Reciprocal polynomial

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In the mathematical area of algebra, given a polynomial p with coefficients from an arbitrary field such as:

p(x)=a_{0}+a_{1}x+a_{2}x^{2}+\ldots +a_{n}x^{n},\,\!

we define the reciprocal polynomial, p*by:[1]

p^{*}(x)=a_{n}+a_{{n-1}}x+\ldots +a_{0}x^{n}=x^{n}p(x^{{-1}}).

Essentially, the coefficients are written in reverse order.

In the special case that the polynomial p has complex coefficients, that is,

p(z)=a_{0}+a_{1}z+a_{2}z^{2}+\ldots +a_{n}z^{n},\,\!

the conjugate reciprocal polynomial, p* given by,

p^{*}(z)=\overline {a_{n}}+\overline {a_{{n-1}}}z+\ldots +\overline {a_{0}}z^{n}=z^{n}\overline {p({\bar  {z}}^{{-1}})},

where \overline {a_{i}} denotes the complex conjugate of a_{i}\,\!, is called the reciprocal polynomial when no confusion can arise.

A polynomial is called self-reciprocal if p(x)\equiv p^{{*}}(x).

The coefficients of a self-reciprocal polynomial satisfy ai = ani, and in this case p is also called a palindromic polynomial. In the conjugate reciprocal case, the coefficients must be real to satisfy the condition.


Reciprocal polynomials have several connections with their original polynomials, including:

  1. α is a root of polynomial p if and only if α−1 is a root of p*.[2]
  2. If p(x) ≠ x then p is irreducible if and only if p* is irreducible.[3]
  3. p is primitive if and only if p* is primitive.[4]

Other properties of reciprocal polynomials may be obtained, for instance:

  • If a polynomial is self-reciprocal and irreducible then it must have even degree.[5]

Properties of conjugate reciprocal polynomials

If p(z) is the minimal polynomial of z0 with |z0| = 1, z_{0}\neq 1, and p(z) has real coefficients, then p(z) is self-reciprocal. This follows because

z_{0}^{n}\overline {p(1/{\bar  {z_{0}}})}=z_{0}^{n}\overline {p(z_{0})}=z_{0}^{n}{\bar  {0}}=0.

So z0 is a root of the polynomial z^{n}\overline {p({\bar  {z}}^{{-1}})} which has degree n. But, the minimal polynomial is unique, hence

cp(z)=z^{n}\overline {p({\bar  {z}}^{{-1}})}

for some constant c, i.e. ca_{i}=\overline {a_{{n-i}}}=a_{{n-i}}. Sum from i = 0 to n and note that 1 is not a root of p. We conclude that c = 1.

A consequence is that the cyclotomic polynomials \Phi _{n} are self-reciprocal for n>1; this is used in the special number field sieve to allow numbers of the form x^{{11}}\pm 1, x^{{13}}\pm 1, x^{{15}}\pm 1 and x^{{21}}\pm 1 to be factored taking advantage of the algebraic factors by using polynomials of degree 5, 6, 4 and 6 respectively - note that \phi (Euler's totient function) of the exponents are 10, 12, 8 and 12.

Application in coding theory

The reciprocal polynomial finds a use in the theory of cyclic error correcting codes. Suppose xn - 1 can be factored into the product of two polynomials, say xn - 1 = g(x)p(x). When g(x) generates a cyclic code C, then the reciprocal polynomial p*(x) generates C, the orthogonal complement of C.[6] Also, C is self-orthogonal (that is, CC), if and only if p*(x) divides g(x).[7]

See also

  • Schur Transform


  1. Roman 1995, pg.37
  2. Pless 1990, pg. 57
  3. Roman 1995, pg. 37
  4. Pless 1990, pg. 57
  5. Roman 1995, pg. 37
  6. Pless 1990, pg. 75, Theorem 48
  7. Pless 1990, pg. 77, Theorem 51


  • Pless, Vera (1990), Introduction to the Theory of Error Correcting Codes (2nd ed.), New York: Wiley-Interscience, ISBN 0-471-61884-5 
  • Roman, Steven (1995), Field Theory, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-94408-7 

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