Procedure code

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Procedure codes are numbers or alphanumeric codes used to identify specific health interventions taken by medical professionals.

Examples of procedure codes


North American


  • OPS-301 (adaptation of ICPM used in Germany)
  • OPCS-4.6 (used by the NHS in England)[4]
  • Classification des Actes Médicaux (CCAM) (used in France)[5]
  • Gebührenordnung für ärzte (GOÄ) (Germany)
  • Nomenclature des prestations de santé de l'institut national d'assurance maladie invalidité (Belgium)
  • TARMED (Switzerland)
  • Classificatie van virrichtingen (Dutch)


  • Australian Classification of Health Interventions (ACHI)[6]
  • Read codes system, used in United Kingdom General Practice

See also


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