Ramification group

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In number theory, more specifically in local class field theory, the ramification groups are a filtration of the Galois group of a local field extension, which gives detailed information on the ramification phenomena of the extension.

Ramification groups in lower numbering

Ramification groups are a refinement of the Galois group G of a finite L/K Galois extension of local fields. We shall write w,{\mathcal  O}_{L},{\mathfrak  p} for the valuation, the ring of integers and its maximal ideal for L. As a consequence of Hensel's lemma, one can write {\mathcal  O}_{L}={\mathcal  O}_{K}[\alpha ] for some \alpha \in L where O_{K} is the ring of integers of K.[1] (This is stronger than the primitive element theorem.) Then, for each integer i\geq -1, we define G_{i} to be the set of all s\in G that satisfies the following equivalent conditions.

  • (i) s operates trivially on {\mathcal  O}_{L}/{\mathfrak  p}^{{i+1}}.
  • (ii) w(s(x)-x)\geq i+1 for all x\in {\mathcal  O}_{L}
  • (iii) w(s(\alpha )-\alpha )\geq i+1.

The group G_{i} is called i-th ramification group. They form a decreasing filtration,

G_{{-1}}=G\supset G_{0}\supset G_{1}\supset \dots \{*\}.

In fact, the G_{i} are normal by (i) and trivial for sufficiently large i by (iii). For the lowest indices, it is customary to call G_{0} the inertia subgroup of G because of its relation to splitting of prime ideals, while G_{1} the wild inertia subgroup of G. The quotient G_{1}/G_{0} is called the tame quotient.

The Galois group G and its subgroups G_{i} are studied by employing the above filtration or, more specifically, the corresponding quotients. In particular,

  • G/G_{0}=\operatorname {Gal}(l/k), where l,k are the (finite) residue fields of L,K.[2]
  • G_{0}=1\Leftrightarrow L/K is unramified.
  • G_{1}=1\Leftrightarrow L/K is tamely ramified (i.e., the ramification index is prime to the residue characteristic.)

The study of ramification groups reduces to the totally ramified case since one has G_{i}=(G_{0})_{i} for i\geq 0.

One also defines the function i_{G}(s)=w(s(\alpha )-\alpha ),s\in G. (ii) in the above shows i_{G} is independent of choice of \alpha and, moreover, the study of the filtration G_{i} is essentially equivalent to that of i_{G}.[3] i_{G} satisfies the following: for s,t\in G,

  • i_{G}(s)\geq i+1\Leftrightarrow s\in G_{i}.
  • i_{G}(tst^{{-1}})=i_{G}(s).
  • i_{G}(st)\geq \min\{i_{G}(s),i_{G}(t)\}.

Fix a uniformizer \pi of L. s\mapsto s(\pi )/\pi then induces the injection G_{i}/G_{{i+1}}\to U_{{L,i}}/U_{{L,i+1}},i\geq 0 where U_{{L,0}}={\mathcal  {O}}_{L}^{\times },U_{{L,i}}=1+{\mathfrak  {p}}^{i}. (The map actually does not depend on the choice of the uniformizer.[4]) It follows from this[5]

  • G_{0}/G_{1} is cyclic of order prime to p
  • G_{i}/G_{{i+1}} is a product of cyclic groups of order p.

In particular, G_{1} is a p-group and G is solvable.

The ramification groups can be used to compute the different {\mathfrak  {D}}_{{L/K}} of the extension L/K and that of subextensions:[6]

w({\mathfrak  {D}}_{{L/K}})=\sum _{{s\neq 1}}i_{G}(s)=\sum _{0}^{\infty }(|G_{i}|-1).

If H is a normal subgroup of G, then, for \sigma \in G, i_{{G/H}}(\sigma )={1 \over e_{{L/K}}}\sum _{{s\mapsto \sigma }}i_{G}(s).[7]

Combining this with the above one obtains: for a subextension F/K corresponding to H,

v_{F}({\mathfrak  {D}}_{{F/K}})={1 \over e_{{L/F}}}\sum _{{s\not \in H}}i_{G}(s).

