Public security

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Public security is the function of governments which ensures the protection of citizens, organizations, and institutions against threats to their well-being – and to the prosperity of their communities.

In Vietnam, the secret police are euphemistically titled "Public security".

To meet the increasing challenges in the public security area, responsible public institutions and organisations can tap into their own intelligence to successfully address possible threats in advance. They optimise their internal structures, use synergies, and carefully balance costs and benefits of their measures.


Organised crime and international terrorism are hardly deterred by geographical, linguistic, or financial barriers. Competence and administrative hurdles play into their hands.

The latter has largely contributed to public security becoming an important political and economic issue, nationally as well as internationally. Politics, public organisations and businesses closely collaborate to guarantee public security and maintain a stable environment for economic prosperity.

Although public security significantly contributes to the attractiveness of a location, the productivity of its people, and hence the overall success of an economy, the sector frequently suffers from low budgets, limited resources, and inadequate information systems. Large events, pandemics, severe accidents, environmental disasters, and terrorism attacks pose additional threats to public security and order.

The police, federal police and border authorities nonetheless need to warrant the security of the country as a fundamental prerequisite for the domestic political ability to act. The quality and scope of potential threats have changed significantly, and the tasks and general framework for the police, federal police and border authorities have changed accordingly.



  • State Police or provincial police e.g. Massachusetts State Police, Massachusetts (US)
  • County Police e.g. Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia (US)
  • City/Town Police e.g. Bryan Police Department, Texas (US)
  • Sheriff's Department


  • Mayor's Office/Local Government
  • Local police authority or department
  • Fire Brigade
  • Municipal Public Affairs Office


Within Public Security five sub-sectors exists:

Law enforcement

Police Services:

  • National/ Federal Police
  • Regional / Local Police

Intelligence and information sharing

  • Secret Services
  • Intelligence / Investigative Services

Emergency management

Emergency Services:


Justice Services:

Interior services:

  • Port and Border Authorities
  • Coast Guard
  • Customer Services

Global public security

  • There are ever new hot spots and crises representing new challenges for public security globally
  • A worldwide collaboration across all areas of public security becomes ever more important due to global threats
  • The vision of politics and the industry is maximum integration of all organisations and systems
  • This vision is reflected in the past, current, and expected future investments
  • International congresses and fairs are also dominated by issues of optimal integration / collaboration

See also

External links

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