Pelasgic wall

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The Pelasgic wall or Pelasgian fortress or Enneapylon (nine-gated) was a monument supposed to have been built by the Pelasgians, after levelling the summit of the rock on the Acropolis of Athens. Thucydides[1] and Aristophanes[2] call it "Pelargikon", "Stork wall or place". The Parian Chronicle[3] mentions that the Athenians expelled the Peisistratids from the "Pelasgikon teichos". Herodotus[4] relates that before the expulsion of the Pelasgians from Attica, the land under Hymettus had been given to them as a dwelling-place in reward for the wall that had once been built around the Acropolis.


  1. Thuc 2.17.1
  2. The Birds (play) 832
  3. line 60
  4. Hdt 6.137.1

External links

  • The story of Athens: the fragments of the local chronicles of Attika by Phillip Harding Page 26 ISBN 978-0-415-33809-7 (2008)
  • The topography of Athens: with some remarks on its antiquities by William Martin Leake Page 420 (1831)
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