Near passerine

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Near passerine or higher land-bird assemblage are terms often given to tree-dwelling birds or those most often believed to be related to the true passerines (order Passeriformes) due to ecological similarities; the group corresponds to some extent with the Anomalogonatae of Garrod.[1]


All near passerines are land birds. Whether all of these orders represent relatives of the Passeriformes is uncertain, but not well-supported by more recent data; however the bulk of evidence[citation needed] supports the hypothesis that most do indeed form a clade that also includes the Passeriformes. In addition, it is now becoming increasingly clear that "near passerines" and "higher landbirds" are not synonymous, but that the former is more probably a subclade of the latter, and that the latter also includes groups like Falconiformes.[citation needed]


The near passerines traditionally comprise the following orders[citation needed] (with common names of some families in the orders):

Of these, the relationship of the Strigiformes is uncertain[citation needed], whereas the first three groups almost certainly do not belong here[citation needed]; sandgrouse (Pterocliformes) may not even be higher landbirds[citation needed]. The Cuculiformes, Piciformes (including toucans), Coraciiformes (including hornbills) and Trogoniformes seem to be very close to the Passeriformes on the other hand (Johansson & Ericson 2003), and one of these almost certainly is—among the living birds—the sister taxon of the Passeriformes.

See also


  1. defined as birds lacking the ambiens muscle, namely the coraciforms and passerines. The Birds of North and Middle America, Robert Ridgway, Herbert Friedmann, p. 297.

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