Polyscias sambucifolia

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Small Basswood
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. sambucifolia growing near Brisbane Water National Park, Australia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Apiales
Family: Araliaceae
Genus: Polyscias
Species: P. sambucifolia
Binomial name
Polyscias sambucifolia
Sieber ex DC. Harms

  • Panax sumbucifolius Sieber ex DC.
  • Tieghemopanax sambucifolius

Polyscias sambucifolia includes a group of plants occurring in moist areas of eastern Australia.

The taxonomy of the Small Basswood has been reviewed. Resulting in the recognition of three sub species. Sub species sambucifolia, sub species decomposita and sub species leptophylla.[1]

The natural range of distribution is from Cape Otway (38° S) in the state of Victoria to the McPherson Range (28° S), on the border of New South Wales and Queensland.

Common names for these plants include Small Basswood, Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash and Elderberry Ash.


Often seen on the edge of rainforests. It grows to 11 metres tall with a trunk diameter of 20 cm at Errinundra National Park and Otway National Park in the state of Victoria.

The trunk is straight. Bark is dark brown or black. Fairly smooth, marked by lenticles, pustules and lines.


Leaf form varies between different sub forms of this plant. See Plant Net[1] for detailed descriptions between the sub species.

Leaves are pinnate or bipinnate, with leaflets. Between one and six pairs of leaflets on the leaf stem. Leaflets of sub species sambucifolia are toothed, ovate in shape. The other sub species leaves are not toothed.

Leaflets 2 to 20 cm long. Leaves glossy green above, dull glaucous below. A terminal leaflet is seen on the end of the compound leaf.

Leaf stalks vary between 20 mm and no leaf stalk in sub species leptophylla. Leaf shape varies between ovate or elliptic to broad-elliptic in sub species sambucifolia. However the sessile leaflets of sub species leptophylla are oblong linear and somewhat curved (falcate) in shape. Leaf formation is two-pinnate or rarely three-pinnate in sub species decomposita.

Leaf veins evident on both the upper and lower surfaces. Sunken on the top of the leaf, raised below.

Flowers and Fruit

Yellow/green flowers form on panicles from December to February. The fruit is an edible globose cocci, 4 to 6 mm long. Mauve or blue in colour. Containing one or two seeds, 2 mm long. Fruit matures from January to April.


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