Palugunti palli
Palugunti palli is a village in Racherla mandal, in the Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. Its population consists of about 200 families. Most of the people are dependent on agriculture. Famous crops are tamota, mirchi, cotton, and orange.
Famous for:- tamota, mirchi, pogaku, onion & etc. seeds.
Any kind of peoples are easily migrate with them. i.e. is the grateness of palugunti palli.
1)One new temple was constructed with the name of ramalayam, and it was opened on 16,17,18 of May 2011.
2)Moharam is famous festival all peoples are showed their contribution for moharam , irrespective of casts.
Now peoples are using Technology for cultivation.
1) Malbury for pattu
2) Nursery for tamota, mirchi, pogaku, onion & etc. seeds.
3) bricks manufacturing.
Peoples can have closely interaction with animals and birds like(OX or bulls, bu-fellows, sheep , goats, hens ,cats and Dogs).
Now peoples are showing more interest to join ARMY and Police.
some software Engineers are also there.
Education Percentage is also slowly increased.