October 2001

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October 2001: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember – October – NovemberDecember


October 2, 2001

October 4, 2001

  • First case of anthrax in the US (attack) is announced by federal officials.
  • Siberia Airlines Flight 1812 crashes over the Black Sea en route from Tel Aviv Israel to Novosibirsk Russia – 78 dead.

October 7, 2001

October 8, 2001

October 9, 2001

October 15, 2001

  • NASA's Galileo spacecraft passes within 112 miles of Jupiter's moon Io.

October 19, 2001

October 20, 2001

October 23, 2001

  • Apple Computer releases the now famous iPod.

October 25, 2001

October 26, 2001

October 30, 2001


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