A neck mass is an ambiguous mass found in the neck area. There are many different possible causes,[1] including congenital conditions like branchial anomalies and thyroglossal duct cysts.[2]
In some cases, fine needle aspiration may assist in the diagnosis.
See also
| Disturbances of skin sensation/ somatosensory disorder | |
| Circulation | |
| Edema | |
| Other | |
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noco (i/b/d/q/u/r/p/m/k/v/f)/cong/tumr (n/e/d), sysi/epon
proc, drug (D2/3/4/5/8/11)
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noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
| |
Symptoms and signs: Speech and voice / Symptoms involving head and neck (R47–R49, 784) |
| Acute Aphasias | |
| Progressive Aphasias | |
| Other speech disturbances | |
| Communication disorders | |
| Voice disturbances | |
| Other | |
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dsrd (o, p, m, p, a, d, s), sysi/epon, spvo
proc (eval/thrp), drug (N5A/5B/5C/6A/6B/6D)
| |
noco/cofa (c)/cogi/tumr, sysi
| |