Muckenhoupt weights

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In mathematics, the class of Muckenhoupt weights A_{p} consists of those weights \omega for which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded on L^{p}(d\omega ). Specifically, we consider functions f on {\mathbb  {R}}^{n} and their associated maximal functions M(f) defined as

M(f)(x)=\sup _{{r>0}}{\frac  {1}{r^{n}}}\int _{{B_{r}}}|f|,

where B_{r} is a ball in {\mathbb  {R}}^{n} with radius r and centre x. We wish to characterise the functions \omega \colon {\mathbb  {R}}^{n}\to [0,\infty ) for which we have a bound

\int |M(f)(x)|^{p}\,\omega (x)dx\leq C\int |f|^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx,

where C depends only on p\in [1,\infty ) and \omega . This was first done by Benjamin Muckenhoupt.[1]


For a fixed 1<p<\infty , we say that a weight \omega \colon {\mathbb  {R}}^{n}\to [0,\infty ) belongs to A_{p} if \omega is locally integrable and there is a constant C such that, for all balls B in {\mathbb  {R}}^{n}, we have

\left({\frac  {1}{|B|}}\int _{B}\omega (x)\,dx\right)\left({\frac  {1}{|B|}}\int _{B}\omega (x)^{{\frac  {-p'}{p}}}\,dx\right)^{{\frac  {p}{p'}}}\leq C<\infty ,

where 1/p+1/p'=1 and |B| is the Lebesgue measure of B. We say \omega \colon {\mathbb  {R}}^{n}\to [0,\infty ) belongs to A_{1} if there exists some C such that

{\frac  {1}{|B|}}\int _{B}\omega (x)\,dx\leq C\omega (x),

for all x\in B and all balls B.[2]

Equivalent characterizations

This following result is a fundamental result in the study of Muckenhoupt weights. A weight \omega is in A_{p} if and only if any one of the following hold.[2]

(a) The Hardy–Littlewood maximal function is bounded on L^{p}(\omega (x)dx), that is

\int |M(f)(x)|^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx\leq C\int |f|^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx,

for some C which only depends on p and the constant A in the above definition.

(b) There is a constant c such that for any locally integrable function f on {\mathbb  {R}}^{n}

(f_{B})^{p}\leq {\frac  {c}{\omega (B)}}\int _{B}f(x)^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx

for all balls B. Here

f_{B}={\frac  {1}{|B|}}\int _{B}f

is the average of f over B and

\omega (B)=\int _{B}\omega (x)\,dx.

Equivalently, w=e^{\phi }\in A_{{p}}, where p\in (1,\infty ), if and only if

\sup _{{B}}{\frac  {1}{|B|}}\int _{{B}}e^{{\phi -\phi _{{B}}}}dx<\infty


\sup _{{B}}{\frac  {1}{|B|}}\int _{{B}}e^{{-{\frac  {\phi -\phi _{{B}}}{p-1}}}}dx<\infty .

This equivalence can be verified by using Jensen's Inequality.

Reverse Hölder inequalities and A_{{\infty }}

The main tool in the proof of the above equivalence is the following result.[2] The following statements are equivalent

(a) \omega belongs to A_{p} for some p\in [1,\infty )

(b) There exists an q>1 and a c (both depending on \omega ) such that

{\frac  {1}{|B|}}\int _{{B}}\omega ^{q}\leq \left({\frac  {c}{|B|}}\int _{{B}}\omega \right)^{q}

for all balls B_{r}

(c) There exists \delta ,\gamma \in (0,1) so that for all balls B and subsets E\subset B

|E|\leq \gamma |B|\implies \omega (E)\leq \delta \omega (B)

We call the inequality in (b) a reverse Hölder inequality as the reverse inequality follows for any non-negative function directly from Hölder's inequality. If any of the three equivalent conditions above hold we say \omega belongs to A_{\infty }.

Weights and BMO

The definition of an A_{p} weight and the reverse Hölder inequality indicate that such a weight cannot degenerate or grow too quickly. This property can be phrased equivalently in terms of how much the logarithm of the weight oscillates:

(a) If w\in A_{{p}},\;\;p\geq 1,, then \log w\in BMO (i.e. \log w has bounded mean oscillation).

(b) If f\in BMO, then for sufficiently small \delta >0, we have e^{{\delta f}}\in A_{{p}} for some p\geq 1.

This equivalence can be established by using the exponential characterization of weights above, Jensen's inequality, and the John–Nirenberg inequality. Note that the smallness assumption on \delta >0 in part (b) is necessary for the result to be true, as \log {\frac  {1}{|x|}} is a BMO function, but e^{{\log {\frac  {1}{|x|}}}}={\frac  {1}{|x|}} is not in any A_{{p}}.

