Quercus pyrenaica

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Quercus pyrenaica
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fagales
Family: Fagaceae
Genus: Quercus
Section: Mesobalanus
Species: Q. pyrenaica
Binomial name
Quercus pyrenaica
Synonyms [1]
  • Quercus aurin Bosc
  • Quercus brossa Bosc
  • Quercus camata Petz. & G.Kirchn.
  • Quercus castellana Bosc ex Pers.
  • Quercus cenomanensis Desf. ex Endl.
  • Quercus cerris DC.
  • Quercus humilis DC. [nom. illeg.]
  • Quercus lanuginosa subsp. palensis (Palassou) A.Camus
  • Quercus palensis Palassou
  • Quercus pubescens subsp. palensis (Palassou) O.Schwarz
  • Quercus stolonifera Lapeyr.
  • Quercus tauza Desf.
  • Quercus tauzin Pers.
  • Quercus tauzinii Bubani
  • Quercus toza Gillet ex Bosc [nom. inval.]
  • Quercus toza Bastard

Quercus pyrenaica, commonly known as Pyrenean oak, is a tree native to southwestern Europe and northwestern Africa. Despite its common name, it is rarely found in the Pyrenees Mountains and is more abundant in central and southern Spain.

Trees grow slowly to 20 metres (66 ft), or rarely 25 m (82 ft) in optimal conditions. In poor soils, it is often found as a bush or small tree. Roots frequently produce suckers.

Leaves have short petioles and are deeply and irregularly lobed, with four to eight pairs of lobes per leaf. There are stellate hairs on both sides of the leaf. Leaves are marcescent, turning brown but remaining on the tree all winter until new leaves emerge in the spring.

The oak is cultivated as an ornamental tree for gardens and parks.


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