Nihal Atsız

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Nihal Atsız
Born Hüseyin Nihal
January 12, 1905
Kasımpaşa, Istanbul, Turkey
Died December 11, 1975(1975-12-11) (aged 70)
Resting place Karacaahmet Cemetery, Istanbul
Occupation Writer, novelist, poet and philosopher
Nationality Turkish
Ethnicity Turkish
Citizenship Turkey
Education History of literature
Literary movement Pan-Turkism
Notable work(s) Bozkurtların Ölümü (Death of the Gray Wolves)
Spouse(s) Bedriye Atsız (second wife)
Children Yağmur (son), Prof. Dr. Buğra (son), Kaniye (daughter)
Relative(s) Mehmet Nail Bey (father), Fatma Zehra (mother)

Hüseyin Nihâl Atsız (Ottoman Turkish: حسين نيهال أتسز) (January 12, 1905 – December 11, 1975)[1][2] was a prominent Turkish nationalist writer, novelist, poet and philosopher. Nihâl Atsız was a fervent supporter of the pan-Turkist or Turanism ideology. He is author of over 30 books and numerous articles. He was in strong opposition to the government of İsmet İnönü, which he criticized for co-operating with the communists.[3] He was accused of plotting to overthrow the government.[4]


Nihâl Atsız is foremost known for his nationalist views, his active campaign against Turkish communists, and his embracing of shamanistic ancient Turkic traditions. [citation needed] He is among the authors that influenced the Turkish nationalist movement known as Ülkücü movement (translated as "idealist"), a nationalist movement later associated to Alparslan Türkeş (and which was a break with Atsız's previous ideology of Turkism, on the grounds that it reconciles with Islam instead of denouncing it as "Arab religion").[5] [citation needed] Atsız worked on Turkism as an ideologue and activist but never joined any party or political group because he considered politics to be a way to corruption[citation needed]. He and his comrades published several Turkist magazines such as Ötüken, Yeni Hayat and Orkun. He wrote strong articles which criticized the government of İsmet İnönü and his alleged tolerance of communism in the country.

Literary work

Atsız majored in History of Literature, and published several academic essays about Ottoman literature and history. His essays about history are gathered and published as a book under the name of Türk Tarihinde Meseleler (Several Issues in Turkish History). He served as a literature teacher for a number of years.

Atsız is also an important novelist and poet. His historical epic novel Bozkurtların Ölümü (Death of the Gray Wolves) is one of the most popular historical novels in Turkish literature. The book concerns the last days of the first Gök Türk Empire and the impossible rebellion of Prince Kür-Şad and his forty warriors against the Chinese invaders.

Its sequel Bozkurtlar Diriliyor (Revival of the Gray Wolves) tells the story of Urungu (the unknown son of Kür-Şad) and the beginning of the second Gök Türk Empire.

His third novel, Deli Kurt (Mad Wolf), is about the mystic romance between a Sipahi warrior and a mysterious shamanist nomad woman in the early Ottoman Empire.

His last novel, Ruh Adam (Soul Man), is quite a complex psychological novel. The book has a spiritual and mystical atmosphere, full with surrealistic, allegorical figures such as Yek (who symbolizes Satan) and Lieutenant Şeref (who symbolizes Honour). It has a complex story, which is generally about the forbidden platonic love affair between an alcoholic ex-army officer and a diabolical, mysterious young high school student. The plot develops on the reincarnation of two lovers, which was a warrior banned from the army because of his love to the girl was greater than his love to his country in ancient nomad times.

Atsız wrote one satirical political comedy about İnönü government in the 1940s, Z Vitamini (Vitamin Z), which was about a fictional special vitamin which gives immortality to the dictator and his government. Another politicised novel of his was Dalkavuklar Gecesi (Night of The Sycophants), a historical allegory, which tells the story of political corruption during the Hittite era but actually referring (in a roman de clef fashion) to the injustices and arbitrariness of Atatürk's rule during early 1930s.

Atsız is also a famous poet. His poems are in the style of Pre-Islamic literature and his common themes are idealism, honour, forbidden love, war and history. His complete poetic works have been published under the name of Yolların Sonu ("End of Roads").

Personal life

Nihal Atsız was born on January 12, 1905 at Kasımpaşa, İstanbul. His father was navy commander Mehmet Nail Bey, from Çiftçioğlu family of Torul, Gümüşhane; and his mother was Fatma Zehra, daughter of navy commander Osman Fevzi Bey, from Kadıoğlu family of Trabzon.

Nihal Atsız had two sons from his second wife Bedriye Atsız: Yağmur Atsız, a left-wing journalist and writer, and Prof. Dr. Buğra Atsız, academician and nationalist writer; he also had a daughter: Kaniye Atsız. Atsız also had a younger brother, Nejdet Sançar, also a notable writer and publicist.

Atsız dedicated his entire life to his children and especially to his most beloved granddaughter Maviş Atsiz (the daughter of Kaniye Atsiz). Nihâl Atsiz was remembered by his grand daughter as a kind and gentle person with children (in his free time he would always dedicate himself to reading and educating his grandchildren).




