Mycobacterium duvalii

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Mycobacterium duvalii
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Order: Actinomycetales
Suborder: Corynebacterineae
Family: Mycobacteriaceae
Genus: Mycobacterium
Species: M. duvalii
Binomial name
Mycobacterium duvalii
Stanford and Gunthorpe 1971, ATCC 51304

Mycobacterium duvalii is a species of the phylum actinobacteria (Gram-positive bacteria with high guanine and cytosine content, one of the dominant phyla of all bacteria), belonging to the genus mycobacterium.


Gram-positive, nonmotile and pleomorphic acid-fast rods.

Colony characteristics

  • Bright yellow pigmented, scotochromogenic and rough or smooth colonies on Löwenstein-Jensen medium.


  • Fast growth on Löwenstein-Jensen medium at 25°C and 37°C within 7 days. No growth at 45°C.
  • Resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, and sodium aminosalicylate.

Differential characteristics

  • Characterised by the possession of 6 species-specific antigens demonstrable in immunodiffusion tests.



Not pathogenic, but evidence insufficient. Biosafety level 1.

Type strain

First isolated from cases of human leprosy by C. W. Duval. Strain ATCC 43910 = CCUG 41352 = CIP 104539 = DSM 44244 = JCM 6396 = NCTC 358.


    • Stanford, J. et al. 1971. A study of some fast-growing scotochromogenic mycobacteria including species descriptions of Mycobacterium gilvum (new species) and Mycobacterium duvalii (new species). British Journal of Experimental Pathology, 52, 627-637.] PMID 5002706

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