Quadric (projective geometry)

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In projective geometry, a quadric is the set of points of a projective space where a certain quadratic form on the homogeneous coordinates becomes zero. We shall restrict ourself to the case of finite-dimensional projective spaces.

Quadratic forms

Let be K a field and {\mathcal  V}(K) a vector space over K. A mapping \rho from {\mathcal  V}(K) to K such that

(Q1) \rho (x{\vec  x})=x^{2}\rho ({\vec  x}) for any x\in K and {\vec  x}\in {\mathcal  V}(K).
(Q2) f({\vec  x},{\vec  y}):=\rho ({\vec  x}+{\vec  y})-\rho ({\vec  x})-\rho ({\vec  y}) is a bilinear form.

is called quadratic form. (the bilinear form f is even symmetric!)

In case of \operatorname {char}K\neq 2 we have f({\vec  x},{\vec  x})=2\rho ({\vec  x}), i.e. f and \rho are mutually determined in a unique way.
In case of \operatorname {char}K=2 we have always f({\vec  x},{\vec  x})=0, i.e. f is symplectic.

For {\mathcal  V}(K)=K^{n} and {\vec  x}=\sum _{{i=1}}^{{n}}x_{i}{\vec  e}_{i} (\{{\vec  e}_{1},\ldots ,{\vec  e}_{n}\} is a base of {\mathcal  V}(K)) \rho has the form

\rho ({\vec  x})=\sum _{{1=i\leq k}}^{{n}}a_{{ik}}x_{i}x_{k}{\text{ with }}a_{{ik}}:=f({\vec  e}_{i},{\vec  e}_{k}){\text{ for }}i\neq k{\text{ and }}a_{{ik}}:=\rho ({\vec  e}_{i}){\text{ for }}i=k and
f({\vec  x},{\vec  y})=\sum _{{1=i\leq k}}^{{n}}a_{{ik}}(x_{i}y_{k}+x_{k}y_{i}).

For example:

n=3,\ \rho ({\vec  x})=x_{1}x_{2}-x_{3}^{2},\ f({\vec  x},{\vec  y})=x_{1}y_{2}+x_{2}y_{1}-2x_{3}y_{3}.

Definition and properties of a quadric

Below let K be a field, 2\leq n\in \mathbb{N} , and {\mathfrak  P}_{n}(K)=({{\mathcal  P}},{{\mathcal  G}},\in ) the n-dimensional projective space over K, i.e.

{{\mathcal  P}}=\{\langle {\vec  x}\rangle \mid {\vec  0}\neq {\vec  x}\in V_{{n+1}}(K)\},

the set of points. (V_{{n+1}}(K) is a (n + 1)-dimensional vector space over the field K and \langle {\vec  x}\rangle is the 1-dimensional {\vec  x}),

{{\mathcal  G}}=\{\{\langle {\vec  x}\rangle \in {{\mathcal  P}}\mid {\vec  x}\in U\}\mid U{\text{ 2-dimensional subspace of }}V_{{n+1}}(K)\},

the set of lines.

Additionally let be \rho a quadratic form on vector space V_{{n+1}}(K). A point \langle {\vec  x}\rangle \in {{\mathcal  P}} is called singular if \rho ({\vec  x})=0. The set

{\mathcal  Q}=\{\langle {\vec  x}\rangle \in {{\mathcal  P}}\mid \rho ({\vec  x})=0\}

of singular points of \rho is called quadric (with respect to the quadratic form \rho ). For point P=\langle {\vec  p}\rangle \in {{\mathcal  P}} the set

P^{\perp }:=\{\langle {\vec  x}\rangle \in {{\mathcal  P}}\mid f({\vec  p},{\vec  x})=0\}

is called polar space of P (with respect to \rho ). Obviously P^{\perp } is either a hyperplane or {{\mathcal  P}}.

For the considerations below we assume: {\mathcal  Q}\neq \emptyset .

Example: For \rho ({\vec  x})=x_{1}x_{2}-x_{3}^{2} we get a conic in {\mathfrak  P}_{2}(K).

For the intersection of a line with a quadric {\mathcal  Q} we get:

Lemma: For a line g (of P_{n}(K)) the following cases occur:

a) g\cap {\mathcal  Q}=\emptyset and g is called exterior line or
b) g\subset {\mathcal  Q} and g is called tangent line or
b′) |g\cap {\mathcal  Q}|=1 and g is called tangent line or
c) |g\cap {\mathcal  Q}|=2 and g is called secant line.