  • 'Dönüş' (The Return), In Atsız Mecmua, sayı.2 (1931), Orhun, Sayı.10 (1943)
  • 'Şehidlerin Duası' (Prayer of Martyrs), In Atsız Mecmua, Sayı.3 (1931), Orhun, Sayı.12 (1943)
  • 'Erkek Kız' (Tomboy), In Atsız Mecmua, Sayı.4 (1931)
  • 'İki Onbaşı, Galiçiya...1917...' (Two Corporals, Galicia...1917...), In Atsız Mecmua, Sayı.6 (1931), Çınaraltı, Sayı.67 (1942), Ötüken, Sayı.30 (1966)
  • 'Her Çağın Masalı: Boz Doğan ve Sarı Yılan' (Tale of All Ages: Grey Hawk and Yellow Snake), In Ötüken, Sayı.28 (1966)


Other Works

  • Divan-ı Türk-i Basit, Gramer ve Lugati (Divan-ı Türk-i Basit, Grammar and Dictionary), Graduating Thesis, Institute of Turkology, no. 82, 111 pages (İstanbul, 1930)
  • "Sart Başı"na Cevap (Answer to Head of Sart), İstanbul, 1933.
  • Çanakkale'ye Yürüyüş (Walking to Çanakkale), İstanbul, 1933.
  • XVIıncı asır şairlerinden Edirneli Nazmî'nin eseri ve bu eserin Türk dili ve kültürü bakımından ehemmiyeti (Production of Nazmi of Edirne who's one of the poet in 16the century and importance of this production on Turkish Language and Culture), İstanbul, 1934.
  • Komünist Don Kişot'u Proleter Burjuva Nâzım Hikmetof Yoldaşa (To Communist Don Quixote Proletarian Bourgeois Comrade Nazım Hikmettoff), İstanbul, 1935.
  • Türk Tarihi Üzerinde Toplamalar, I. Bölüm (Collection About Turkish History, Episode I), İstanbul, 1935.
  • XVinci asır tarihçisi Şükrullah, Dokuz Boy Türkler ve Osmanlı Sultanları Tarihi (Şükrullah who's one of the historian in 15the century, Nine tribe Turks and History of Ottoman Sultans), İstanbul, 1939.
  • Müneccimbaşı, Şeyh Ahmed Dede Efendi, Hayatı ve Eserleri" (Head of Chaldeans, Şeyh Ahmed Dede Efendi, His Life and Works), İstanbul, 1940.
  • 900. Yıl Dönümü (1040–1940) (900th Anniversary (1040–1940)), İstanbul, 1940.
  • İçimizdeki Şeytanlar (Devils in us), İstanbul, 1940.
  • Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi (History of Tuskish Literature), İstanbul 1940.
  • En Sinsi Tehlike (Most Insidious Danger), İstanbul, 1943.
  • Hesap Böyle Verilir (To be brought to book such), İstanbul, 1943.
  • Türkiye Asla Boyun Eğmeyecektir (Turkey never surrenders), İstanbul, 1943.
  • Osmanlı Tarihleri I (Ottoman History I), İstanbul, 1949.
  • Türk Ülküsü (Turk Ideal), İstanbul 1956.
  • Osman (Bayburtlu), Tevârîh-i Cedîd-i Mir'ât-i Cihân, İstanbul, 1961.
  • Osmanlı Tarihine Ait Takvimler I (Celandars belongs to Ottoman History I), İstanbul, 1961.
  • Ordinaryüs'ün Fahiş Yanlışları (Criminal mistakes of professor in ordinary), İstanbul 1961.
  • Türk Tarihinde Meseleler (Problems in Turkish History), Ankara, 1966.
  • Birgili Mehmed Efendi Bibliyografyası, İstanbul, 1966.
  • İstanbul Kütüphanelerine Göre Ebüssuud Bibliyografyası (Bibliography of Ebüssuud to İstanbul Library), İstanbul 1967.
  • Âlî Bibliyografyası, İstanbul, 1968.
  • Âşıkpaşaoğlu Tarihi (History of Âşıkpaşaoğlu), İstanbul, 1970.
  • Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi'nden Seçmeler I (Anthology from Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi I), İstanbul 1971.
  • Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi'nden Seçmeler II (Anthology from Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi II), İstanbul 1972.
  • Oruç Beğ Tarihi (History of Oruç Beğ), İstanbul, 1973.


19 young academicians and authors, assembled under a nationalist association "Siyah Beyaz Kültür ve Sanat Platformu", published a book on him, "Vaktiyle Bir Atsız Varmış"[ISBN 978-605-86024-6-5] (Once upon a time there was Atsız) inspired by his verses: "Vaktiyle bir Atsız varmış derlerse ne hoş / anılmakla hangi bir ruh olmaz ki sarhoş?" (If one day some say "once upon a time there was Atsız", I would be delighted / Whose soul would not be intoxicated by being remembered?), consisted of articles and comparative studies on his works, life and views.


  1. The Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol.7, Edited by Hugh Chisholm, (1911), 3; Constantinople, the capital of the Turkish Empire...
  2. Britannica, Istanbul:When the Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923, the capital was moved to Ankara, and Constantinople was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930.
  3. Biography of Nihâl Atsız (Turkish)
  4. Özkırımlı, Umut (2008). Tormented by history: nationalism in Greece and Turkey. New York: Columbia University Press. p. 138. ISBN 0-231-70052-0. 
  5. Cenk Saraçoğlu, Nihal Atsız's World-View and Its Influences on the Shared Symbols, Rituals, Myths and Practices of the Ülkücü Movement

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