Oktay Sinanoğlu

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Oktay Sinanoğlu (born 2 August 1934) is a Turkish physical chemist.

Life and career

Sinanoğlu was born in Bari, Italy. His father, Nüzhet Haşim Sinanoğlu, was a consular official under the Consul General Atıf Kor in the Bari Consulate of Turkey,[1] and a writer. He wrote a book on Greek and Roman Mythology,[2] and another one titled "Petrarca", published in 1931, stating in its preface: "The best way (for Turkey) is adopting the Western culture."[3]

Following his father's recall to Turkey in July 1938, the family returned to Turkey before the start of World War II.[4] Sinanoğlu graduated from TED Ankara Koleji in 1953. He studied in University of California, Berkeley and graduated with honors in 1956. The following year he completed his MSc at MIT and was awarded Sloan Fellowship. He completed his predoctoral fellowship (1958-1959) and "doctorate" (1959-1960) at the University of California, Berkeley. He was appointed full professor of chemistry on July 1, 1963 in Yale University.[5] He was given the title "visiting-professor" in 1962 and "consulting-professor in 1964 by the Middle East Technical University. He founded the Theoretical Chemistry Division of the university in 1964.


A book in which he was interviewed about his life and works, under the name The Turkish Einstein, Oktay Sinanoglu (Turkish: Türk Aynştaynı Oktay Sinanoğlu Kitabı) was edited by Turkish writer Emine Çaykara and published in 2001 in Turkey.[6]

Main theories

  • Many Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules (1961)
  • Solvophobic Theory (1964)
  • Network Theory (1974)
  • Microthermodynamics (1981)
  • Valency Interaction Formula Theory (1983) [7]

See also


  1. Resmi Gazete, 17 Kanunuevvel 1933, no: 2580 and Resmi Gazete, 24 Mayis 1937, Hariciye Vekaleti Kararnamesi
  2. http://www.kitapdenizi.com/kitap/5824-Grek-ve-Romen-Mitolojisi-kitabi.aspx
  3. Nüzhet Haşim Sinanoğlu, "Petrarca", Köy Hocası Matbaası, Ankara 1931. Page 12. "en yanılmaz usul, garp kültürünün köklerini tetkik etmek, o kültürü benimsemektir. Ankara, 2.VIII. 1931 N. Haşim Sinanoğlu"
  4. T.C. Resmi Gazete 19.7.1938 p.1 Hariciye Kararnamesi (Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs): "9. degree consular employee Nüzhet Haşim Sinanoğlu appointed to the capital (Ankara) with same degree. Sign: K. Ataturk 11 July 1938." (Dokuzuncu dereceden memur Nüzhet Haşim Sinanoğlu, derecesiyle merkeze... İmza: K. Atatürk, 11 Temmuz 1938."
  5. Yale Daily News, no. 139, May 22, 1963
  6. From the back cover of this book: "Prof. Oktay Sinanoğlu's life is told from his own mouth by questions and answers in this book." ("Prof. Oktay Sinanoğlu'nun yaşamının kendi ağzından soru cevaplar eşliğinde anlatıldığı Türk Aynştaynı kitabında..."
  7. Personal page (Turkish)

External links

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