Mordovian cuisine

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Mordovian cuisine is the traditional cuisine of the Mordovians, who now live in Mordovia and surrounding areas. It consists of a variety of dishes, based on geographical, cultural and climate features of the region, with fish traditionally featured heavily.[1]


Finnic tribes settled on the riversides, in places convenient for fishing.[2] Traditionally Mordvins pay a great attention to the support of nature.[2] Fish dishes varied by the type of cooking; fish was eaten raw, frozen, dried, salty, and boiled.[2] Fish liver, fish eggs, milt, cod-liver oil were used as cooking ingredients.[2]


Meat and poultry was stewed, baked and boiled.[1] There were no fried meat dishes in Finno-Ugric cuisine, only roasted dishes which also were borrowed from Tatar cuisine in 19th century.[2] Beef, mutton and pork were preserved in several ways.[2][3] The most ancient preservation method was drying.[2][3] Pre-boiled meat was dried at oven or under the Sun.[2][3] Fat from broth was collected and used for cooking. Meat was also frozen for preservation.[2][3]

In ancient times horsemeat was used for food, but later it was used only in rituals(molyam) associated with horse worship.[2]

Herbs and vegetables

Many farms grew cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, garlic, carrots, beans, beets, turnips, radishes and pumpkins.[2] In summer and autumn a lot of fruit were eaten fresh.[2] Cucumbers pickle was used for preparing dishes.[citation needed] Beets and pumpkins were eaten steamed as a dessert.[2] Shschi (cabbage soup ) was a traditional soup consisting of cabbage and potatoes cooked in chicken broth with onions and carrots added at the end.[4] Herbs (watercress, horseradish, onion, cow parship, horsetail, nettle, wild goutweed) were used for preparing dishes instead of spices.[2]


Mushrooms were one of the main ingredients in traditional dishes. They were boiled, salted, fried, soured and dried.[2]


Grains had a special place in Mordovian cuisine.[1] Finno-Ugric tribes mostly used wheat, barley, spelled and rye (black cereal).[1][2] Ritual meals in Mordovia were associated with agricultural period, family and public holidays.[2] For example, millet porridge was not only a delicious meal on weddings. christenings, funerals, but also there was a special ritual baba's porridge (female porridge) made at the last day of a bride at home.[2]

Bliny (pancakes)

Bliny (Pancakes)[5] were a favorite dish of Mordvins.[1][2] They were called pachat and were made from rye, wheat, millet and pea flour.[2] Traditionally Mordvins liked the pancakes to be rather thick and added boiled potatoes into the dough.[2] Such pancakes were served with milk and honey.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Мордовская кухня (Mordovian Cuisine) -- Finugor, Information Centre of Finno-Ugric Peoples (in Russian), (as of June 16, 2012).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 Mordovian Cuisine -- Республика Мордовия Историко-этнографический сайт (Republic of Mordovia Historical-Ethnographic Site) (in Russian), (as of June 16, 2012).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 ПОЮВЕЛЕ САЙТ СЕЛА ПАЁВО (in Russian), (as of June 16, 2012).
  4. Рецепты блюд мордовской кухни (Mordovian Recipes) -- Supercook (in Russian), (as of June 16, 2012)
  5. Mordovian Pancakes (in Russian), (as of June 16, 2012)

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