If s\in G_{i},t\in G_{j},i,j\geq 1, then sts^{{-1}}t^{{-1}}\in G_{{i+j+1}}.[8] In the terminology of Lazard, this can be understood to mean the Lie algebra \operatorname {gr}(G_{1})=\sum _{{i\geq 1}}G_{i}/G_{{i+1}} is abelian.


Let K be generated by x1={\sqrt  {2+{\sqrt  {2}}\ }}. The conjugates of x1 are x2={\sqrt  {2-{\sqrt  {2}}\ }}, x3= - x1, x4= - x2.

A little computation shows that the quotient of any two of these is a unit. Hence they all generate the same ideal; call it π. {\sqrt  {2}} generates π2; (2)=π4.

Now x1-x3=2x1, which is in π5.

and x1-x2={\sqrt  {4-2{\sqrt  {2}}\ }}, which is in π3.

Various methods show that the Galois group of K is C_{4}, cyclic of order 4. Also:


and G_{3}=G_{4}=(13)(24).

w({\mathfrak  {D}}_{{K/Q}}) = 3+3+3+1+1 = 11. so that the different {\mathfrak  {D}}_{{K/Q}}=π11.

x1 satisfies x4-4x2+2, which has discriminant 2048=211.

Ramification groups in upper numbering

If u is a real number \geq -1, let G_{u} denote G_{i} where i the least integer \geq u. In other words, s\in G_{u}\Leftrightarrow i_{G}(s)\geq u+1. Define \phi by[9]

\phi (u)=\int _{0}^{u}{dt \over (G_{0}:G_{t})}

where, by convention, (G_{0}:G_{t}) is equal to (G_{{-1}}:G_{0})^{{-1}} if t=-1 and is equal to 1 for -1<t\leq 0.[10] Then \phi (u)=u for -1\leq u\leq 0. It is immediate that \phi is continuous and strictly increasing, and thus has the continuous inverse function \psi defined on [-1,\infty ). Define G^{v}=G_{{\psi (v)}}. G^{v} is then called the v-th ramification group in upper numbering. In other words, G^{{\phi (u)}}=G_{u}. Note G^{{-1}}=G,G^{0}=G_{0}. The upper numbering is defined so as to be compatible with passage to quotients:[11] if H is normal in G, then

(G/H)^{v}=G^{v}H/H for all v

(whereas lower numbering is compatible with passage to subgroups.)

Herbrand's theorem states that the ramification groups in the lower numbering satisfy G_{u}H/H=(G/H)_{v} (for v=\phi _{{L/F}}(u) where L/F is the subextension corresponding to H), and that the ramification groups in the upper numbering satisfy G^{u}H/H=(G/H)^{u}.[12][13] This allows one to define ramification groups in the upper numbering for infinite Galois extensions (such as the absolute Galois group of a local field) from the inverse system of ramification groups for finite subextensions.

The upper numbering for an abelian extension is important because of the Hasse–Arf theorem. It states that if G is abelian, then the jumps in the filtration G^{v} are integers; i.e., G_{i}=G_{{i+1}} whenever \phi (i) is not an integer.[14]

The upper numbering is compatible with the filtration of the norm residue group by the unit groups under the Artin isomorphism. The image of G^{n}(L/K) under the isomorphism

G(L/K)^{{{\mathrm  {ab}}}}\leftrightarrow K^{*}/N_{{L/K}}(L^{*})

is just[15]

U_{K}^{n}/(U_{K}^{n}\cap N_{{L/K}}(L^{*}))\ .


  1. Neukirch (1999) p.178
  2. since G/G_{0} is canonically isomorphic to the decomposition group.
  3. Serre (1979) p.62
  4. Conrad
  5. Use U_{{L,0}}/U_{{L,1}}\simeq l^{\times } and U_{{L,i}}/U_{{L,i+1}}\approx l^{+}
  6. Serre (1979) 4.1 Prop.4, p.64
  7. Serre (1979) 4.1. Prop.3, p.63
  8. Serre (1979) 4.2. Proposition 10.
  9. Serre (1967) p.156
  10. Neukirch (1999) p.179
  11. Serre (1967) p.155
  12. Neukirch (1999) p.180
  13. Serre (1979) p.75
  14. Neukirch (1999) p.355
  15. Snaith (1994) pp.30-31

See also


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