnerstvá gejov Denník SME, 2012
  4. SaS proposes same-sex registered partnership Denník SME, 2012
  5. Návrh zákona o registrovanom partnerstve
  6. Vládny Smer-SD registrované partnerstvá homosexuálov nepodporí
  7. Slovak parliament rejects gay partnership law
  8. Aliancia za rodinu: Manželstvo má byť ideál
  9. KDH chce v Ústave definovať manželstvo ako zväzok muža a ženy
  10. Public opinion 2012 Iniciatíva Inakosť, 2012
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