Music at Night is a 1931 collection of essays by Aldous Huxley.
The essays in this book cover different subjects, such as morality in arts ('To the Puritan All Things are Impure', a defence of his friend D. H. Lawrence), music ("After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music",[1] he writes in 'The Rest is Silence'), similarities in the behaviour of men and cats ('Sermons in Cats').
Part of these essays may be regarded as a description of changes in society at the first half of the 20th century: 'Forehead Villanious Low' deals with the fruits of universal education, while 'Art and the Great Truth' defines modernist literature as "A terror for the obvious in his [the writer's] artistic medium - (...) which leads him to make laborious efforts to destroy the gradually perfected instrument of language".
- ↑ James Hull, Gerhard Wagner
2005. Aldous Huxley, representative man. Lit Verlag. p199
| Novels | |
| Short stories |
- "Happily Ever After"
- "Eupompus Gave Splendour to Art by Numbers"
- "Cynthia"
- "The Bookshop"
- "The Death of Lully"
- "Sir Hercules"
- "The Gioconda Smile"
- "The Tillotson Banquet"
- "Green Tunnels"
- "Nuns at Luncheon"
- "Little Mexican"
- "Hubert and Minnie"
- "Fard"
- "The Portrait"
- "Young Archimedes"
- "Half Holiday"
- "The Monocle"
- "Fairy Godmother"
- "Chawdron"
- "The Rest Cure"
- "The Claxtons"
- "After the Fireworks"
- "Jacob's Hands: A Fable" (published 1997) co-written with Christopher Isherwood
| Short story collections | |
| Poetry |
- The Burning Wheel (1916)
- Jonah (1917)
- The Defeat of Youth (1918)
- Leda (1920)
- Arabia Infelix (1929)
- The Cicadias and Other Poems (1931)
- Collected Poetry (1971)
| Travel writing | |
| Essay collections |
- On the Margin (1923)
- Essays New and Old (1926)
- Proper Studies (1927)
- Do What You Will (1929)
- Vulgarity in Literature (1930)
- Music at Night (1931)
- Texts and Pretexts (1932)
- The Olive Tree (1936)
- Ends and Means (1937)
- Words and their Meanings (1940)
- Science, Liberty and Peace (1946)
- Themes and Variations (1950)
- The Doors of Perception (1954)
- Adonis and the Alphabet (US title: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow) (1956)
- Heaven and Hell (1956)
- Collected Essays (1958)
- Brave New World Revisited (1958)
- Literature and Science (1963)
- The Human Situation: 1959 Lectures at Santa Barbara (1977)
- Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience (1999)
| Screenplays | |
| Non-fiction | |
| Plays |
- The Discovery (based on Frances Sheridan) (1924)
- The World of Light (1931)
- The Gioconda Smile (adapted from the original in Mortal Coils) (1948)
- The Genius and the Goddess (play version, with Betty Wendel) (1957)
- The Ambassador of Captripedia (1965)
- Now More Than Ever (1997)
| Children's books | |
| Other books | |