Muhammad Mohsin

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Hooghly Imambara started by Haji Muhammad Mohsin at Hooghly

(Haji) Muhammad Mohsin (1732–1812) was one of the most prolific philanthropists in the history of Bengal. His most notable contribution was during the great famine of Bengal during 1769-70.

Mohsin was born to Haji Faizullah and Zainab Khanam in Hughli (now in West Bengal, India) in 1732. He was home-schooled and gained knowledge in the study of the Quran, Hadith and the Fiqh. Later, he went on a voyage to other countries of Asia, including the regions in current-day Iran, Iraq, Turkey and the Arab peninsula. He also made the pilgrimage to Mecca, and visited Medina, Kufa, Karbala and other holy places. After performing the Hajj, he was given the title Haji.

Following his return, Mohsin took over the management of the estate of his widowed half-sister, Munnujan. She was the widow of Mirza Salahuddin, the Naib-faujdar or Deputy Military Governor of Hughli working for the Nawab of Bengal. She also inherited a fortune from her mother Zainab, whose first husband Aga Motahar had a lot of land and properties in Hughli, Jessore, Murshidabad and Nadia.

After Munnujan's death in 1803, Mohsin inherited the fortune. However, he decided to bequeath this fortune for charity, and created a Waq'f or trust in 1806, with his entire wealth of 156,000 Taka.[citation needed] One-third of his fortune was to be donated for education and religious programmes, four-ninths for pensions to the elderly and disabled, and the remaining two-ninths for the expenses of the two trustees.

Mohsin died on 29 November 1813


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