Poliklinik Cheras
Poliklinik Cheras (Peng Kuai) or Poliklinik Cahaya was a haunted female governmental hospital created in October 1954 in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Haunted sightings occur there because it was in a restricted area and was abandoned. The government closed down the hospital in 1985 and they recreated there a clinic until 1995. The government gave land of the Poliklinik Cheras from 20.3 acres in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
The original name of the Poliklinik Cheras was "The Lady Templer Hospital." It was named after the British doctress, Lady Templer. The hospital started in 1952 and had many patients. After many years, a teenager that lived in Cheras went inside the hospital and he said it was dark. He heard sounds and believed it was haunted. After that sighting, in 1985 the Poliklinik Cheras was restricted to go in the hospital and was torn down. They recreated it as a small clinic until 1995. A 56 year old lady said a speech about the Poliklinik Cheras:"My mother came here in the old times. The environment was good back then."
The Lady Templer Hospital was named "Poliklinik Cheras" since it was in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
Near Poliklinik Cheras, a person that lived in Cheras went to the hospital at night. He saw that that the hospital is dark, but he saw with his friends a ghost that was actually a female patient from the hospital. The building was closed down from the Government of Malaysia, but then the Patient still haunts that area with many sightings.
Another sighting was a man named Abam Mazidul who lived close to the hospital. He viewed the hospital, but he did not go in there because he knew about the haunted sightings there.
See also
1. Http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=205209 Haunted Hospital in Cheras, KL on UnexplainedMysteries.com