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Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked): Rhizaria
Phylum: Cercozoa
Subphylum: Filosa
Superclass: Monadofilosa
Cavalier-Smith, 1997

Monadofilosa is a grouping of Cercozoa.[1] (It is sometimes considered one of three, the other two being Phytomyxa and Reticulofilosa.)[citation needed] These organisms are single-celled amoeboid protists.


Monadofilosa includes the testaceans, which are testate filose amoeboids, and the cercomonads.

It is sometimes described as Testaceafilosia and Sarcomonadea.[2]

It has also been described as Sarcomonadea (Cercomonas, Heteromita, Bodomorpha, Proleptomonas, Allantion), Thecofilosea (Cryptodifflugia, Cryothecomonas), Spongomonadea (Spongomonas, Rhipidodendron), and Imbricatea (Thaumatomonas, Thaumatomastix, Allas, Gyromitus, Euglypha, Trinema, Paulinella).[3]

  • Cercomonads are flagellates that glide on their posterior cilium and/or generate filopodia. Members of this group contain Cryothecomonas, Thaumatomonas, which is covered with siliceous scales, and Cercomonas, which is nake. Cercomonas contains several species that show exhibit amoeboid movement, such as the testate amoeba Cyphoderia, and the flagellate Cryothecomonas.

Monadofilosa is sometimes treated as a superclass rather than a subphylum.

Sainouron has been grouped in Monadofilosa.[4]


  1. Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE (October 2003). "Phylogeny and classification of phylum Cercozoa (Protozoa)". Protist 154 (3-4): 341–58. doi:10.1078/143446103322454112. PMID 14658494. 
  2. Wylezich C, Meisterfeld R, Meisterfeld S, Schlegel M (2002). "Phylogenetic analyses of small subunit ribosomal RNA coding regions reveal a monophyletic lineage of euglyphid testate amoebae (Order Euglyphida)". J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 49 (2): 108–18. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2002.tb00352.x. PMID 12043958. 
  3. "". Retrieved 2009-06-26. 
  4. Cavalier-Smith T, Lewis R, Chao EE, Oates B, Bass D (October 2008). "Morphology and phylogeny of Sainouron acronematica sp. n. and the ultrastructural unity of Cercozoa". Protist 159 (4): 591–620. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2008.04.002. PMID 18583188. 
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