Olaf Iverson, better known as Iver, is a fictional character in the Grey Griffins series, written by Derek Benz and J. S. Lewis. Iver is the owner and proprietor of Avalon's very own Shoppe of Antiquities. It is here that the four Grey Griffins, Max, Natalia, Ernie, and Harley, meet to play Round Table. The Grey Griffins love Iver like an adopted grandfather, and are grateful to have him around.
Iver is a Templar, and has been fighting Oberon for some time. At one point in The Revenge of the Shadow King, Iver is kidnapped by Morgan LaFey, the Black Witch.
Mid-way in The Fall of the Templar, Iver travels to Malta for the meeting of The Templar Grand Council. While there, the Grand Council is obliterated (along with other Templar strongholds) by the Spear of Ragnarok. Iver is presumed dead.
| Books | |
| Merchandise |
- Grey Griffins Trading Card Game
| Major Characters | |