Further properties

Here we list a few miscellaneous properties about weights, some of which can be verified from using the definitions, others are nontrivial results:

(i) A_{1}\subseteq A_{p}\subseteq A_{\infty }{\text{ for }}1\leq p\leq \infty .

(ii) A_{\infty }=\bigcup _{{p<\infty }}A_{p}.

(iii) If w\in A_{p}, then w\,dx defines a doubling measure: for any ball B, if 2B is the ball of twice the radius, then w(2B)\leq Cw(B) where C > 1 is a constant depending on w.

(iv) If w\in A_{p}, then there is \delta >1 such that w^{\delta }\in A_{p}.

(v) If w\in A_{{\infty }} then there is \delta >0 and weights w_{1},w_{2}\in A_{1} such that w=w_{1}w_{2}^{{-\delta }}.[3]

Boundedness of singular integrals

It is not only the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator that is bounded on these weighted L^{p} spaces. In fact, any Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operator is also bounded on these spaces.[4] Let us describe a simpler version of this here.[2] Suppose we have an operator T which is bounded on L^{2}(dx), so we have

\|T(f)\|_{{L^{2}}}\leq C\|f\|_{{L^{2}}},

for all smooth and compactly supported f. Suppose also that we can realise T as convolution against a kernel K in the sense that, whenever f and g are smooth and have disjoint support

\int g(x)T(f)(x)\,dx=\iint g(x)K(x-y)f(y)\,dy\,dx.

Finally we assume a size and smoothness condition on the kernel K:

|{\partial ^{\alpha }}K|\leq C|x|^{{-n-\alpha }}

for all x\neq 0 and multi-indices |\alpha |\leq 1. Then, for each p\in (1,\infty ) and \omega \in A_{p}, we have that T is a bounded operator on L^{p}(\omega (x)\,dx). That is, we have the estimate

\int |T(f)(x)|^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx\leq C\int |f(x)|^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx,

for all f for which the right-hand side is finite.

A converse result

If, in addition to the three conditions above, we assume the non-degeneracy condition on the kernel K: For a fixed unit vector u_{0}

|K(x)|\geq a|x|^{{-n}}

whenever x=t{\dot  u}_{0} with -\infty <t<\infty , then we have a converse. If we know

\int |T(f)(x)|^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx\leq C\int |f(x)|^{p}\,\omega (x)\,dx,

for some fixed p\in (1,\infty ) and some \omega , then \omega \in A_{p}.[2]

Weights and quasiconformal mappings

For K>1, a K-quasiconformal mapping is a homeomorphism f:{\mathbb  {R}}^{{n}}\rightarrow {\mathbb  {R}}^{{n}} with f\in W_{{loc}}^{{1,2}}({\mathbb  {R}}^{{n}}) and

{\frac  {||Df(x)||^{{n}}}{J(f,x)}}\leq K

where Df(x) is the derivative of f at x and J(f,x)={\mbox{det}}(Df(x)) is the Jacobian.

A theorem of Gehring[5] states that for all K-quasiconformal functions f:{\mathbb  {R}}^{{n}}\rightarrow {\mathbb  {R}}^{{n}}, we have J(f,x)\in A_{{p}} where p depends on K.

Harmonic measure

If you have a simply connected domain \Omega \subseteq {\mathbb  {C}}, we say its boundary curve \Gamma =\partial \Omega is K-chord-arc if for any two points z,w\in \Gamma there is a curve \gamma \subseteq \Gamma connecting z and w whose length is no more than K|z-w|. For a domain with such a boundary and for any z_{{0}}\in \Omega , the harmonic measure w(\cdot )=w(z_{{0}},\Omega ,\cdot ) is absolutely continuous with respect to one-dimensional Hausdorff measure and its Radon–Nikodym derivative is in A_{{\infty }}.[6] (Note that in this case, one needs to adapt the definition of weights to the case where the underlying measure is one-dimensional Hausdorff measure).


  1. Muckenhoupt, Benjamin (1972). "Weighted norm inequalities for the Hardy maximal function". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 165: 207–226. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Stein, Elias (1993). "5". Harmonic Analysis. Princeton University Press. 
  3. Jones, Peter W. (1980). "Factorization of Ap weights". Ann. Of Math. (2) 111 (3): 511–530. doi:10.2307/1971107. 
  4. Grakakos, Loukas (2004). "9". Classical and Modern Fourier Analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. 
  5. Gehring, F. W. (1973). "The Lp-integrability of the partial derivatives of a quasiconformal mapping". Acta Math. 130: 265–277. doi:10.1007/BF02392268. 
  6. Garnett, John; Marshall, Donald (2008). Harmonic Measure. Cambridge University Measure. 
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