Lemma: A line g through point P\in {\mathcal  Q} is a tangent line if and only if g\subset P^{\perp }.


a) {\mathcal  R}:=\{P\in {{\mathcal  P}}\mid P^{\perp }={\mathcal  P}\} is a flat (projective subspace). {\mathcal  R} is called f-radical of quadric {\mathcal  Q}.
b) {\mathcal  S}:={\mathcal  R}\cap {\mathcal  Q} is a flat. {\mathcal  S} is called singular radical or \rho -radical of {\mathcal  Q}.
c) In case of \operatorname {char}K\neq 2 we have {\mathcal  R}={\mathcal  S}.

A quadric is called non-degenerate if {\mathcal  S}=\emptyset .

Remark: An oval conic is a non-degenerate quadric. In case of \operatorname {char}K=2 its knot is the f-radical, i.e. \emptyset ={\mathcal  S}\neq {\mathcal  R}.

A quadric is a rather homogeneous object:

Lemma: For any point P\in {{\mathcal  P}}\setminus ({\mathcal  Q}\cup {{\mathcal  R}}) there exists an involutorial central collineation \sigma _{P} with center P and \sigma _{P}({\mathcal  Q})={\mathcal  Q}.

Proof: Due to P\in {{\mathcal  P}}\setminus ({\mathcal  Q}\cup {{\mathcal  R}}) the polar space P^{\perp } is a hyperplane.

The linear mapping

\varphi :{\vec  x}\rightarrow {\vec  x}-{\frac  {f({\vec  p},{\vec  x})}{\rho ({\vec  p})}}{\vec  p}

induces an involutorial central collineation with axis P^{\perp } and centre P which leaves {\mathcal  Q} invariant.
In case of \operatorname {char}K\neq 2 mapping \varphi gets the familiar shape \varphi :{\vec  x}\rightarrow {\vec  x}-2{\frac  {f({\vec  p},{\vec  x})}{f({\vec  p},{\vec  p})}}{\vec  p} with \varphi ({\vec  p})=-{\vec  p} and \varphi ({\vec  x})={\vec  x} for any \langle {\vec  x}\rangle \in P^{\perp }.


a) The image of an exterior, tangent and secant line, respectively, by the involution \sigma _{P} of the Lemma above is an exterior, tangent and secant line, respectively.
b) {{\mathcal  R}} is pointwise fixed by \sigma _{P}.

Let be \Pi ({\mathcal  Q}) the group of projective collineations of {\mathfrak  P}_{n}(K) which leaves {\mathcal  Q} invariant. We get

Lemma: \Pi ({\mathcal  Q}) operates transitively on {\mathcal  Q}\setminus {{\mathcal  R}}.

A subspace {\mathcal  U} of {\mathfrak  P}_{n}(K) is called \rho -subspace if {\mathcal  U}\subset {\mathcal  Q} (for example: points on a sphere or lines on a hyperboloid (s. below)).

Lemma: Any two maximal \rho -subspaces have the same dimension m.

Let be m the dimension of the maximal \rho -subspaces of {\mathcal  Q}. The integer i:=m+1 is called index of {\mathcal  Q}.

Theorem: (BUEKENHOUT) For the index i of a non-degenerate quadric {\mathcal  Q} in {\mathfrak  P}_{n}(K) the following is true: i\leq {\frac  {n+1}{2}}.

Let be {\mathcal  Q} a non-degenerate quadric in {\mathfrak  P}_{n}(K),n\geq 2, and i its index.

In case of i=1 quadric {\mathcal  Q} is called sphere (or oval conic if n=2).
In case of i=2 quadric {\mathcal  Q} is called hyperboloid (of one sheet).


a) Quadric {\mathcal  Q} in {\mathfrak  P}_{2}(K) with form \rho ({\vec  x})=x_{1}x_{2}-x_{3}^{2} is non-degenerate with index 1.
b) If polynomial q(\xi )=\xi ^{2}+a_{0}\xi +b_{0} is irreducible over K the quadratic form \rho ({\vec  x})=x_{1}^{2}+a_{0}x_{1}x_{2}+b_{0}x_{2}^{2}-x_{3}x_{4} gives rise to a non-degenerate quadric {\mathcal  Q} in {\mathfrak  P}_{3}(K).
c) In {\mathfrak  P}_{3}(K) the quadratic form \rho ({\vec  x})=x_{1}x_{2}+x_{3}x_{4} gives rise to a hyperboloid.

Remark: It is not reasonable to define formally quadrics for "vector spaces" (strictly speaking, modules) over genuine skew fields (division rings). Because one would get secants bearing more than 2 points of the quadric which is totally different to usual quadrics. The reason is the following statement.

Theorem: A division ring K is commutative if and only if any x^{2}+ax+b=0,\ a,b\in K has at most two solutions.

There are generalizations of quadrics: quadratic sets. A quadratic set is a set of points of a projective plane/space, which bears the same geometric properties as a quadric: any line intersects a quadratic set in no or 1 or two lines or is containt in the set.

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