Pavol Strauss
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Pavol Strauss | |
Born |
30 August 1912 Liptovský Mikuláš |
Died |
3 June 1994 (81 years old) Nitra |
Occupation | Doctor, writer and philosopher |
Nationality | Slovakia | |
Pavol Strauss (30 August 1912, Liptovský Mikuláš – 3 June 1994, Nitra); was a Slovak doctor, writer, essayist, translator.
- Die Kanone auf dem Ei, 1936 (poems)
- Schwarze verse, 1937 (poems)
- Všetko je rovnako blízke (Kaleidoskop z cesty po Švajčiarsku) Everything is close evenly [A kaleidoscope of the journey through Switzerland], 1946
- Mozaika nádeje [Mosaic of hope], Bratislava, 1948
- Stĺpy [Columns], Ružomberok, 1948
- Aforistické diárium [Aphoristic diaries], Ružomberok, 1960
- Krížová cesta pre chorých [Stations of the Cross for the sick], Ružomberok, 1964
- Postila dneška [Today's lent], Ružomberok, 1965
- Zápisky diletanta [Amateur's memoirs], Bratislava, 1968
- Zákruty bez ciest [Curves without roads], Bratislava, 1971
- Roztrhnutá opona [A torn curtain], Ružomberok, 1972
- Rekviem za živých [Requiem for the alive], Bratislava, 1991
- Nádhera nečakaného. Úsmev nad úsmevom [The beauty of unexpected. Smile upon smile], ( Ideas and aphorisms), Bratislava, 1992
- Kvety z popola [Flowers from ashes], Martin, 1992
- Mozaika nádeje [Mosaic of hope] (extended), Bratislava, 1992
- Ecce homo, Bratislava,1992
- Tesná brána [Narrow gate], Bratislava, 1992
- A slovo zdúchal duch [And a ghost blew the word away], Bratislava, 1992
- Krížová cesta (Mozaika meditácií) [Stations of the Cross (Mosaic of meditations)], Bratislava, 1993
- Za mostom času [Beyond the bridge of time], Košice, 1993
- Kolíska dôvery [A cradle of trust], Trnava, 1994
- Odvrátený hlas. Poznámky ku všetkému i k životu [Reversed speech. Notes for everything even for life], Bratislava, 1994
- Torzo ticha [A fragment of silence], Bratislava, 1995
- Život je len jeden [Just one life], Bratislava, 1996
- Človek pre nikoho [Man for nobody], Bratislava, 2000
- Sme mocnejší než čas. Apokalyptické tiene [We are stronger than time. Apocalyptic shadows], Bratislava, 2005
Selected writings
- volume 1: S výhľadom do nekonečna [With a view of eternity], Prešov, 2010
- volume 2: Hudba plaší smrť [Music terrifies death], Prešov, 2010
- volume 3: Rekviem za neumieranie [Requiem for not dying], Prešov, 2010
- volume 4: Skalpelom a perom [By scalpel and by pen], Prešov, 2010.
- volume 5: Ozveny vnútorných hlasov [Echoes of the inner voices], Prešov, 2010.
- volume 6: Aforistické iskrenie [Aphoristic sparkles], Prešov, 2010.
- volume 7: Život je provizórium [Life is temporary] Prešov, 2011.
- volume 8: Slovenské básne [Slovak Poems], Prešov 2011.
- volume 9: Nemecké básne [German Poems], Prešov, 2011.
- volume 10: Preklady a korešpondencia [Translations and correspondence], Prešov, 2012.
Other publications about him
- RYBÁK, P.: P. Strauss – The fighting bell of this era. In.: Hope and Life, 1992
- BÁTOROVÁ, M.: Paradoxes of Pavol Strauss, Bratislava, 2006
- A magazine: Letters from Pavol Strauss, Mikuláš, 2007 – 2010, no. 1–9
- LETZ, J.: Slovak Christian philosophy of 20th century and its prospects, Krakov/Trnava, 2010, p. 82–86, 96–98, 354.
External links
Spolok priateľov MUDr. Pavla Straussa (Association of friends Dr. Pavol Strauss)
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