Max-plus algebra

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A max-plus algebra is a semiring over the union of real numbers and ε = -\infty , equipped with maximum and addition as the two binary operations. It can be used appropriately to determine marking times within a given Petri net and a vector filled with marking state at the beginning.


Scalar operations

Let a and b be real scalars or ε. Then the operations maximum (implied by the max operator \oplus ) and addition (plus operator \otimes ) for these scalars are defined as

a\oplus b=\max(a,b)
a\otimes b=a+b

Watch: Max-operator \oplus can easily be confused with the addition operation. Similar to the conventional algebra, all \otimes - operations have a higher precedence than \oplus - operations.

Matrix operations

Max-plus algebra can be used for matrix operands A, B likewise, where the size of both matrices is the same. To perform the A \oplus B - operation, the elements of the resulting matrix at (row i, column j) have to be set up by the maximum operation of both corresponding elements of the matrices A and B:

[A\oplus B]_{{ij}}=[A]_{{ij}}\oplus [B]_{{ij}}=\max([A]_{{ij}},[B]_{{ij}})

The \otimes - operation is similar to the algorithm of Matrix multiplication, however, every "+" calculation has to be substituted by an \oplus - operation and every "\cdot " calculation by a \otimes - operation. More precisely, to perform the A \otimes B - operation, where A is a m×p matrix and B is a p×n matrix, the elements of the resulting matrix at (row i, column j) are determined by matrices A (row i) and B (column j):

[A\otimes B]_{{ij}}=\bigoplus _{{k=1}}^{p}[A]_{{ik}}\otimes [B]_{{kj}}=\max([A]_{{i1}}+[B]_{{1j}},\dots ,[A]_{{ip}}+[B]_{{pj}})

Useful enhancement elements

In order to handle marking times like -\infty which means "never before", the ε-element has been established by ε=-\infty . According to the idea of infinity, the following equations can be found:

ε \oplus a = a
ε \otimes a = ε

To point the zero number out, the element e was defined by e=0. Therefore:

e \otimes a = a

Obviously, ε is the neutral element for the \oplus - operation, as e is for the \otimes - operation

Algebra properties

  • associativity:
(a\oplus b)\oplus c=a\oplus (b\oplus c)
(a\otimes b)\otimes c=a\otimes (b\otimes c)
  • commutativity :
a\oplus b=b\oplus a
a\otimes b=b\otimes a
  • distributivity:
(a\oplus b)\otimes c=a\otimes c\oplus b\otimes c

See also

Additional reading

  • Butkovič, Peter (2010), Max-linear Systems: Theory and Algorithms, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, doi:10.1007/978-1-84996-299-5 

External links

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