
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Methanosarcina barkeri fusaro
Scientific classification
Domain: Archaea
Kingdom: Euryarchaeota
Phylum: Euryarchaeota
Class: Methanomicrobia

In the taxonomy of microorganisms, the Methanomicrobia are a class of the Euryarchaeota.[1]


The currently accepted taxonomy is based on the List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)[2] and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)[3] and the phylogeny is based on 16S rRNA-based LTP release 106 by 'The All-Species Living Tree' Project.[4]

?Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensisDridi et al. 2011

Methanocella Sakai et al. 2008


Methanothrix Huser et al. 1983

Methermicoccus shengliensis Cheng et al. 2007



♠ Strains found at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) but not listed in the List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)


  1. See the NCBI webpage on Methanomicrobia. Data extracted from the "NCBI taxonomy resources". National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved 2007-03-19. 
  2. J.P. Euzéby. "Methanomicrobia". List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) . Retrieved 2011-11-17. 
  3. Sayers et al. "Methanomicrobia". National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) taxonomy database . Retrieved 2011-06-05. 
  4. 'The All-Species Living Tree' Project."16S rRNA-based LTP release 106 (full tree)". Silva Comprehensive Ribosomal RNA Database . Retrieved 2011-11-17. 

Further reading

Scientific journals

Scientific books

  • Garrity GM, Bell JA, Lilburn TG (2004). "Taxonomic Outline of the Prokaryotes". In DR Boone and RW Castenholz, eds. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Volume 1: The Archaea and the deeply branching and phototrophic Bacteria (2nd ed., Release 5.0 ed.). New York: Springer Verlag. p. 169. doi:10.1007/bergeysoutline200310. ISBN 978-0-387-98771-2. 
  • Garrity GM, Holt JG (2001). "Phylum AII. Euryarchaeota phy. nov.". In DR Boone and RW Castenholz, eds. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Volume 1: The Archaea and the deeply branching and phototrophic Bacteria (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Verlag. p. 169. ISBN 978-0-387-98771-2. 

Scientific databases

External links

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