Pre-industrial society

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Pre-industrial society refers to specific social attributes and forms of political and cultural organization that were prevalent before the advent of the Industrial Revolution, which occurred from 1750 to 1850. It is followed by the industrial society.

Some attributes of the pre-industrial societies

  • Limited production (i.e. artisanship vs. mass production)
  • Primarily an agricultural economy
  • Limited division of labor. In pre-industrial societies, production was relatively simple and the number of specialized crafts was limited.
  • Limited variation of social classes
  • ParochialismCommunications were limited between human communities in pre-industrial societies. Few had the opportunity to see or hear beyond their own village. In contrast, industrial societies grew with the help of faster means of communication, having more information at hand about the world, allowing knowledge transfer and cultural diffusion between them.
  • Pre-industrial societies developed largely in rural communities. Capitalism developed largely in urban areas.

See also


Daniel R. Curtis. 2012. Pre-industrial societies and strategies for the exploitation of resources. A theoretical framework for understanding why some settlements are resilient and some settlements are vulnerable to crisis. Utrecht. Link:

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