Myriad Search
Myriad Search was a metasearch engine developed by Aaron Wall which offered ad-free search results. Myriad Search allowed users to select search results from Ask Jeeves, Google, MSN, and Yahoo! It was trialled ("in beta") from 16 September, 2005, but in February 2006 Wall made the source code available as open source, and withdrew it altogether in 2009 because it had stopped working with Google. Myriad Search allowed users to select search depth and place bias on the search results from each of the major search engines. Searchers could promote engines that were providing results relevant to their query and demote or deselect engines which were providing irrelevant results. Myriad Search also made it easy for searchers to tab through the search results one engine at a time. Myriad Search was covered in SearchDay, the daily search information newsletter from Search Engine Watch, on September 22, 2005[citation needed].