På spåret
På spåret (idiomatic translation On Track) is a popular Swedish TV game show broadcast on SVT since September 5, 1987. The show, which is intended to be humorous yet educational, has remained one of the most popular TV shows in Sweden, attracting an average of 2,150,000 viewers during the 2007 season. The all-time record was set in March 1990, when 3.7 million people tuned in to see the show.[1] This means that nearly every second Swede saw the game show.
På spåret is an original format developed by Ingvar Oldsberg for SVT, and he hosted the show for many years. Author and tennis legend Björn Hellberg was promoted from contestant to permanent Oldsberg sidekick in 1995 after winning for four straight seasons. Famous gourmet, restaurant-owner, and former contestant Carl-Jan Grankvist sat in for Hellberg during the 2004 season.[2]
In 2009, after 21 years, Oldsberg left and Kristian Luuk took over as the host. Björn Hellberg too decided to leave and was replaced with Fredrik Lindström.
Two teams made up of Swedish celebrities compete against each other. They are shown filmed journeys, usually from the front of a train, and the object is for each team to identify the destination of the train, using clues from the host. The clues, which often include puns and far-fetched word play, get progressively easier as the train approaches its destination, and the number of points awarded for a correct answer accordingly declines. After the journey both teams answer questions related to the destination city, and collect more points.
Each one-hour show has three filmed journeys, typically to one Swedish and two foreign cities. During previous years, Oldsberg and his co-host used to read a text dressed up as Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes, giving progressively easier clues about a specific celebrity. The team that first identified the celebrity won points, or instead lost if the answer was wrong. However, following the 50th anniversary of SVT in 2006, this was replaced by showing archive footage, and the contestants were challenged to name the year the footage was from. The last few years a famous person again has been the challenge of the 60 seconds archive footage clues.
Until 1995 each team consisted of three people, since then the contestants have competed in pairs. The show typically feature intelligent, humorous, and well-known celebrities, such as sports journalist Lotta Bromé, restaurateur Carl-Jan Grankvist, former weight-lifter Lennart "Hoa-Hoa" Dahlgren, comedians/TV-hosts Filip & Fredrik, Olympic high-jump champion Stefan Holm, and actor/TV personality Peter Harryson, to name a few.
Contestants 2007/08
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Contestants 2008/09 [3]
Group A
Group B
Group C
Contestants 2009/10 [4]
Group A
Group B
Group C
Past Winners [5]
- 1987 - Lennart "Hoa-Hoa" Dahlgren, Margareta Söderström & Thomas Wernersson
- 1988 - Björn Hellberg, Mats Strandberg & Bengt Grive
- 1990 - Björn Hellberg, Mats Strandberg & Joakim Nyström
- 1991 - Björn Hellberg, Mats Strandberg & Bengt Grive
- 1993 - Björn Hellberg, Mats Strandberg & Bengt Grive
- 1995 - Cecilia Hagen & Tomas Tengby
- 1996 - Tommy Engstrand & Birgit Carlstén
- 1997 - Peter Harryson & Malin Peterson
- 1998 - Carl Jan Granqvist & Lotta Bromé
- 1999 - Peter Harryson & Carina Lidbom
- 2000 - Agneta Bolme Börjefors & Adde Malmberg
- 2001 - Annette Kullenberg & Jesper Aspegren
- 2002 - Carina Lidbom & Tommy Engstrand
- 2003 - Ingela Agardh & Stefan Holm
- 2004 - Ellinor Persson & Dick Harrison
- 2005/06 - Katarina Mazetti & Stefan Holm
- 2006/07 - Caroline af Ugglas & Göran Hägg
- 2007/08 - Anne Lundberg & Johan Wester
- 2008/09 - Lisa Syrén & Johan Wester
- 2009/10 - Johanna Koljonen & Marcus Birro
- 2010/11 - Peter Apelgren & Helene Benno
- 2011/12 - Martina Haag & Erik Haag
- 2012/13 - Ellinor Persson & Dick Harrison
International adaptations
The format was sold to the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, where the show was called Jorda rundt (literally meaning Around the World). It was canceled after only one season (1998–99).[6]
External links
- På spåret official site at Svt.se (Swedish)
- På spåret at the Internet Movie Database
- ↑ http://www.svt.se/svt/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?d=69768&a=1210974 (Swedish)
- ↑ http://www.svt.se/svt/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?d=69768&a=890330 (Swedish)
- ↑ http://www.svt.se/svt/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?d=69768&a=1210974 (Swedish)
- ↑ http://svt.se/2.99867/1.1728942/spelschema_2009_copy?lid=puff_1728946&lpos=extra_2 (Swedish)
- ↑ http://svt.se/2.99869/1.890229/vinnare_genom_aren_ny?lid=puff_1455341&lpos=extra_0 (Swedish)
- ↑ imdb.com