Maudine Ormsby

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Maudine Ormsby was at the center of one of the most notorious pranks in U.S. college history. In the fall of 1926, Miss Ormsby was elected Homecoming Queen at the Ohio State University. Nominated by the OSU College of Agriculture, Ormsby was not enrolled as a student, but won the election when other candidates were disqualified due to election irregularities. However, it was the utterly unique Queen that was the greatest irregularity—Maudine Ormsby was a Holstein cow.

Maudine Ormsby was crowned Queen and viewed her subjects as part of the homecoming parade. According to OSU, however, she did not attend the dance held in her honor. The election runner-up, Rosalind Morrison Snapp, would joke the rest of her life that her epitaph should read, "But for Maudine, here lies a queen."


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