Michael Golamco

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Michael Golamco is an American playwright and screenwriter. He is of Filipino and Chinese American descent.[1]


Year Zero

Golamco's play about Cambodian Americans growing up in Long Beach, Year Zero, ran at the Second Stage Theater in New York City, Victory Gardens Theater in Chicago, and at the Colony Theater in Burbank, Los Angeles.[2][3] Year Zero also was a Grand Prize winner of the Chicago Dramatists' Many Voices Project, and was nominated for a Jeff award in the "Best New Work" category.[4][5] In New York, the originating cast starred Mason Lee (son of director Ang Lee) as Vuthy, and David Huynh played Vuthy and Tim Chiou played Han when the production went to LA's Colony Theater (with Chiou also playing the role of Han in the Chicago production at the Victory Gardens Theater).[6][7][8]

Cowboy vs. Samurai

Golamco's play Cowboy versus Samurai has run with the National Asian American Theater Company in New York, receiving favorable reviews from the New York Times.[9] The play was also produced in Seattle[10] as well as in Canada at the Vancouver Asian Canada Theater company[11] and in Hong Kong by Looking Glass Productions.[12][13] The Los Angeles premiere of the play will be produced and staged by Artists at Play in the Fall of 2013.[14] The Los Angeles premiere from Artists at Play was directed by Peter Kuo, and starred Feodor Chin as Chester, West Liang as Travis Park, Julia Cho as Veronica Lee and Daniel Vincent Gordh as Del (the last two cast members also being from the Emmy-award winning webseries The Lizzie Bennet Diaries). The play has also been produced in Minneapolis (by Mu Performing Arts), Seattle (by SiS Productions), San Francisco (by the Asian American Theater Company), San Diego, California (by Mo’olelo), and Dallas, Texas.[15] Cowboy Versus Samurai was also selected by the Tribeca Film Institute for its All Access Open Stage Program, and is available in print in Smith and Kraus’s New Playwrights: The Best Plays of 2006 and The Best Stage Scenes of 2006.


Golamco's most recent play, Build premiered at the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles during October to November 2012.[16] The play concerns the story of two Silicon Valley legends struggling with coding their latest video game and dealing with a female artificial intelligence, or A.I.[17][18] According to an article in LA Weekly, Golamco also had to immerse himself in the game World of Warcraft in order to write the play.[19]

Accolades and Awards

Golamco also received the Helen Merill Award, was a member of the Center Theatre Group's writing workshop, and is currently working on new play commissions from the South Coast Repertory and the Second Stage Theater.[20] Golamco is also a member of the playwright collective New Dramatists.[21]

Film, Screenplays and Teleplays

Golamco has also written the screenplay for the short film, Dragon of Love starring Randall Park and directed by Doan La.[22][23] He has also co-written a feature film entitled The Achievers (based on a stage play he wrote entitled "Achievers") with Abraham Lim, and also directed by Abraham Lim, starring Tim Chiou, Randall Park, Samantha Quan and Alexis Rhee.[24][25]

Golamco has also written the episode "El Cucuy" (Season 3, episode 5) of NBC's TV series Grimm.[26] He also is a staff writer for Grimm as well.[27]


  1. Critics at Large, Michael Golamco's Year Zero, http://www.criticsatlarge.ca/2010/07/michael-golamco-s-year-zero.html
  2. David Rooney, Finding America, Searching for Identity, New York Times, http://theater2.nytimes.com/2010/06/03/theater/reviews/03year.html
  3. Michael Golamco, New Dramatists, http://newdramatists.org/michael-golamco
  4. The A_rist, Filipino American Artists Network, Michael Golamco’s “Year Zero,” 2008 Grand Prize Winner of Chicago Dramatists’ Many Voices Project, http://www.filamartists.com/2008/08/22/michael-golamco-year-zero/
  5. Geffen Playhouse, Press Release, http://geffenplayhouse.com/html_press_releases.php?id=493
  6. David Rooney, Finding America, Searching for Identity, New York Times, http://theater2.nytimes.com/2010/06/03/theater/reviews/03year.html
  7. Gary Ballard, Michael Golamco and David Rose Commence Year Zero at the Colony, http://www.lastagetimes.com/2011/06/michael-golamco-and-david-rose-commence-year-zero-at-the-colony/
  8. Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune, 'Year Zero' in the Victory Gardens Studio: Igniting new era at new venue, http://leisureblogs.chicagotribune.com/the_theater_loop/2009/09/year-zero-in-the-victory-gardens-studio-igniting-new-era-at-new-venue.html
  9. Margo Jefferson, Cowboy v. Samurai - Review, New York Times, http://theater2.nytimes.com/2005/11/11/theater/reviews/11samu.html?_r=0
  10. http://www.sis-productions.org/cowboy.html
  11. VACT Cowboy v. Samurai reviews, http://www.aatrevue.com/Old/VACTReviews0707.html
  12. Time Out Hong Kong, Cowboy vs. Samurai, http://www.timeout.com.hk/stage/features/17275/cowboy-vs-samurai.html
  13. New Dramatists, Cowboy vs. Samurai, http://newdramatists.org/michael-golamco/cowboy-versus-samurai
  14. Artists at Play, Fall 2013 Production, http://www.artistsatplayla.blogspot.com/2013/04/fall-2013-production.html
  15. Id.
  16. Build, Geffen Playhouse, http://geffenplayhouse.com/more_info.php?show_id=167&hide_calendar=1
  17. Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times, 'Build' really just a waiting game, http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-build-review-20121026,0,7037664.story
  18. Ed Rampell, LA Stage Times, Michael Golamco Builds Brave New Dramas, http://www.lastagetimes.com/2012/10/michael-golamco-builds-brave-new-dramas/
  19. Liz Ohanesian, Michael Golamco Became Obsessed With World of Warcraft for His New Video Game Play Build, http://blogs.laweekly.com/arts/2012/10/build_video_games_geffen_playh.php
  20. Kenneth Jones, Playbill, Thomas Sadoski, Laura Heisler and Peter Katona Build Michael Golamco's New Play, Opening Oct. 24, http://www.playbill.com/news/article/171452-Thomas-Sadoski-Laura-Heisler-and-Peter-Katona-Build-Michael-Golamcos-New-Play-Opening-Oct-24
  21. New Dramatists, Michael Golamco, http://newdramatists.org/michael-golamco
  22. Michael Golamco, Dragon of Love, http://www.michaelgolamco.com/dragon-of-love
  23. NBC Shortcuts, Dragon of Love, http://www.nbcshortcuts.com/2006.html?page=html&archives=dragon
  24. Dennis Harvey, Variety, The Achievers (Review), http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117930083?refcatid=31
  25. Michael Golamco, Features, The Achievers, http://www.michaelgolamco.com/achievers-feature
  26. Amy Tofte, As Kuo Stages Cowboy Versus Samurai, Directing is No Longer a Sideline, LA Stage Times, http://www.lastagetimes.com/2013/09/as-kuo-stages-cowboy-versus-samurai-directing-is-no-longer-a-sideline/
  27. Broadwayworld, http://www.broadwayworld.com/los-angeles/article/COWBOY-VERSUS-SAMURAI-to-Make-LA-Debut-at-The-Rosenthal-Theater-Today-20130927

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