Projective object

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In category theory, the notion of a projective object generalizes the notion of a projective module.

An object P in a category C is projective if the hom functor

\operatorname {Hom}(P,-)\colon {\mathcal  {C}}\to {\mathbf  {Set}}

preserves epimorphisms. That is, every morphism f:P→X factors through every epi Y→X.

Let {\mathcal  {C}} be an abelian category. In this context, an object P\in {\mathcal  {C}} is called a projective object if

\operatorname {Hom}(P,-)\colon {\mathcal  {C}}\to {\mathbf  {Ab}}

is an exact functor, where {\mathbf  {Ab}} is the category of abelian groups.

The dual notion of a projective object is that of an injective object: An object Q in an abelian category {\mathcal  {C}} is injective if the \operatorname {Hom}(-,Q) functor from {\mathcal  {C}} to {\mathbf  {Ab}} is exact.

Enough projectives

Let {\mathcal  {A}} be an abelian category. {\mathcal  {A}} is said to have enough projectives if, for every object A of {\mathcal  {A}}, there is a projective object P of {\mathcal  {A}} and an exact sequence

P\longrightarrow A\longrightarrow 0.

In other words, the map p\colon P\to A is "epi", or an epimorphism.


Let R be a ring with 1. Consider the category of left R-modules {\mathcal  {M}}_{R}. {\mathcal  {M}}_{R} is an abelian category. The projective objects in {\mathcal  {M}}_{R} are precisely the projective left R-modules. So R is itself a projective object in {\mathcal  {M}}_{R}. Dually, the injective objects in {\mathcal  {M}}_{R} are exactly the injective left R-modules.

The category of left (right) R-modules also has enough projectives. This is true since, for every left (right) R-module M, we can take F to be the free (and hence projective) R-module generated by a generating set X for M (we can in fact take X to be M). Then the canonical projection \pi \colon F\to M is the required surjection.


  • Mitchell, Barry (1965), Theory of categories, Pure and applied mathematics 17, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-124-99250-4, MR 0202787 

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