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Post-Marxism refers to extrapolations of philosophers and social theorists basing their postulations upon Karl Marx's writings and Marxism proper, thus, passing orthodox Marxism. Philosophically, post-Marxism counters derivationism and essentialism (e.g. the State is not an instrument that ‘functions’ unambiguously and autonomously in behalf of a given class' interests).[1] Recent overviews of post-Marxism are provided by Ernesto Screpanti,[2] Göran Therborn,[3] and Gregory Meyerson.[4]

History of post-Marxism

Post-Marxism dates from the late 1960s; several trends and events of that period influenced its development. The weakness of the Russian Communist Soviet paradigm became evident beyond Russia. This happened concurrently with the occurrence internationally of the student riots of 1968, the rise of Maoist theory, and the proliferation of commercial television, which covered in its broadcasts the Vietnam War.

Semiology and discourse

When Roland Barthes began his sustained critique of mass culture via semiology — the science of signs — and the book Mythologies, some Marxist philosophers based their social criticism upon linguistics, semiotics, and discourse. Basing his approach on Barthes' work, Baudrillard wrote For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign (1972), criticizing contemporary Marxism for ignoring the sign value of its philosophic discourse.

Important post-Marxists

See also


  1. Iain Mclean & Alistair Mcmillan, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics (Article: State), Oxford University Press, 2003
  2. "The Postmodern Crisis in Economics and the Revolution against Modernism", “Rethinking Marxism”, 2000
  3. From Marxism to Post-Marxism. London: Verso, 2008, 208pp.
  4. Meyerson, G. (2009). Post-Marxism as Compromise Formation. Retrieved from:


  • Imanol Galfarsoro: "(Post)Marxismoa, kultura eta eragiletasuna: Ibilbide historiko labur bat" in Alaitz Aizpuru(koord.), Euskal Herriko pentsamenduaren gida, Bilbo, UEU 2012. ISBN 978-84-8438-435-9
  • Simon Tormey & Jules Townshend, Key Thinkers from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism, Pine Forge Press, 2006.
  • Sim, Stuart. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, Routledge, 2002.
  • el-Ojeili, Chamsy. Post-Marxism with Substance: Castoriadis and the Autonomy Project, in New Political Science, 32:2, June 2001, pp. 225–239.
  • el-Ojeili C. After post-socialism: Social theory, utopia and the work of castoriadis in a global age, Antepodium: Online Journal of World Affairs (2011), pp. 1–16.

External links

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