Quantum Markov chain

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In mathematics, the quantum Markov chain is a reformulation of the ideas of a classical Markov chain, replacing the classical definitions of probability with quantum probability. Very roughly, the theory of a quantum Markov chain resembles that of a measure-many automata, with some important substitutions: the initial state is to be replaced by a density matrix, and the projection operators are to be replaced by positive operator valued measures.

More precisely, a quantum Markov chain is a pair (E,\rho ) with \rho a density matrix and E a quantum channel such that

E:{\mathcal  {B}}\otimes {\mathcal  {B}}\to {\mathcal  {B}}

is a completely positive trace-preserving map, and {\mathcal  {B}} a C*-algebra of bounded operators. The pair must obey the quantum Markov condition, that

\operatorname {Tr}\rho (b_{1}\otimes b_{2})=\operatorname {Tr}\rho E(b_{1},b_{2})

for all b_{1},b_{2}\in {\mathcal  {B}}.

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