Pompiliu Constantinescu
Pompiliu Constantinescu (May 17, 1901 – May 9, 1946) was a Romanian literary critic.
He was born on May 17, 1901, "in a place where he saw the light of day for the first time, on Sabines Street no. 109, he was the son of John Constantinescu, a customs house clerk, who studied much and of Vasilica Petrescu, nephew, on his father's side, of Constantine Constantinescu, originated from the vineyard village of Ceptura, who settled in Bucharest, as a vineyard owner and merchant"(George Călinescu). He attended "Gh. Lazăr" and "Michael the Brave" Highschools and then the educational tutorial classes in Bucharest. He also attended the courses of The Faculty of Letters and Philosophy from Bucharest, publishing articles in Revista Fundaţiilor Regale (The Royal Foundations Magazine), Kalende (Kalends), Mişcarea literară (The Literary Movement), Sburătorul (The Flying Man), Viaţa literară (Literary Life) and Vremea (The weather). He died on May 9, 1946, while in full creative power.
- Mişcarea literară (1927)
- Opere şi autori (1928)
- Critice (1933)
- Figuri literare (1938)
- Tudor Arghezi (1940)
- Eseuri critice (1947)
- Scrieri alese (1957)
- Scrieri, vol. I-IV (1967–1972)
- Studii şi cronici literare (1974)
- Poeţi români moderni (1974)
- Caleidoscop (1974)
- Romanul românesc interbelic (1977)