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Nauhwar or Nohwar is a gotra of Jats found in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in India. They belong to Chandravanshi kshatriyas and belong to the house of Chauhan-Rajputs[1] They come mostly from Naujheel area in district Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, where they ruled in ancient times and renowned for their royal families.[2]

Nauhwar and Narwar Jats are cousins/brothers. They get Narwar name after Narhari, a great Jat warrior, from Nauhwar clan. Intermarriages are banned in these two gotras.[3] Nauhwars derived their name from the town of Noh.[4] They are believed to have originated from village Shall (Salya) in block Naujheel. There are about 100 villages of Nauhwars and 12 of Narwars. In Palwal (Faridabad district) area of Haryana they are called Nauhwar-Chauhans. Mr. Cheti Lal Verma of Palwal, a famous industrialist, was Nauhwar-Chauhan Jat.


Nauhwars are believed to be inhabitants of the historic town of noh near mathura. Historians such as Thakur Deshraj describes them to be the rulers of noh.[2] The town of noh also contributes to the name of this clan of Jats. British Gazateer Drake Brockman was of the views that Nauhwars were originally the Chauhan-Rajputs who were expelled in 13th Century from a village called Narwari near Tappal and Jartauli near Khair in Aligarh district. These people later on settled in noh area and acquired the name of Nauhwars.[1]

According to Brockman, Nauhwar and Narwar jats are originated from a common ancestor who lived in Jartauli of Aligarh and was probably driven out of there for waging a rebellion against the Emperor Ibrahim Lodi. One of his sons Rati Rao colonised Noh while the other settled down in a place called Narwar. Rati Rao's children later on founded the villages of Bhenrai and Bajna and spread all over the area.[5]

The area of Noh is said to be of important value in the Jat history. Maharaja Surajmal of Bharatpur appointed Thakur Devi Singh as his Governor of Noh. Thakur Devi Singh build a massive fort in this area in the year 1740. A big lake was also dug nearby. The lake gives the present name to this area as nohjhil. Nohwars of noh supported Maharaja Bharatpur in his various campaigns against the Mughals of Delhi. Mughals of Delhi had appointed a contingent of Baluchi soldiers in noh to quell the Jat rebellions, however the Nohwars from Nohjhil, Musmina and Parsoli villages attacked their contingent on 4th June 1857 and plundered everyone except Brahmins.[1]


Renowned British historian Frederick Salmon Growse, who was also the founder of Mathura Museum, described that there are only three places named noh in whole India. According to Growse one is noh near Mathura, the other one is near Gurgaon in Haryana and a third one in Jalesar Pargana of Eta district. All three places are adjacent to a large water body or lake.

Growse was of the view that noh is the corrupted form of a Sanskrit word nava which means new. Harivansha Puran mentions about King Ushinara. His third wife Nava gave birth to a son who was also named Nava. This Nava emerged as the ruler of a kingdom named Navarashtra which was spread around Mathura and its capital was at the place where currently exists Nohjhil.[6]

Notable persons of this clan


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mathura A Gazetteer by D.L. DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Chapter 17. ISBN 978-0836413243.
  2. 2.0 2.1 History of Jats-Thakur Deshraj, Chapter-VIII,PP.554.
  3. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudi, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Adhunik Jat Itihasa (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998
  4. Mathura A District Memoir by FS Growse. Chapter 1.
  5. Mathura A Gazetteer by D.L. DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Chapter 3. ISBN 978-0836413243.
  6. Mathura brindaban the Mystical Land Of Lord Krishna by FS Growse, Page 382-384 ISBN 8171824439
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