Odessa Tram

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The newest tram in Odessa

As of the middle 2011, trams are one of the basic types of public transportation in the city of Odessa, Ukraine. Odessa is served by 19 regular, and 5 non-regular, tram routes. Trams have been operating in Odessa since 1910.[citation needed]

The tram network is laid along mainline streets from the city center, serving as a convenient connection with the more outward neighborhoods of Odessa. System facts are:

  • As of early 2011, Odessa has 210 Tatra T3 tramcars, 106 of them having been modernized.
  • In 2006, К-1 tramcars started to be delivered. They are manufactured on Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk. There are also Tatra-Yug trams, manufactured there.
  • For heritage purposes, there is one pseudo-Nievelles retro tram, which was made out of MTV-82 tram.
  • The Odessa Tram Network is served by two depots. One is located near the railway station, the other is located in Slobodka (in the western part of the city). A service tram depot (located near "Tovarnaja" station) used to house some of the passenger service routes 1996, but it now houses only service trams.

Tram Route Network

Terminals Remarks[1]
1 Luzanovka — "Centrolit" Plant
3 2nd station of Lustdorf Road — Peresyp Bridge One of major routes.
4 Arcadia — Shevchenko Park Introduced in 01.06.2012 with 2 trams in run.
5 Bus Station — Arcadia One of major routes.
6 Peresyp Bridge — Luzanovka Shortcut version of route # 7, runs only in peek hours. In run, starting with 9 AM, also used for "yard moves", when route number 1 comes in service out of Depot # 2 (Slobodka Tram Depot)
7 Peresyp Bridge — Pausvoksky Street One of major routes.
8 Luzanovka — Paustovky Street Works only in summer.
10 Isaac Rabin Street — Tiraspolskaya Square. One of Major Routes.
11 Railway Station — Alexeyevskaya Plaza. In 2008 it was severely trimmed
12 Tovarnaya station — Slobodka Market No major changed during its history of esitance. Initially this route terminated at Peresyb Bridge, starting with June 1, 2011 was extended, following route cancelled 22.
13 Shkolny living district — Railway Station One of major routes.
15 Slobodka Market — Tiraspolskaya Sqauare. Remains unchanged since the moment of first run.
17 Kulikovo Field — 11th station of. Major FOuntain
18 Kulikovo Field — 16th station of. Major FOuntain Один из основных маршрутов.
19 Memorial of 411 Battery — 16th station of. Major FOuntain Single track line, served by a single tram.
20 Peresyp Bridge — Khadzhibay Estuary This line is served by 2-3 vagons.
21 Zastava 2 — Tiraspolskaya Square.
23 Kulikovo Field - Bus station Experimental, introduced since 09.04.12 until 09.05.12.
26 Railway Station — 11th station of Lustdorf Road One of Major Routes.
27 Fishing Port — 11th Station of Lustdorf Road. Served by 1-2 trams.
28 Shevchenko Park — Pasteur Street Passed along original Port Franko line.
29 Lustdorf — 11th station of Lustdorf Road For a long time, used to be what's now known as route 31
31 Lustdorf — Railway Station Used to be route 29

Additional Routes

2nd station of Lustdorf Road- Tiraspolskaya Square.

2nd station of Lustdorf Road — Railway station

Closed routes and phantom routes (after 1990)

2  Peresyp Bridge — Railway Station

  • Used in evening to supplement shortcut runs of route 3. Present of official maps

4  Zastava 2 — Shevchenko Park

  • cancelled in 2005, tracks are demonished, and trolleybus # 2 runs on its way along Uspenskaya Street.

9  "Centrolit" plant — Peresyp Bridge

  • cancelled in 1997, was included in routes № 1,6,7,8.

14  Isaac Rabin Street — Railway Station

  • Was introduced to supplement route № 10, in 2000 was no longer needed. Used only for yard moves of Route 10. Present on official maps.

16 Куликово поле — 6 ст. Б. Фонтана

  • утром и вечером (в час-пик) ходят 1-2 вагона, присутствует на официальных схемах, кольцо на 6 ст. Б. Фонтана существует

22 Слободской рынок — Мост Пересыпь

  • Снова открыт в сентябре 2010 года. Спустя 2 месяца снова отменён по причине нерентабельности. Присутствует на некоторых схемах.

30 Ivanovskiy VIaduct — Peresyp Bridge

  • Closed in 2008 due to construction of the North-South auto mainline, which implied the roadway expansio. The construction of the Auto mainline was not completed due toa couple of reasons. Tram route 30 was replaced by 30A bus route. Since this route is served by 2 buses only, almost no one uses it.


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