Pranas Čepėnas

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Pranas Čepėnas (born on April 4, 1899 in Velaikiai village near Utena, died on December 3, 1980 in Worcester, Massachusetts) was a Lithuanian historian, encyclopedist, journalist, and lexicographer. In 1926 Čepėnas earned a diploma in history from University of Lithuania. He worked as professor of history at Vilnius University. During World War II he emigrated to Germany and later to the U.S.

Major works

  • Editor of interwar Lietuviškoji enciklopedija (Lithuanian Encyclopedia) and Dictionary of International Words.
  • Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija vol I and II (1988), English: History of Lithuania in Modern Times
  • Editor of Lietuviškoji enciklopedija printed in Boston.

External links

(Lithuanian) Article about his book in Lituanus magazine.

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