Nuh (sura)

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  Sura 71 of the Quran  
سورة نوح
Sūrat Nūḥ

Arabic text · English translation

Classification Meccan
Position Juz' 29
Structure 2 rukus, 28 verses

Sūrat Nūḥ (Arabic: سورة نوح) (Noah) is the 71st sura of the Qur'an with 28 ayat. It is about prophet Nūḥ (Noah) and his complaint about his people rejecting all warning Allah gave them through Nuh. It is also notable for attributing creation of the Sun and Moon to Allah (Arabic:God).


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ

Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar-Rahman Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note]It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'an to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator with the exception of the ninth Sura.

English Translation by Abdul Majid Daryabadi: Verily We! We sent Nuh Unto his people saying: warn thy people ere there come Unto them torment afflictive. (1) He said: O my people! verily I am Unto you a warner manifest. (2) Worship Allah, and fear Him, and obey me. (3) He will forgive you your sins, and will defer you to an appointed term. Verily the term of Allah when it cometh shall not be deferred, if ye but knew. (4) He said: my Lord! verily have called my people night and day. (5) And my calling hath only increased them in fleeing. (6) And verily so oft as I call them, that Thou mayest forgive them, they place their fingers into their ears, and wrap themselves with their garments, and persist, and are stiff-necked. (7) Then verily have called Unto them publicly: (8) Then verily spake Unto them openly, and secretly also I addressed them. (9) And I said: ask forgiveness of your Lord; verily He is ever Most Forgiving. (10) He will send the heaven upon you copiously; (11) And He will add Unto you riches and children and will appoint Unto you gardens and will appoint Unto you rivers. (12) What aileth you that ye expect not in Allah majesty! (13) And surely He hath created you by stages. (14) Behold ye not in what wise Allah hath created seven heavens in storeys. (15) And hath placed the moon therein for a light, and hath made the sun a lamp? (16) And Allah hath caused you to grow from the earth as a growth. (17) And thereafter He will cause you to return thereinto, and He will bring you forth a forthbringing. (18) And Allah hath made the earth Unto you an expanse. (19) That of it ye may traverse the ways open. (20) Nuh said. my Lord! verily they have disobeyed me and followed them whose riches and children have only increased them in loss. (21) And who have plotted a tremendous plot (22) And who have said: ye shall not leave your gods; nor Shall ye leave Wadd nor Suwa, nor Yaghuth, nor Yauq nor Nasr. (23) And surely they have misled many. And increase Thou these wrong-doers in naught save error. (24) And because of their misdeeds they were drowned, and then they were made to enter a Fire. Then they found not for themselves, beside Allah, any helpers. (25) And Nuh said: my Lord! leave not upon the earth of the infidels one inhabitant. (26) Verily if Thou shouldst leave them, they Will mislead Thine bondmen and will beget not save sinning infidels, (27) My Lord! forgive me and my parents and him who entereth my house as a believer, and believing men and believing women, and increase not the wrong-doers in aught save ruin! (28)


In Nuh, the 71st surah, the Quran refers to Nuh’s prophet hood in snippets. Nuh is a messenger for Allah. When Nuh realizes his messages are not accepted by the community, Nuh prays to Allah for help. Allah plans to flood the community in response to the prayers of Nuh. Allah commands Nuh to warn people of the flood. Allah brings forth the water from the skies to prove Nuh’s message to be accurate. In the Holy Qur'an, the flood is a symbolization of the strength of Allah. Allah gives the world a new beginning. The non-believers choose not to believe Nuh and his message and drown in the flood water. Because his people are unable to grasp the idea of the existence of Allah, the lives of Muhammad and Nuh parallel each other for the time of the revealation of this surah.The surah was used as a verse to encourage the prophet Muhammad; it shows that prophets before Muhammad had similar difficulties persuading disbelievers of Allah’s message.

Overview of the Sura Ayat 1-4 discusses the message Nuh received from Allah to share with his community, to serve God In Ayat 5-20, Nuh informs God that his people are not accepting his message. Nuh tries to make clear to the people that all of the Earth, the sun, the moon are signs of Allah’s existence. In Ayat 21-24, Nuh asks Allah to rid the world of the evildoers because they refused to abandon their idols and encourage others to do the same. In Ayat 25- 28,the disbelievers were all drowned and sent to Hell (as a result of the flood). Nuh asks Allah to forgive believers but to destroy disbelievers because their ideas will lead many astray.[1]

Chronological Order of the Surah

The surah is entirely Meccan meaning it was revealed while Muhammad was trying to create a Muslim community in Mecca. According to the Tanzil version, it was the 71st surah revealed. It was revealed after the 16th surah, Al-Nahl (The Bees) and before the 14th surah Ibrahim (Abraham).[2] According to Nöldeke’s version, Nuh was the 53rd surah to be revealed. It was revealed after the 37th surah Saaffaat (ThoseWhoSetTheRanks), and before the 76th surah, Insaan or Dahr (Time or Man).[3]

Main Concepts

Belief in God; Signs of God (the Earth, Sun, Moon); Punishment of denying Allah's message


  1. Haleem, M.A.S. Abdel (2008). The Qur'an : a new translation ([2010 reprint with corrections]. ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199535958. 
  2. Nöldeke, Theodor. "THE QUR'AN". Adam and Charles Black. Retrieved 26 November 2012. 
  3. Edgecomb., Kevin P. "Chronological Order of Quranic Surahs". Retrieved 26 November 2012. 

External links

  • Surah Nuh (Complete text in Arabic with English and French translations)

Other Information

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