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Pyroxmangite from Chubu Region, Honshu Island, Japan
Category Inosilicate
(repeating unit)
Strunz classification 09.DO.05
Crystal symmetry 1 pinacoidal
Unit cell a = 9.69 Å, b = 10.5 Å, c = 17.39 Å; α = 112.17°, β = 102.85°, γ = 82.93°; V 1,596.00 ų; Z = 14
Color pink, red, brown
Crystal system Triclinic
Twinning Lamellar on {010}, simple on {001}
Cleavage Perfect on {110}, {110}, (110) ^ (110) = 92° poor on {010}, {001}
Fracture hackly, uneven
Tenacity brittle
Mohs scale hardness 5½–6
Luster vitreous, pearly
Streak colorless
Diaphaneity transparent, translucent
Specific gravity 3.8
Birefringence δ=0.018
References [1][2][3]

Pyroxmangite has the general chemical formula of MnSiO3. [4] It is the high-pressure, low-temperature dimorph of rhodonite.[1]

It was first described in 1913 and named for the mineral group, pyroxenes, and is known as the manganese member.[5] It forms a series with pyroxferroite.

Pyroxmangite occurs in metamorphosed ore deposits rich in manganese. Associated minerals include spessartine, tephroite, alleghanyite, hausmannite, pyrophanite, alabandite, rhodonite and rhodochrosite.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ralph, Jolyon, and Ida Chao. "Pyroxmangite: Pyroxmangite Mineral Information and Data."
  2. Barthelmy, David. "The Mineral Pyroxmangite."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Anthony, John W.; Bideaux, Richard A.; Bladh, Kenneth W. and Nichols, Monte C. (ed.). "Pyroxmangite" (PDF). Handbook of Mineralogy. II (Silica, Silicates). Chantilly, VA, US: Mineralogical Society of America. ISBN 0962209716. Retrieved December 5, 2011. 
  4. Pinckney, Linda R, and Charles W Burnham. "High-Temperature crystal structure of pyroxmangite." American Mineralogist 73 (1988): 809–817. GeoScienceWorld. Web. 13 September 2010.
  5. Ford, W.E. and Bradley, W.M. (1913). "Pyroxmangite, a new member of the pyroxene group and its alteration product, skemmatite". American Journal of Science 36: 169–174. doi:10.2475/ajs.s4-36.212.169. 

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